Broken Pieces #4

Writer: Mark Roslan Artist: Cory Smith Publisher: Aspen Comics Release Date: October 3, 2012 Critic Reviews: 4
7.8Critic Rating
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  • 9.0
    Digitl Noob - Russ Pirozek Oct 2, 2012

    While the book has a few minor issues, this series is terrific, with a great story that is both interesting and emotionally involving. With a story that really catches the reader, artwork that supports the story well, and characters that have an air of true humanity in them, Broken Pieces is a book unlike any other in the Aspen library, and its ability to stand out makes it even more interesting to read. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Oct 4, 2012

    This issue covers a lot of ground in terms of the plot. It’s a very good issue and there is a ton of character development just waiting for a big payoff. The series concludes in the next issue and it almost seems too quick, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to seeing how this heartbreaking tragedy is going to end. I want to believe that it will all come to a conclusion with a happy ending, but I have a feeling that like the rest of the story… it will be pretty messed up emotionally. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Oct 3, 2012

    Broken Pieces #4 is a strong penultimate issue that will please fans as they brace themselves for what looks to be a very climactic forthcoming finale. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Geekality - Worm VonChaos Oct 4, 2012

    This is one bizarre book, The main character has a healing power kind of like Deadpools Power and he can use his blood to heal other people. The art of Cory Smith is really nice on the eyes and Beth Soletos colors are equally great, but there was a whole lot of nothing for story in the first three quarters of the issue. Then a very short but brutal fight happens at the end as a lead up for the last issue of the mini. Its not an awful series but it didnt do too much for me. There is blood, gore and some T & A which helped the series but it was just sub par. Read Full Review

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