Deadpool Killustrated #1
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Deadpool Killustrated #1

Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Matteo Lolli Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 23, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 6
5.6Critic Rating
6.3User Rating

• Deadpool has already killed every hero in the Marvel Universe.

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Jan 23, 2013

    The idea of combining Deadpool and the 'classics' seemed like just another senseless Deadpool miniseries. Thankfully Cullen Bunn does a great job making it make sense. You wouldn't think it was possible but it does. There are some great possibilities we could see. We get a nice analysis in what makes the heroes exist and it'll be interesting to see how it plays out here. There are still a couple threads from DEADPOOL KILLS THE MARVEL UNIVERSE that may be addressed here which adds another bonus. It is violent (hence the parental warning) but isn't quite as dark as DEADPOOL KILLS THE MARVEL UNIVERSE. This is an out of continuity tale. It won't change who Deadpool is the main Marvel Universe. That doesn't matter. This is a way to see more wacky adventures with Deadpool doing what he does best. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Fanboy Buzz - ChrisDeneen Jan 28, 2013

    This issue builds up on the previous series well and propels Deadpool forward toward new worlds and interesting opponents. You have to wonder whether any of them will be able to stop such an efficient killer. Personally i'm wondering how much longer Marvel can drag this concept out for. As we all know Marvel Zombies ended up beating a dead horse for far too long and had way too many spin offs. It feels like this series could end up going the same route. As much as I love Deadpool as a character I think it might be best to dial back on using him for a while. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    Comic Book Syndicate - Chris Mailloux Jan 23, 2013

    In the end it's a good start to the series and has a lot of potential. The story itself is interesting enough for you to give it a shot. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Christopher Romero Jan 26, 2013

    Serving as a sequel to Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe, this is a good book that also features entertaining cartoon-like artwork. If you're looking for a light-hearted read, pick up Deadpool Killustrated. Ok, maybe Missy was worth the D in junior year American-Lit. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Are Not Dead - Comics Are Not Dead Jan 27, 2013

    Deadpool Killustrated is a surprisingly good sequel to Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe. It's easy to compare it to this month's Savage Wolverine, both of which are just comics meant to be fun, nothing else. Read Full Review

  • 6.6
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jan 23, 2013

    Matteo Lolli's visuals are serviceable enough. The pages documenting Wade's battle with Moby Dick stand out in terms of detail and framing, but generally the book has a pretty plain aesthetic that neither diminishes the script nor does much to enhance it. Fans of Bunn's previous mini will want to check this one out, but more casual Deadpool fans will probably be better off trade-waiting. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    AIPT - David Jan 23, 2013

    The concept is simple enough to understand. Deadpool is suicidal in this storyline, but in his last adventure realized he'll never die unless he can kill the writers of the comic books. The last series ended with said killing, but it seems that wasn't enough. There's only one solution and that's to become “metacidal.” He needs to kill all the fiction that may or may not have inspired his story. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    WhatCulture - Christopher Jones Jan 26, 2013

    I had high hopes for this one, but came away feeling really disappointed. Killing off Moby Dick, Ishmael and Don Quixote is a laughable idea so it would make sense that it be fun and absurd. Instead, it feels like Bunn is struggling to decide which Deadpool to write. I like the contrast of wise ass remarks juxtaposed to some of the darker images courtesy of Lolli, Parsons and Gandini, but a lot of times the humor feels forced. The references to literature seem like something anyone who took an intro to lit course could have written. This is a book that starts building momentum, and then falls flat. Its not bad, but its just short of being good. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    Digitl Noob - Russ Pirozek Jan 23, 2013

    This is not a great entry into the Marvel universe, and the graphic content warning on the front cover does nothing but bring a fleeting glimpse of something a bit more down Deadpool's alley in terms of language and violence. Both, along with countless other facets such as plot and overall entertainment, fail to live up to expectations, and this follow-up to a series that should have never found shelves has lived up the reputation of sequels to lackluster series: worse the the first to the point of its entire existence being questioned. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Major Spoilers - Dave Conde Jan 28, 2013

    I give Deadpool Killustrated #1 one and a half stars""an improvement on the previous series (feint praise indeed) but fails to provide satisfying amounts of either Deadpool or literature. The final page reveal hints at a hook that could be worth following-a new protagonist that we can root for against Deadpool. Promising, but for me too little, too late. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Jan 28, 2013

    Perhaps the problem is simply that "Deadpool Killustrated" is the kind of idea that works best as just that: an idea. As soon as you try to execute it on the page, possibilities collapse, the perfect joke in your head becomes an imperfect telling of the joke. The thought of Deadpool slashing his way through the classics is twice as good as the trudging, mechanical reality of it. There's only the barest hint of a twist in the story, but it can't hope to inspire the attention it needs when set against such wilful absurdity. In the end, this is a comic that needed to be rapid-fire. Instead, it's stuck on automatic. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    First Comics News - Matthew Szewczyk Jan 28, 2013

    Perhaps the biggest problem with the book is that it seems to be a book without a purpose. I am not sure that there were any fans clamoring for Deadpool to take on the classics and it does not lend itself well to a mini-series or even a one-shot. Fans would have been better served with a book of pin-up covers spoofing the various “Classics Illustrated” editions instead of trying to tell a linear story with the premise. If Marvel really wanted another mini series then they could have expanded this issues scene of the villains realizing they may be heroes due to circumstances beyond their control. Imagine Deadpools aggravation if he had slaughtered all the heroes only to have the villains ruin his day by becoming heroes themselves. If nothing else, at least you would have had some pretty cool fight scenes as Marvels biggest and most evil villains fought it out with Deadpool. They would have presented more of a challenge then the characters in this issue do. Read Full Review

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