Thunderbolts #2

Writer: Daniel Way Artist: Steve Dillon Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 19, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 3
5.4Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

Red Hulk, Venom, Elektra, Deadpool, the Punisher. Forget the courts, the jails, the system this team of Thunderbolts fights fire with fire, targeting the most dangerous and lethal players in the Marvel Universe with extreme prejudice. Led by General Thunderbolt Ross, AKA the Red Hulk, this hand-picked team of like-minded operatives is going to make the world a better placeby all means necessary.

  • 8.0
    Digitl Noob - Russ Pirozek Dec 21, 2012

    The T-Bolts are back and more dysfunctional than ever, with each team member an individual star, though on a team, they may not be so stellar. The first mission was a mixed success, and looks to not even be over as of the second issue. With such a large team, making them fit together and giving them the amount of focus needed seems to be proving difficult, but all in all, Thunderbolts is a great success so far. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    PopMatters - Jay Mattson Jan 14, 2013

    Thunderbolts #2 more than makes up for a lackluster first showing. Daniel Way shows that he's got a real vision for this series, and it's an intriguing one that's got a lot of potential. And that's before considering how this team will interact with the rest of the Marvel universe. How secret is this operation? Does anyone else in the superhero community know Ross has put this team together? What happens when they cross paths with the Avengers or the FF? These are the kind of interesting possibilities that come with Thunderbolts and it will be exciting to see how they play out. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Dec 19, 2012

    THUNDERBOLTS is without question the Marvel NOW! title I was the most excited about. I'm a sucker for this roster and how can I not be thrilled after those oh-so-fine covers? I don't just want to like this book, I want to love it. There's so much potential for the team, but right now the title hasn't done anything to wow me except for simply including a cast of characters I adore.The plot's fairly straight forward (which is perfectly fine for now), but the chemistry between characters isn't as sharp as it could be and the action isn't as energetic as it should be. Despite my jaw not being on the floor after this read, it was still a fairly amusing issue and it's still a title I'm going to follow. I just really hope it'll become more interesting. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Daniel Alvarez Dec 19, 2012

    Overall, a disappointing followup to the average first issue. The story is generally unexciting, after I had put down the comic, I had to remember just what the heck happened. I like a good story, but the main reason whyI'm reading this series is for the characters. I want to see them interact with each other, we don't even see what their first reactions are when they found out who they were working with. Thunderbolts so far has been a disappointingseries. (Which is surprising since I quite like some ofDaniel Way's work.) Sadlythe wonderful cast is being underutilized, I can only hope it starts to improve, otherwise I don't see it lasting after the 10th issue. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Dec 19, 2012

    So it seems that Thunderbolts is destined to be a book about a bunch of characters I like guided by creators I sadly don't. Way's writing still feels limp, although that may seem moreso because Dillon's work, while technically sound, feels so staid and lifeless. This just means each new issue is going to be a fresh bit of agony for me. Read Full Review

  • 4.9
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Dec 19, 2012

    The positive thing about this issue is Steve Dillon's art and even that is a mismatched mess at times. The scene with the Punisher and Venom looks awesome, but the scene with Deadpool and Elektra is awkward and boring. Dillon can draw street level violence and horror as well as anybody, but graceful ninjas and extra large superheroes are not his specialty. They should just turn this book into a Venom and Punisher series. It'd make more sense and look a hell of a lot better. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Dec 22, 2012

    If you can get past the fact that Way doesn't bother to give anyone any motivation in this series, it's still a poorly put together comic. He jumps around to different parts of the story for no good reason, and it isn't even very clear how any of the parts fit together. We go from Venom and Punisher ambushing some soldiers, to Deadpool and Elektra's water infiltration, to Venom and Punisher hanging out with Red Hulk as he tells them about the Leader. There's no clear indication what any of these various missions are accomplishing or in what order they're taking place. The only bright spot in this comic is a brief narration by Ross describing his team. They have no nationality, no ties to any other superhero groups. They are just a lone fighting force, striking their foes like lightning strikes the Earth. And that's a cool premise for a superhero team. But Way doesn't even try to make any part of this coherent. And Dillon's art isn't doing the book any favors. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Major Spoilers - Kevin Mak Dec 25, 2012

    Gathering this group of anti-heroes to fight as a unit was a great idea. Even though the artwork is solid, the story need better execution. The ending plot twist helps, and maybe the series will get better later. However, right now, it's not that interesting. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Ryan K. Lindsay Mar 27, 2013

    "Thunderbolts" #7 is an issue without focus. Everything feels like treading water until the final reveal, after which a fight can ensue in the next issue. Many of the characters are written a little off, like Elektra or Deadpool, or are just plain underused, like Venom. This isn't bad so much as it is ultimately forgettable, which even the great artwork from Phil Noto can't save. No issue should feel only like a bridge between two other issues, it should stand on its own in some way. Read Full Review

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