Hawkeye #6

Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: David Aja Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 19, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 20 User Reviews: 29
9.5Critic Rating
9.1User Rating

David Aja returns to the most critically acclaimed comic of 2012!

  • 10
    Marvel Disassembled - Kyle Mc Dec 19, 2012

    The return of David Aja is quite possibly the single best thing about this issue. As great as I though Pulido's art was for those two issues it's clear why people gravitate to his work especially when it's with Fraction. Add that the panel layout which allows Aja to display different facial expressions as Fraction throws out the quips. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Dec 22, 2012

    An absolutely unique take on the always mandatory Christmas Lesson, Hawkeye #6 continues to breathe fresh life into the character and would get my highest recommendation at this, or any other, time of year. Youd have to be a Scrooge not to like this book. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Dec 22, 2012

    While not the best issue of Hawkeye so far, this one is definite greatness. Despite the shift in days, the story was easy to follow and highly entertaining. Fraction and Aja are doing a wonderful job with Hawkeye, dealing with him as a normal human being instead of a costumed Avenger (though they're not skimping too much on the costumes and archery). Clint Barton's attempts to run an apartment complex are a lot of fun, featuring a whole slew of interesting tenants. The guy who keeps confusing ‘Hawkeye' with ‘Hawkguy' is a prime example. Tony Stark makes a very fun cameo appearance (because that's what he's doing this week), and Fraction writes an out-of-character Wolverine and Spider-Man. Still, almost everyone else shines in this issue, including co-star Kate Bishop, who gives Clint a really good talking to. It's definitely great to have Aja back. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Modern Age Comics - Alexander Moser Dec 23, 2012

    I could talk about the book for hours, going page by page, telling you how terrific it is. But I think I'll let you go ahead and read it yourself. Hawkeye has been pulling out great issue after great issue.No need to catch up, you can start right here and join in on one of the best comics of the year. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Dec 24, 2012

    Seriously, if you dig a story about a cool guy, you should read this book. The story of Hawkeye trying to be as awesome in his home life as he is at "work" is a compelling one, and its fascinating to see a superhero who really IS just a regular guy. (Batman, being a genius hyper-millionaire ninja, probably doesn't count.) Hawkeye #6 is another in a series of issues that are on-target, hitting the bullseye and other archery cliches as well, earning 5 out of 5 stars overall.This is the kind of seriesthat will be remembered years from now as a game-changer... Read Full Review

  • 10
    Read Comic Books - Cody Mudge Dec 19, 2012

    There are literally too many amazing things about Hawkeye to list in a review every time it comes out. I can't imagine someone reading this series and not loving it. Now that David Aja is back, the overall quality of this comic soars to its highest level yet. I know these are some big and scary numbers, but I have no choice" Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Dec 17, 2012

    HAWKEYE has quickly become one of my top favorite series. Matt Fraction and David Aja deliver a comic about an Avenger that clearly stands apart from the numerous Avengers-related series. Fraction can take simple ideas, mix them into Hawkeye's world and make it a hilarious treat. David Aja and Matt Hollingsworth do their part to make the issue a feast for your eyes. This isn't the typical Marvel superhero/Avengers comic. That's a great thing. It's a combination of humor, action, suspense and pure entertainment that makes me look forward to each and every issue. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Resources - Kelly Thompson Dec 21, 2012

    Being in love with a superhero comic book is such an amazing experience. It's rare enough that I'm having trouble remembering when I last felt this way about a superhero book. Perhaps it was Greg Rucka and J.H. Williams III's "Batwoman/Detective Comics" run? It's fitting that though these two titles could not be more different, they both perfectly represent what makes superhero comics work. Brilliantly talented creators with a passion for their work, fantastic characters, and editors/publishers unafraid, and even excited, to do something a little different and a lot wonderful. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Jul 16, 2013

    This was a fantastic issue, and one of the best the series has produced so far. It's a fun Hawkeye issue, as well as being a good Christmas story. I would highly recommend this issue as well as the entire series, as it's been mind-blowingly brilliant, and a really fun series. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Dec 24, 2012

    Some people have told me that the artwork has turned them off from reading this book. It almost did the same thing to me, but once you take the time to really read everything in this book, you will have a greater appreciation for Hawkeye and the creative talents of Fraction and company. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Hamilton Ortiz Dec 27, 2012

    Matt Fractions very specific choosing of words is what makes the issue an interesting one and David Aja is just killing it on art duties. Matt Hollingsworth is brilliantly using for the majority of the issue the dull colors of purple, blue, and gray which are helping Aja's art worth stand out more and more. When you are talking about what is Marvels strongest title you have to rank Hawkeye up there in the top three. Clint might be one of the Avengers major players in their main series but his escapades during his free time are really enjoyable. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Multiversity Comics - Zach Wilkerson Dec 21, 2012

    It's not unreasonable to claim this as the best book at Marvel comics, or even the best super hero book period. No other book has such a perfect balance of style and substance, or casts its hero in such a relatable way. Coming so soon after the Avengers film, this book is a prime candidate for new readers who have just been introduced to the character or Marvel comics in general. If you're looking for a good Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza (they're all represented here) gift for a loved one, or even a treat for yourself, look no further than “Hawkeye” #6. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Dec 19, 2012

    Some people have favorite holiday moveis they watch every year. I feel like this will be an issue I read each and every December. Hawkeye #6 is how a holiday-themed comic should be--inclusive, fun, relatable, grounded, visually appealing, and thematic to the season. Throughout the issue, Clint is pushed to be something he's not. In the end, he comes to terms with being himself and liking that person. It's a feeling most of us go through at one point or another, and the backdrop of snowy New York City nights is just so awesome. Fraction and Aja deliver with Hawkeye #6. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Dec 19, 2012

    This comic is so dense that it feels like it's twice as long as it actually is, and that's a good thing because you won't want it to end. Fraction uses Kate -- that other Hawkeye -- to make Clint rethink his choices, and that introspection echoes throughout the rest of the book to make this issue and all the ones before it amount to more than the sum of their parts. Also, you'll get your fill of Lucky the Pizza Dog, find out why Clint has that bandage on his nose, and be tickled to hear that just about everyone, including Wolverine, watches a TV show called "Dog Cops." Not to be cliche, but Fraction and Aja's genius comic book storytelling lands a perfect bullseye. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin Dec 23, 2012

    This book is packed with greatness and you should be reading it. There's no excuse not to as far as I'm aware. The only thing about Hawkeye #6 that I'm not wild about is the issue's cover, and that's mostly because it eschews the purples that have been so present inside and outside the book itself. The rest of it is gold, so get on that. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    J.DubComics - J.DubComics Dec 21, 2012

    This is a rare book that you just know with each issue you open a few different things will happen: a) you will be blown away by the dialogue, b) you will laugh at the jokes c) you will stare at panels due to how beautiful they are. I really am running out of things to say in each review I do on this series. Why would you not be reading this? Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Dec 20, 2012

    Ultimately, it's a sentimental aside of an issue that underplays the emotions contained within, but that doesn't take away from its sincerity and depth of heart. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Dec 18, 2012

    Now, I know Hawkeye isn't for everyone. I know that plenty of superhero fans out there want cosmic action, broad visual storytelling, stakes that shake the universe and alter heroes forever. That's everything Hawkeye isn't. What Hawkeye is is a human story with spurts of superhuman potential. It's a character piece, a quiet assurance for a Christmas night. It's nothing you expected and everything you wanted. Hawkguy is the gift that keeps on giving. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - Jason Todd Dec 22, 2012

    This was a filler issue, and a holiday issue. Yet, it was still really good. I laughed a lot throughout this issue, the scenes with Stark, the "Hawkguy" scene, and the Bro's... just them saying "Bro" and "Futz" cracks me up. But this was also a great issue because it showed how vital Kate is to Clint, who was willing to pack up to keep everyone safe, but was willing to fight to maintain their safety, thanks to a few words from Kate. All in all, this was an issue you can miss, but if you did pick it up, you're guaranteed to enjoy it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ScienceFiction.com - Ben Silverio Dec 25, 2012

    Overall, despite the slightly jarring nature in the way that the story is laid out, 'Hawkeye' successfully maintains the honor of being one of the best series available today. It's still action-packed, funny, and interesting, and I hope it continues to stay that way because it's a pleasure to spend money on something so good. Read Full Review

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