Thunderbolts #3

Writer: Daniel Way Artist: Steve Dillon Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 9, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 3
5.4Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

The Thunderbolts are tearing their way through a bloody mission!

  • 8.5
    Digitl Noob - Russ Pirozek Jan 10, 2013

    Thunderboltsis off to a great start thus far, with an interesting introductory mission to a team that is sure to be full of surprises. Each team member is looking to play a major role at some point, though thus far, not all members are featured equally. While this, and the overuse of red in the costumes and tinting are a detraction, they are not enough to stray away from this title, which so far has been action-packed, with a bit of the old Wilson humor shining through. Dillon is showing great control with his artwork, and Way is showing that he doesn't need the Merc With A Mouth to run a great book (though his presence is helping), as he takes on several major Marvel characters and makes them his own in a fun way. This is a book that will look to make a major impact in the near future, and these Thunderbolts will do so in a way that only they can. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - vannarysok Jan 12, 2013

    Thunderbolts began on a much slower start than expected but this issue was a bit more eventful. The introduction of a super villain and the tension that’s about to occur may be the fire that this series needs. And with Noto coming on board later, we can hope for more unity with the writing, exterior and interior artwork. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Daniel Alvarez Jan 9, 2013

    Overall, Thunderbolts #3 is an intriguing comic. It's definitely an improvement, in both writing and story. It's still not the 'great' series it should be, but I think it's getting there. I'm looking forward to every character's reaction to the crazy ending next issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Geeks Unleashed - geeksunleashed Jan 10, 2013

    Way and Dillon wrap up the issue with an interesting cliffhanger by means of a dramatic splash page.Although this issue is a step up from the title's prior two, it still lacks development in regards to thevillains. We still know very little about the dictator and his motives. Also, it would be nice to seeElektra get a little more page time. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jennifer Cheng Jan 14, 2013

    However, despite the strong pacing and Way's tackling the challenge of a team of tight-lipped killers, "Thunderbolts" is still missing something. Aside from Deadpool, the team members barely interact with each other or the oppressed people whose revolution they have co-opted. Despite Way and Dillon's respective skills, "Thunderbolts" has a weird aftertaste because no one in this comic is happy except the perennially cheerful Deadpool. This mood contributes to a Marvel NOW! title that has some chops but is off in tone, showcasing brutality without passion, efficiency without soul. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Ben Silverio Jan 14, 2013

    Overall, I'm enjoying the story and the anti-heroes working together (kinda), but I'm finding some of the jumping around in time to be distracting. Hopefully there will be less of that as the story goes into Act II. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Jan 9, 2013

    THUNDERBOLTS pretty much feels like Marvel NOW!'s unsuccessful attempt at duplicating The Expendables. It's a roster of badass characters you love, there's an able dose of action but the story leaves a lot to be desired. Except here, the action isn't even that grand or even energetic. Because I'm such a fanboy of these characters, I'm going to see this story arc through to the end, despite my better judgement. I sincerely hope it improves or else this is a title I'll absolutely drop. I want to like THUNDERBOLTS and was so excited for it, but man, it's just a letdown.A bit off topic, but did anyone else feel like Deadpool and Rulk were hanging out with Sinestro? Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Jan 13, 2013

    What the hell was THIS!?  I swear, as I started reading this issue I thought I missed an issue somewhere along the line...  I mean, last I remember, Deadpool had been shot in the head while working with Elektra.  Now he was suddenly with Rulk, with no mention of Elektra at all...  And nobody even mentioned Pool getting shot!  I mean, I KNOW it happened!  But here Pool was just randomly working with Rulk...  Weird.  And then there was Leader, who was drugged up and vomiting.  What purpose did that serve!?  Or Punisher shooting monkeys...  Or Venom driving in trucks...  I have no clue what this was all about.  And I didn't like it one bit.  I trust Dan Way, so I'll give this title a longer leash than most other series, but if things don't pick way up, this series may find itself in the scrapheap. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Jan 9, 2013

    As with the previous two issues, the art is also a real problem. This is not the book for Steve Dillon. It's not entirely his fault, because as stated in the second act of sucking, nothing happens. He just draws people talking pretty much the whole time. There's little to no detail in nearly every panel, even when there's high-tech weaponry involved. The whole thing just looks bland, which fits in with the nice sandwich of suck that is this book. These characters deserve better. These creators can do better (they have done better). We, the fans, deserve better. Thunderbolts sucks. That is all. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Major Spoilers - Dave Conde Jan 12, 2013

    One other thing-the secondary character designs. We're told that Kata Jaya is in Southeast Asia, but looking at the people who live there, I would never know. From the look of them, the rebel army members could be Asian, or Native American, or Hispanic or even Germans with tans. And when the truckload of local conscripts shows up it is somehow a multicultural group of guys you'd see in a beer commercial. I'm not asking for stereotypical racial caricatures, but if you want to set the story in an "exotic" culture, the people are part of what make that culture unique..THE BOTTOM LINE: WON'T BE FOOLED AGAIN... Read Full Review

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