Red Sonja #10

Writer: Gail Simone Artist: Walter Geovani Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: June 18, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 2
8.9Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

To save the lives of hundreds of people she's never even met, the She-Devil is forced to face the world's deadliest swordsman, the only man whose skill with a blade threatens to dwarf Red Sonja's own!   The acclaimed run by writer Gail Simone and artist Walter Geovani kicks into even higher gear in this epic duel of blood and steel!

  • 10
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Jun 21, 2014

    This is the most perfect Red Sonja tale ever created. I repeat, this is the most perfect Red Sonja tale ever created. Superior work that should not be missed. Highest possible recommendation. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - James Anders II Jun 18, 2014

    Thanks to these two, I believe that Red Sonja is here to stay for a while. Her age may be many years since her creation by Robert E. Howard, but her evolution has been ensured from Simone, Geovani, and company. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    The Fandom Post - Josh Begley Jun 18, 2014

    Red Sonja 10 is another solid issue in a comic that I look forward to every month. I'm sure I sound like a broken record right now, but it's the best series Dynamite is currently producing. It's smart, it's entertaining, it has something to say, and the way it says it is unique. This is a title that can be enjoyed on multiple levels: as a purely fun adventure comic, as revision and resuscitation of a character who has been reduced to cheesecake too many times, and as a statement on the fluidity and multiplicity of gender roles and sexuality. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain Jun 20, 2014

    Walter's pencils and Adriano's colours are the best that they've ever been in this series. The best moments from the artwork are undoubtedly those dealing with the characters' expressions, specifically Sonja. Given that she is the She-Devil, a warrior without peer, the fact that she loses to Osric so many times really bothers and Walter captures her frustrations and her rage really well. It also helps that his Sonja is inherently badass, and when the gears shift in the second half, he and Adriano really bring all that out into the open once more to show just how great Sonja really is. Honestly, Walter and Adriano could draw Sonja for years and years and I wouldn't complain, not at all. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Therapy - Cody "The Thorverine" Ferrell Jun 18, 2014

    Red Sonja finds a way to thrill and surprise month in and month out. Simone has really ushered in a Red Sonja renaissance and it seems like this series will continue to reach new heights. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Jun 17, 2014

    Red Sonja #10 is without a doubt a comic book that warrants both attention and praise. It honors the standing history of our heroine while building its own destiny. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Good Kind Of Geek - Nikki Yuan Jun 19, 2014

    So where is the cook and the beast master? It's been two issues since we last saw them, and I have no idea where they are. Did Sonja leave them somewhere, or are they with the king already? It's strange that while Sonja's job is to collect these people, she would just leave them somewhere. Or maybe I'm missing something? Anyway, I would like to see an issue where Sonja travels with all these people, and see how them interact with each others. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    IGN - Jeff Lake Jun 19, 2014

    You have to give Gail Simone credit -- though her newest Sonja arc is definitely formulaic, each issue focused on Sonja's attempt to acquire a different renowned artisan, the writer does a wonderful job keeping everything fresh and entertaining. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Tyler Goulet Jun 18, 2014

    Arguably, there might not be another writer better suited to handle Red Sonja than Gail Simone. Shes got a complete range of humor from witty and clever all the way down, while still writing a compelling character. Add to that the fantastic skills of Walter Geovani, who might be one of the best to ever draw Sonja, and youve got nothing short of a winning combination. All potential shortcomings aside, Red Sonja is definitely something any Sword and Sorcery fan should be checking out, particularly ones who enjoy a strong, witty female lead whos deadly with a sword and most certainly one who could drink you under the table. Read Full Review

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