Captain Marvel #12

Writer: Christopher W. Sebela Artist: Joe Quinones Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 17, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 6
8.0Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

The issue that will kick off a Major Captain Marvel and Avengers event!Still grounded from flying, Captain Marvel takes on a different and dangerous kind of bird—DEATHBIRD!Handicapped, but determined Carol risks her powers and her life!PLUS: The unstoppable evil that’s been pulling Deathbird’s strings!

  • 9.5
    The Pop Cultist - Josh Elliott Apr 17, 2013

    Captain Marvel #12 is witty and energetic, gorgeous and badass. It's everything great about this character, and while it's Filipe Andrade's swansong on the series, Captain Marvel writer Kelly Sue DeConnick is about to launch Carol into the stratosphere with Avengers: The Enemy Within #1. Read Full Review

  • 9.1
    Multiversity Comics - David Henderson Apr 19, 2013

    DeConnick, Sebela and Andrade have constructed and incredibly enjoyable issue that mixes genuinely tense action with emotional concern for the main character. If there's one thing that brings the issue down it's only that the supporting cast that has been built around Carol for the past three issues is rarely featured in this one. It doesn't bring the issue down in any way as the driving force of the issue is still Carol, but those characters that relied on Carol were missed in this issue. Hopefully, with the crossover we'll see that it becomes Carol who must rely on them instead. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Read Comic Books - Tyler Goulet Apr 17, 2013

    This is definitely something that should be on your pull list. Its flying under most peoples radar, it seems, and its a shame. The impending cross over with Avengers Assemblewhich are both written by Kelly Sueis going to be a big one for Carol Danvers, so its definitely time to start reading this title. When it comes to Kelly Sue DeConnicks Captain Marvel, lets make it as simple as possible: YOU! BUY! READ! ENJOY! Seriously. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Marvel Disassembled - Magen Cubed Apr 18, 2013

    Andrade's pencils carry the fast-paced story, striking a nice balance from the dynamic action sequences and tense hospital scenes that are woven together in this issue, and are beautifully complemented by Bellaire's colors. DeConnick's dialogue is smart and on-point as ever, and her Carol-narration never feels stale or out of place. Another winner of an issue, from this consistently fun and engaging book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Apr 20, 2013

    The adorability of this issue dropped compared to previous issues, so my usually high score dropped as well. It's not intentional, I promise. This issue was just a big fight scene, crossed with a couple of stoic doctors talking doctor stuff. Some of the heart was missing, but then the comic can't have scenes with Kit in every issue, right? So it's no knock against Captain Marvel, it's just there lacked any real spark to jump my rating up into the higher echelons. It was still an exciting fight, Carol is still an awesome character and the art remains fantastic. There's a drawing of Carol popping a handful of pills at the end of the book that is just funny/fantastic, and it's followed immediately by a look of pure dread that tops it. Keep Andrade on this book forever! Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Jason Motes Apr 20, 2013

    The writing on this book is consistently good, especially the dialogue, but the real treat is how dense Carol's back story is shaping up and how rich her supporting cast has become, incorporating new characters like Helen Cobb, who effortlessly slip into Marvel's past history, along with pre-existing characters like Dakota North and Spider-Woman, Jessica Drew. Think about the best super heroes, like Spider-Man and immediately you think of Aunt May, Mary-Jane Watson, Gwen Stacey, J. Jonah Jameson, Robbie Robertson, etc. That's often something that's missing when it comes to less successful heroes (e.g. Wonder Woman, whom every writer seems to think needs a new supporting cast as soon as they start writing her book). Marvel is trying to position Captain Marvel as their leading female hero and this book services her well to that end. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Apr 20, 2013

    Quite a bit of good plot-work here, with a much greater focus and direction than we've grown accustomed to seeing from the title. Looking forward to our hero actually taking names next issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Apr 17, 2013

    The story itself starts bringing things full circle, connecting people and places we saw back in the first arc to the current madness. It's good stuff, and a pretty clear indication that Kelly Sue DeConnick and Christopher Sebela make an excellent team. The dialogue is snappy and smart, too, which should be a given since it's basically become a staple of this series. Without a doubt, Captain Marvel is a killer series, even in its more lackluster issues, that Marvel fans should be reading and supporting. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Apr 18, 2013

    "Captain Marvel" #12 finishes with plenty of suspense, as Carol receives a visit from her consulting physicians and an old foe plots out a visit of his own. The next issue blurb points directly to "The Enemy Within" #1, which kicks off a crossover between this title and "Avengers Assemble" while continuing to provide a showcase for the iconic covers from Joe Quinones. Carol Danvers has assumed the mantle of Captain Marvel, now talented creators like DeConnick, Sebela, Andrade and Bellaire are ensuring that she earns it and contributes to the legacy. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Apr 24, 2013

    Kelly DeConnick and Christopher Sebela are able to use Captain Marvel's current status quo as a way to ground Carol's character while also addressing her cosmic origins. The battle between Captain Marvel and Deathbird further established the danger Carol is in with her brain lesion continuing to affect every aspect of her life. Though the art will not be for everyone Filipe Andrade's stylized artwork does provide this comic a unique look not found in a standard Marvel comic. So if you aren't reading Captain Marvel I highly recommend checking it out. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Apr 20, 2013

    The problem with this character is, for me, the same problem that plagues Hal Jordan since his resurrection: It's hard to deliver the "Maverick" that you want without dipping into "Iceman" territory, and too often both characters are written as utterly cavalier and obnoxious in an attempt to make them seem edgy and cocky. Still, DeConnick delivers with plotting and dialogue that makes us Carol's invisible confidante, seeing her weaknesses and making her relatable while staying heroic. Captain Marvel #12 wasn't a giant revelation, but it was a solid issue creatively, and went a long way towards rehabbing my recurring dislike of Carol Danvers when written poorly. Read Full Review

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