David Disspain's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Bastards Reviews: 2
6.0Avg. Review Rating

The Massive #10

Apr 5, 2013

In terms of world building and characterization, Brian Wood is one of the masters. Each member of the Kapital is a distinct and well rounded personality and their dialogue is realistic and flows like natural conversation. But without knowing what Mr. Wood has in store for the next 2 issues of the story arc, it’s hard to say how well this episode is executed. On one hand, the armed crew taking Callum hostage and demanding their release from service seems a bit stilted, almost like manufactured drama. On the other hand, it’s Brian Freaking Wood and you just know he’s got something up his sleeve that should make it all more impactful and compelling. History is on his side when it comes to telling a flat out good story, and so I for one will be interested to stay on board with the series and see how this plays out.

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X #0

Apr 11, 2013

Taken as a whole, it’s an interesting start to what potentially could be a great character with methods and tactics that provide a solid counter point to Batman’s non-lethal tactics. If it’s a revenge tale, it will be interesting to learn what started it. It will still have an audience if it never dives into these deeper, headier issues, but hopefully it will and if it does, I’ll follow.

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