NoMooreMercy's Profile

Joined: Jan 05, 2016

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Deadpool's Art of War #2

By: Peter David, Scott Koblish
Released: Nov 5, 2014

• Deadpool's war is well under way...and out of his control!
• Loki has the conquest of Earth in his sights...and the 'Pool in his dungeon!
• Fortunately, DP knows the secrets of war, right? RIGHT?!

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Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe #4

By: Cullen Bunn, Dalibor Talajic
Released: Aug 22, 2012

What if everthing you thought was funny about Deadpoolwas actually just disturbing? What if he decided to kill everyone and everything that makes up the Marvel Universe? What if he actually pulled it off? Would that be FUN for you? The Merc with a Mouth takes a turn for the twisted in a weekly horror comic like no other

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