Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #4
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Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #4

Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Dalibor Talajic Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 22, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 16
5.1Critic Rating
6.2User Rating

What if everthing you thought was funny about Deadpoolwas actually just disturbing? What if he decided to kill everyone and everything that makes up the Marvel Universe? What if he actually pulled it off? Would that be FUN for you? The Merc with a Mouth takes a turn for the twisted in a weekly horror comic like no other

  • 8.0
    IGN - Blair Marnell Aug 24, 2017

    Dalibor Talaji's chameleon-like ability to mimic manga and a more kid friendly style is very impressive, and it also fits in perfectly with Deadpool's delusions. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    Geek Smash - Sam Johnson Aug 25, 2012

    Aside from this qualm, writer Cullen Bunn and artist Dalibor Talijac render a well-crafted conclusion to the 4-issue mini-series " with, thankfully, more time given to the Deadpool/Taskmaster battle that'd been coming than others have been afforded " but if, like me, you were expecting a conclusion that's more than 'It's just funnybooks' " rather than having that itch scratched, you'll be left scratching your head. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Digitl Noob - Russ Pirozek Aug 22, 2012

    While the series was a good way to get some more exposure for Deadpool (not that he needs it) and pay homage to a Marvel classic (The Punisher Kills The Marvel Universe, which, to no one's surprise, is mentioned by Deadpool himself at one point), this was a series full of potential for something different, that fell quite a bit short of being new or overly exciting. The whole series is worth a read just to see how Deadpool goes about the business of destroying the world he lives in, but readers will likely not remember it for too long as being anything short of another look at Deadpool, in a light not-so-different than many of the others that have been used before. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Aug 22, 2012

    This is meant to be an absurd story where Deadpool is able to step up his game and do the unexpected at a whole new level. The fashion that the characters die is the key in making the story worth noting. The big question is where will the story leave you afterwards? Is this a story you'll want to read again? Clearly there can't be any repercussions for the future of Deadpool or other characters since this doesn't take place in the proper 616 universe. It will make you look at Deadpool a little differently. A stronger conclusion would have been preferable but perhaps we'll see a continuation to these events. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Marvel Disassembled - Kyle Mc Aug 22, 2012

    The worst thing is none of it will carry on into his normal ongoing series. Obviously he wont be the mass killer in the 616 but like I said when talking about #1 and #2 I was disturbed at what he was doing but reading the current series just makes me roll my eyes out of sheer disappointment. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - Jason Todd Aug 24, 2012

    This issue really disappointed me. The series started so well, and the end with Taskmaster being hired was great, but that fight wasn't everything I expected, and Man Thing blowing himself up so Deadpool could jump worlds annoyed me. It bothered me that some big names like Venom, Black Widow and Dr. Doom were killed off panel yet the Puppet Master got a few pages. The ending was very bad too, I figured he was coming to out world but I thought maybe something would go awry and he'd end up somewhere else, like the Marvel Zombies world. Then we could have Deadpool kills The Marvel Zombies or something, instead, we got to see him lurk outside of Cullen Bunn's meeting and the book just ends. That was disappointing, overall I enjoyed the series but this last issue ended it on a sour note. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Galactica - Girish Kumar Aug 24, 2012

    The writer Cullen Bunn, has done some good work in the past, but this series isn't one of his shining moments. I wish I could erase the memory of this series from my mind. On the bright side the artwork was good. Read Full Review

  • 1.0
    First Comics News - Matthew Szewczyk Aug 22, 2012

    Unless there is a sequel. Gulp. Read Full Review

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