The Massive #10

Writer: Brian Wood Artist: Gary Erskine Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: March 27, 2013 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 8
8.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The Kapital finally gets a reliable lead on The Massive and moves to follow . . . only to stumble into a regional war zone! Callum must deal with a mutiny when members of his crew force him to divert so they can join their home country in its war.

  • 10
    The Fandom Post - Josh Begley Mar 26, 2013

    The Massive is absolutely one of the best titles on the rack right now, and it's well worth reading. It's an ambitious, intelligent, and excellently executed geo-political apocalyptic drama. The setting is complex and sophisticated, as are the characters, and the drama"while set against a global stage"is personal and real. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Chris Romero Mar 28, 2013

    The Massive is not only an amazing action-packed and thought-provoking story, but it's quickly becoming a heartfelt one as well. The demise of humanity never looked so cool. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Read Comic Books - Aaron Meyers Mar 28, 2013

    The Massive isnt about an issue, or a panel or even an arc. The Massive ismassive. We can take this latest issue as a slice of the whole. Is it a turning point? Maybe. Is it a must read? Definitely. You dont want to miss what comes next. This is the calm before the storm. The world is out there, The Massive is out there. What will we find over the horizon? Keep reading and lets find out! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Multiversity Comics - Walt Richardson Mar 28, 2013

    This latest arc of “The Massive” has been billed as an event, and while that term carries a lot of connotations, you can be sure it's off to a better start than any other self-described event comics I've read in the past few years. Brian Wood has been cranking out consistent levels of quality for the past year and longer, and Gary Erskine is an addition to the creative cast whom I'd welcome back in a heartbeat. Between the complex questions the issue asks and the general high quality of the workmanship, plus its ability to stand on its own as well as a link in the chain, you've got a fine comic issue — just like the other nine preceding it. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards Mar 25, 2013

    Art-wise, the books switching of palettes and style for the information pages and general action works wonders, as does the lettering, which bleeds the story together to connect their importance. Legendary artists Gary Erksine is responsible for this issues art and, while quite brilliant for most, can dip into cartoon in a way that jars the careful realism Wood is attempting. However rare, these moments are jarring, but Erksines generally expressive and grounded visuals still add to the story and its world. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Digitl Noob - Russ Pirozek Mar 23, 2013

    With a new story arc, a new art team and a lot of turmoil, The Massive has taken an interesting turn. Cal and his crew have a lot of work to do and a lot to work on, with health struggles, crew discomfort and a missing ship that has yet to be found. Cal makes some major decisions in this issue, and it's one readers of the series should not miss out on. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Russell Mar 28, 2013

    Make no mistake on The Massive #10‘s content. It is heady. Thought provoking and a narrative that needs your full attention to stay on board. But that is definitely not a bad thing. Wood's writing keeps you engaged and he throws in enough mystery and characters struggling with choices that you can't help getting sucked in. With this new arc there isn't a better time to jump on board. Give it a chance and I dare say you will be too. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - David Disspain Apr 5, 2013

    In terms of world building and characterization, Brian Wood is one of the masters. Each member of the Kapital is a distinct and well rounded personality and their dialogue is realistic and flows like natural conversation. But without knowing what Mr. Wood has in store for the next 2 issues of the story arc, it’s hard to say how well this episode is executed. On one hand, the armed crew taking Callum hostage and demanding their release from service seems a bit stilted, almost like manufactured drama. On the other hand, it’s Brian Freaking Wood and you just know he’s got something up his sleeve that should make it all more impactful and compelling. History is on his side when it comes to telling a flat out good story, and so I for one will be interested to stay on board with the series and see how this plays out. Read Full Review

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