X-Men #2

Writer: Brian Wood Artist: Olivier Coipel Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 26, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 17 User Reviews: 6
8.0Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

The school is on lockdown...but if the bad guys can’t get out, neither can the X-Men!John Sublime is back, but is one of the X-Men’s scariest villains not who we should be afraid of?Who or what is Arkea?

  • 10
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Jul 1, 2013

    The only thing about this issue one can really criticise is its length. Seldom have 20 pages of comic felt so stingy -- but then, when a reader doesn't want a story to ever end, any conclusion is too soon. It's everything a fan could possibly want out of an X-book: engaging plots, exciting artwork and characters that feel like old friends. Maybe the world wasn't crying out for another X-Men title, but let's face it: if every X-Men book was as good as Wood and Coipel's, they could put out twice and many again without hearing a complaint. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Sep 10, 2013

    This was another brilliant issue, and on par with the outstanding opener. It had amazing, and exciting action, with a mysterious, and interesting new villain who's sure to have more to say before this story's through. The drama, and suspense caused by this villain was also brilliant, and although I was disappointed that Jubilee didn't have too big an appearance, it didn't take away from the story. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue, and the previous, and if this series continues like this it will quickly become one of my favourite's, which I would never have thought of prior to it's release. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    ScienceFiction.com - Jason Motes Jun 28, 2013

    The first issue received universal rave reviews. It made me feel chintzy for only giving it 4 out of 5 atoms! The art is great. The characterization is on point and quite fun. It's a solid book! But, sorry, I don't think it's perfect. Even so, I'm willing to go up a half an atom… Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Marvel Disassembled - Magen Cubed Jun 28, 2013

    An exciting and engaging read, from start to finish. I highly recommend this book. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Analog Addiction - Jideobi Odunze Jun 27, 2013

    It's another solid issue for this new team of X-Men, and shows that this book has the potential to be something great. Brian Wood shows to have a capable grasp of all the characters this plot is centered around. It ended on shocking cliffhanger that leaves you wondering what Wood has up his sleeve because it is not an encouraging sight for anyone at the school, let alone anyone in the proximity of that device as it hits zero. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 26, 2013

    And none of this is to suggest that the series succeeds solely on the strength of Coipel's art. If this issue isn't very plot-driven, it still manages to pack in a healthy dose of character drama and banter. Wood shows a clear love for, and understanding of, his large cast. Everyone from Rogue to Psylocke to Rachel Grey has a distinct but authentic voice. Wood deserves an Eisner solely for being the first writer in years to make Jubilee into a compelling character again. Her brush with motherhood lends the book a welcome dose of heart. That struggle and the general team dynamic at play have me interested in the future of this series even after Coipel departs. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Hyper Geeky - ClumsyG Jul 2, 2013

    X-Men #2 shows how important this title is to Marvel's stable of X-Books. It's got heft and drama — even heft in its drama. In its writing and in its art — the book is sharp and streamlined for maximum entertainment. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Jun 26, 2013

    Now that we're two issues into this series it's starting to become more clear what Wood is going for as far as team dynamics and character. It still feels like an X-Men comic, but its own identity is emerging and I think it's going to be great. This issue boils down to a fight scene which means it's a little bit of a decompression when it comes to storytelling, but the characters are so strong you won't notice. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Feb 10, 2015

    There's a lot of interesting little areas that can be built up from here and I'm largely liking the dynamic of it all with how they work so well together and just focus on getting the job done. Each brings their own thing to the table in the fight or defense and there's no real second guessing here, outside of concern for Jubilee, which is tied to the fact she's toting around a little baby that's been asleep for quite some time. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jun 29, 2013

    That being said, the rest of the comic is great. The action is fantastic, and each of the characters is very well-written. I like how they care about Karima even as they fight the villain possessing her. And the art is just phenomenal. Olivier Copiel is one of my all-time favorite comic book artists, and to have him on a regular book like this, an X-Men book no less, is a dream come true. I hope he sticks around for a good, long while. Those are my rules: no killing students and keep Copiel around forever. Then X-Men will be a huge success. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Jul 3, 2013

    I really think that the line-up of Uncanny, All-New and X-Men are better now than they've been in years. Although you may have to have a bit more knowledge of previous X-stories for this particular series, if you do then this new title is a must read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - ToriBee Jun 28, 2013

    Aside from that, it’s still going strong, and still feels very much like an X-Men book despite the fact that it’s predominantly female-lead. We have Beast playing his part, and there’s also a glimpse of the students as well, to serve as a reminder where they are, and even while they’re off fighting threats, their roots will always lie with the school. (Hellion is a sassy little thing and I personally enjoyed every panel he was in despite the fact that he doesn’t say anything. Pixie too. –-It’s just really great to see other X-Men members join the fray, really.) Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Multiversity Comics - David Harper Jun 28, 2013

    I'm so close to loving this book, but it just hasn't gotten there yet for me. Wood is doing some quality character work " I enjoy the way he writes Kitty, in particular, and his John Sublime is strangely human " and Coipel is, shockingly, brilliant, but there's something here that leaves me cold. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jul 2, 2013

    I'm not a heavy-duty X-Men reader, but my relatively rudimentary knowledge of continuity gave this book just enough heft that it doesn't feel like the characters are buried in the old stuff to the point where the comic doesn't make sense. This issue lacks some of the charm of Uncanny X-Force (probably due to a lack of Puck) or the complex lunacy that is Uncanny Avengers, but it's a solid comic story with some extremely lovely art, even if it's not a story that compels me to come back next issue in a buying frenzy. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Digitl Noob - Russ Pirozek Jun 28, 2013

    This is a book that has a lot of potential, but with only one issue left in this first arc, it's in danger of becoming a problematic X-title. There is a great team, a superstar creative duo and the potential to tell some amazing stories, but this first arc is just not really grasping what could really become of this terrific team. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jun 28, 2013

    Next issue's story will wrap up the opening storyline - here's hoping the ending holds together better than the middle. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Jun 26, 2013

    Coipel's inclusion was supposed to add further legitimacy to a book that many would dismiss as "that girl X-Men book." Instead, the art stands out against a story that could have appeared in any book with any characters that was written, frankly, by any writer. Somewhere along the way we lost the Brian Wood that was responsible for DMZ and Northlanders, books that had style and nuance in spades while still providing powerful, meaningful plotlines. I'm well aware that those aren't superhero books. I'm well aware that Wood is playing with "someone else's toys," so to speak. But great writers are able to bring out the best in corporate characters by taking them to their limits in new and interesting ways. I've always considered Brian Wood a great writer but I have yet to see him bring much to the table in his work for Marvel to this point. X-Men is probably his best opportunity to change that but we haven't seen it yet. Read Full Review

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