Ragnarok #2

Writer: Walter Simonson Artist: Walter Simonson Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: October 8, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 4
8.2Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

Walter Simonson's grand epic continues! The Black Elf Assassin and her team of trolls, orcs, and renegades has reached to the Fortress at the Edge of the World. Their masked employer gifted them with the spells necessary to break into Kliffborg to destroy whatever, or whomever, they find within. And in a stone chamber surrounded by a field of stars, they come face to face with a myth all but forgotten in the wake of the Enemies' victory at Ragnarök, a myth more dangerous than anything they could have imagined.

  • 8.5
    Geeked Out Nation - CJ Yudelson Oct 8, 2014

    I don't want to spoil anything but there are a few things I had a problem with. I thought he book would go in another direction as to who this dead ancient god is but from the cover it should be fairly obvious. I don't dislike it I was just hoping for someone else, someone maybe less familiar to the everyday fan. Another thing I wasn't crazy about is a death at the end of the issue. It felt so abruptthat I thought it was just a fake out, guess not. Hats off to Simonson for keeping me on my toes. I have no idea where this book is going, but I feel that revenge will be a big part of it. That's fine by me as longs as the art keeps looking like it has in the first two issues. Ragnarok #2 is awesome. Go get the first two issues if your a fantasy fan or a Norse mythology fan. Simonson knows his Nordic legends, and boy can that man draw. I recommend this issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Jordan Jennings Oct 13, 2014

    Overall, Ragnarok #2 is for Simonson fans. It is a Norse mythology tale that features an undead Thor. What is there not to like? The story is interesting and shaping up to be an epic is scale. The art is full of detail and highly energetic. The drawback is that the reader may be off-put if they are not a fan of Simonson style. With that your mileage may vary. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Buccaneer Book Reviews - Cap'n Aldous B. Adder Oct 15, 2014

    This is a good, old-school action comic with a solid fantasy twist. Read it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Tyler Goulet Oct 7, 2014

    Lets say it one more time, in case the point was missed: Walter Simonson is a comic book legend. This story is what he has been building towards his whole career and it has a feeling of something massive and epic and, quite possible, something that hell do until he decides to put the professional pencil down and call it a careerwhich we all hope isnt any time soon. Ragnarok is something that everybody can get in to and with a creator of this caliber pumping out story and art on a subject that he cares deeply about how the Hel can you go wrong? Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Graphic Policy - Matt Petras Oct 7, 2014

    The premise of Ragnarok is delightfully simple, this issue less heavy than even the first. It hasn't propelled itself to something incredibly exciting, as the story is still just getting started, and so far our knowledge of the protagonist in terms of characterization is minimal. Ragnarok is off to a good start, though, and is doing all the right things to make me believe it will eventually get to a point where some truly phenomenal issues are coming out. Read Full Review

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