Guardians of the Galaxy #1

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Steve McNiven Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 27, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 35 User Reviews: 14
7.5Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

There's a new rule in the galaxy: No one touches Earth! No one!! Why has Earth become the most important planet in the Galaxy? That's what the Guardians of the Galaxy are going to find out!! Join the brightest stars in the Marvel universe: Star Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket Raccoon, Groot and--wait for it--Iron-Man, as they embark upon one of the most explosive and eye-opening chapters of Marvel NOW! These galactic Avengers are going to discover secrets that will rattle Marvel readers for years to come! Why wait for the movie? It all starts here!

  • 10
    A Comic Book Blog - Geoff Arbuckle Mar 27, 2013

    This series launches on a great first issue. Here's to more of the same! Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Mar 30, 2013

    This is a team book that doesn't bother with the usual "gather the team" storyline for the first issue - it just hits the ground running and dares you to keep up. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Super Hero Hype - Spencer Perry Mar 28, 2013

    Guardians of the Galaxy #1 offers a great jumping on point for interested fans and its ensemble cast of characters, with one of the best writers in the business putting words in their mouths, will keep you grinning from ear to ear while reading it. It's gorgeous, well plotted, captivating, and one of the best comics I've read this year. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Mar 27, 2013

    Though I enjoyed it, Guardians of the Galaxy #0.1 was less than satisfactory because it was all backstory and it somewhat diluted the effect of a premier issue that hadn't even come out yet. That being said, after reading Guardians of the Galaxy #1, most of my skepticism has been washed away. It's now clear that Bendis wanted to put out a prelude issue to set up Peter Quill's character enough to carry the first issue -- readers are familiar enough with Quill to not be lost going into the issue, but also get vital information on the actual rest of the team. Guardians of the Galaxy #1 is a triumph for Bendis and Steve McNiven, pointing to a bright future in the stars for Marvel. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Read Comic Books - Derek Baker Mar 28, 2013

    Guardians of The Galaxy may be lacking depth, but Bendis makes up for it with fantastic characterization and a story that is so much fun. This issue also does a bit of foreshadowing, so it looks like many major Marvel Universe events will be coming through here. Any Marvel fan owes it to themselves to join the Guardians. If you dont, you can go krutack yourself. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Marvel Disassembled - Mike Mar 28, 2013

    But in closing, Guardians of the Galaxy #1 excels at what it sets out to do – Reintroducing the characters to a new audience with a story that's not overly convoluted. But to everyone expecting a sweeping narrative or a complex plot you'll probably be disappointed. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ComicBuzz - Robert O'Doherty Mar 29, 2013

    Guardians of the Galaxy offers intriguing characters, drama, action and beautifully detailed art. I highly recommend picking up this new book, especially with the movie on its way. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Pop Cultist - Josh Elliott Mar 27, 2013

    Guardians of the Galaxy #1 is a crash course in intergalactic awesome, written with a Star Wars spirit and perfectly welcoming to first time readers. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Blue Raven Comics - Eric Scroggs Mar 28, 2013

    A sprawling epic-scale story such as this needs an equally grand artist. I can think of no one more qualified than Steve McNiven. He works his usual magic here with some enormous splash pages and double-page spreads, as well as some nice character poses. The intro to Gamora, for example, is summed up in a single page, with no help needed from Bendis' writing. The double-page spread that shows the whole group together is also nicely done. Just the kind of bombastic art that this book calls for. McNiven also excels in delivering the more minute scenes of character interplay, such as Rocket's concern for his friend and teammate, Groot, during battle. His collaboration with Bendis promises to be amazing, as does this title. Highly recommended to both old and new fans. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Marcell Mar 27, 2013

    Guardians #1 sets out what it aimed to do for a 1st issue. By introducing the characters, setting up the world, and how this random assortment of criminals, trees, racoons, runaway princes and Iron Men. This is nice opening and is highly recommended for fans of the team, or those interested in the upcoming movie. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Mar 27, 2013

    Guardians of the Galaxy #1 is a strong first step in the rebooted world of a beloved team. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Maxwell Majernik Mar 29, 2013

    Guardians of the Galaxy is going to be called ‘Avengers in Space'…a lot, but that shouldn't keep anyone from the book. Issue #1 was a fun action team book and while light on story, there is plenty to come back to. If you have any interest in the cosmic side of Marvel or the GotG, then issue 1 is worth a shot. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Mar 30, 2013

    A fun first issue, that will have me going back next month for more. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Stuart Conover Mar 31, 2013

    It wasn't the strongest of first issues as it tried to blend a mixture of information for new readers as well as those who followed Guardians of the Galaxy in the past, but when it got to the actual story line that's going to be happening I was sold. I was a bit curious as to how Tony Stark was going to go from the Guardians of the Galaxy to the current Ultron story arc that is going on but with the team ending up on Earth at the end of the first issue I'm sure they'll have an easy lead in to explain it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Joey Esposito Mar 26, 2013

    But it's not all bombastic; McNiven does have to work in the "smaller" moments of character interaction too, though the more characters involved and the less action required, the less emotion and detail there seems to be. Characters can seem rather stiff when they're doing something other than punching or blasting something. But when the art is on, it's really on, and the action sequences throughout the book are told with the precision and intensity that we've come to expect from the artist. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Apr 1, 2013

    I do have some slight concerns of the redesign of Star-Lord's costume which now look more like a sponsored futuristic football uniform. And, yes, it looks like in their “wisdom,” Marvel has gotten away from the character's trademark helmet in favor of something that never hides the main character's face which I can only assume was a concession made for the upcoming movie (or was redesigned as a new cyclist helmet for Lance Armstrong). Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    iFanboy - Jim Mroczkowski Mar 26, 2013

    Is there a more toxic brain poison than Fake Sci-Fi Cursing? It's a bunch of fracking shazbot. It turns any heated discussion into that old Bill Cosby bit about dads trying not to swear in front of their kids. There are several moments here where Rocket Raccoon will filthing flarn your foul flarn filth, and the editor might as well emerge from behind the scenery with a giant hook to pull you out of the story. No more of this, please. Use the Skrull font, or whatever, if you have to.I do not know what happened to Star-Lord's old outfit, but it is nice to see that he has joined the exciting world of competitive motocross. Everyone needs a hobby. I hope he finds his ticket and gets his real helmet back from the cleaners as soon as possible.Never mind that stuff, though. It's a good book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Modern Age Comics - Alexander Moser Apr 4, 2013

    Guardians of the Galaxy is the next big thing. It's not a perfect first issue, but hey, a team book where the whole team is together in issue 1 is a pretty rare thing these days. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Mar 26, 2013

    GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY comes out of the gate with an entertaining chapter that's loads of fun and looks exceptional. However, so far the overall narrative is fairly light and has a bit of a bland opening . Regardless, Bendis has managed to make this new reader friendly (even if you haven't read the point one issue) and does a more than able job establishing the basics with each character in an amusing fashion. This issue is definitely worth checking out if you're curious about what is sure to become Marvel's biggest cosmic team. We're off to a very good start, Bendis... now let's dive deep into this story! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Aug 20, 2013

    This was a very good first issue of the series, and although it's not quite as good as the point one issue it's still very good, and a nice way to ease newer readers into the series. The issue did how have fun and exciting moment, and I really look forward to reading more of the series. I would easily recommend this issue as well as the point one issue, as it's something that's very unique and fun, and overall interesting. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Den Of Geek! - Mike Cecchini Mar 29, 2013

    Steve McNiven's art is terrific, and he draws a pretty cool "dive bar at the end of the universe" just as easily as he draws ridiculous space battles. The double page spread where he introduces the core Guardians team of Gamora, Groot, Drax, Rocket Raccoon, and Star-Lord is absolute bliss, and it may as well be the movie poster when the time comes. For a property with a pretty ridiculous, complicated publication history (which you can read about right here), Guardians of the Galaxy manages to be pretty friendly for an inexperienced reader, and should help get you excited for a film that's still sixteen months away! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Mar 28, 2013

    The collaboration between Bendis and McNiven is a strong one, and something that we hope will last for a while on this title. This is still the Bendis we've come to enjoy from Alias to Age of Ultron. While the book doesn't have the immediate youthful fun factor of stablemate Nova, or the previous Guardians of the Galaxy run for that matter, this takes the hard sci-fi of the previous incarnation and filters it through a mixture of Star Trek hanging out at the Star Wars cantina, ready to tell us a few stories over a glass or four. It's a big galaxy out there, and we can't wait to see what is on the other side. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    Entertainment Fuse - Sean Elks Mar 29, 2013

    Bendis and McNivens first issue of Guardians of the Galaxy isnt likely to blow anyone away, but it does present a strong premise for the new series. Star-Lord, with his new emphasis on his campy backstory, surprisingly comes off well thanks to Bendis focusing more on the father/son relationship than anything else. However, the rest of the cast really could have used more attention. Someone also needs to get McNiven to broaden his perspective on science fiction so we can get some better character designs out of him than this. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Apr 1, 2013

    While it is not perfect, Guardians of the Galaxy #1 did a lot well that I will be coming back for more. Brian Bendis did a lot to set up the current setting of the Marvel Cosmic Universe and what the mission statement of the Guardians of the Galaxy will be. The Council of Galactic Empires are firmly established to be both good and bad guys with how they will be making decisions that will be personal for Star-Lord and company. And, even though I am not too wild about a couple character designs, Steve McNiven does a great job bringing to life Bendis's cosmic soap opera. If you have been enjoying the current direction of Marvel Now I recommend giving Guardians of the Galaxy #1 a shot as it has a grand scope that shows a lot of potential. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Mar 26, 2013

    While there's plenty to gripe about in "Guardians of the Galaxy" #1, there is no mistaking that Brian Michael Bendis and Steve McNiven have shown up to tell their story of the Guardians, not to interpret Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning's Guardians. Taken for what it is -- an offering for uninitiated movie buffs and lapsed comic fans enthused by the upcoming feature film of the same name -- this comic book offers quite a bit to enjoy, but needed to be just a little bit longer in order to completely satisfy. This is a good, solid start, but it needs a little more punch to secure the readers' interests. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - kanchilr1 Mar 27, 2013

    While Guardians Of The Galaxy is a frustrating read for longtime fans, those who are new to the property should find no problems at all aside from being slightly confused. The pencils by McNiven show a seasoned artist adept at sequential storytelling. Hopefully moving forward this comic book will grow into the incredible title it has the potential to be. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - Jason Todd Mar 31, 2013

    This issue was a bit slower than the last issue, which was fantastic, but this was far from a bad story. I enjoyed Tony Stark realizing he needs to take himself out of the moment and look at things on a more cosmic scale by joining the Guardians of the Galaxy. I also thought the character development of Peter's dad, from being a suave, debonair alien that landed on Earth, to the very smug, master of mind games and tyrannical ruler that we saw here. All in all, this issue wasn't as great as the last one, but it did a good job of showing the team, showing us what to expect, and giving us a look at the current relationship between Peter and his dad. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    One Quest - Chris Cobb Mar 29, 2013

    Guardians of the Galaxy #0.1 was a great way to start a new series. It gave new and old readers a history lesson on our here Peter Quill aka Star Lord. Unfortunately the official first issue of Guardians of the Galaxy fell a little short. It was a pretty standard "Hey look here's the cast of the book". Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Hugo Robberts Lariviere Mar 29, 2013

    The first issue of Guardians of the Galaxy is unfortunately a decompressed read where nothing much really happens. We get a pretty good introduction about who Star-Lord is and where the book might be going, but we do so at the detriment of the pacing. Fortunately, there is some good action and some really great art and colorization from Steve McNiven and Justin Ponsor respectively that enhance the whole package to make this first issue a visual feast. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Mar 30, 2013

    And then there are the fake curse words. God dammit. Threshold had them, and now Guardians of the Galaxy does too. The made-up word “krutack” is used no less than three times over the course of a single issue, and it just gets more and more grating every time I read it. Everybody wants to create the next ‘frack' or ‘gorramit', but instead it's just awkward and off-putting. Please, space writers, just stop. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    PopMatters - Mike Cassella Apr 2, 2013

    In the end, I hoped that this title would be a fresh take on classic characters and there wouldn't be the smell of heavy-handed committee-think all over a book that deserved to stand on its own as opposed to set up a summer blockbuster. No such luck. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Multiversity Comics - Matthew Meylikhov Mar 29, 2013

    "Guardians" needs to be more than "Space Avengers," but it's not really given the star treatment the book deserves. Bendis can certainly write better stories than this, and the recent "X-Men" books are proof positive that he's great at team introduction books (let alone any book of his career that had a #1 and featured a team). "Guardians" just feels sloppy, though, as Bendis is clearly walking a shaky line between following-up a critically acclaimed run and attempting to launch a book to a different fanbase. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Mar 25, 2013

    And that's the big problem with Guardians of the Galaxy #1. It's got two huge names attached, and considering few people knew or cared about this super-group, that's a good hook to bring on new readers. But that's just the hook - after a number of chances to get acquainted with this group, I still don't know anything about Starlord and company that would make me want to read about their adventures. Decent pencils and a semi-smart twist will only take you so far - if this book doesn't develop some characterization stat, Marvel's next big franchise is going to be over before it's even begun. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Major Spoilers - Elijah Williams Mar 31, 2013

    This is not worth picking up. It's not a terrible comic, but it just is not different enough from everything else Marvel is putting out to justify buying. It was kind of boring to be honest, and a series about Rocket Racoon and the living tree-man Groot should not be boring. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comic Booked - Skott Jimenez Mar 28, 2013

    Now, I wanted to like this book, I truly did. There has been almost nothing in this First Wave of Marvel NOW! titles that I've liked and as a longtime fan of both Marvel Cosmic and the Guardians Of The Galaxy I had hoped that this book would be the one I could get into despite all the disadvantages it has. Unfortunately, it failed on almost every level. Marvel Cosmic, like much of the Marvel NOW! 616 Universe, is almost completely unrecognizable. But, having said all that, I may be willing to give the second issue a chance. I don't know why other than I feel like I should have something from this wave of Marvel NOW! titles. Read Full Review

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