Mass Effect: Foundation #3

Writer: Mac Walters Artist: Tony Parker Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: September 25, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
8.6Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

The loss of the human colony Eden Prime was the first in a series of catastrophes to mark the return of the Reapers-a race of sentient AI that would threaten all life in the galaxy. Now, in her own words, Gunnery Chief Ashley Williams reveals what she saw.

  • 9.0
    Digitl Noob - Russ Pirozek Sep 23, 2013

    There is an interesting turn made with the mention of Shepard in this issue, and while the story focuses on another familiar face, this is a series that really tells fans how close this is going to be to the gaming franchise. The book looks great, reads well and is a great addition to the catalog of the series. How this series plays into other major events in the game. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Daniel Briscoe Sep 17, 2013

    While it still remains unclear where the story will go and who we will see next, it is exciting to return to the world of Mass Effect in full and to see what was happening before and during the events of the games from different angles. With the writers of the first and second game at the helm, there's no telling what they'll do in the remaining 10 issues, but it will be something that every fan of the series will want to make sure and pick up each week it comes out. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    The Rhodes Review - Stephen W Rhodes Oct 1, 2013

    I don't mean to be harsh, but the biggest thing holding this series back is the art style. I really miss the original artist, Omar Francia, fromMass Effect: Foundation #1. I thought that he really captured the likenesses of the characters perfectly. Actually, his style just seemed to capture theMass Effect universe better as a whole. The guy who took over, Tony Parker, is a good artist, I just don't think his style is right for the series, especially after starting with Francia. On the bright side, the overall story thatFoundation is telling is still really good. This was my least favorite issue so far, but it wasn't a bad one. My hopes are high that things will pick up next issue with Kaiden getting the spotlight. Read Full Review

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