Translucid #3

Writer: Claudio Sanchez, Chondra Echert Artist: Daniel Bayliss Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: June 18, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4
7.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The Navigator, New York City's only superhero, has been slipping. Could the secret be found in his childhood? Boy genius Cornelius is creating the holographic technology that allows him to become The Navigator. But what dark family secret drives him? From AMORY WARS and KEY OF Z authors Claudio Sanchez and Chondra Echert!

  • 8.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Zac Thompson Jun 18, 2014

    My overall hope is that they're setting up Drake as The Horse. I'll just set that theory down and back away slowly. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Lisa Wu Jun 24, 2014

    The focus of #3 is the major turning point in Cornelius's troubled past, much like the Red Hood emerging from chemical waste and young Bruce Wayne witnessing the murder of his parents. But, in these few pages, Sanchez and Echert made The Goddamn Wu not give a damn who Cornelius is or becomes by making one sympathize with the flaws and strengths of the three major characters. Both The Horseman and Navigator seem to be heroes, just with different styles and methods. Though, one does hope that Cornelius is just fantastically cray-cray and that the trio makes up one fucked up trinity. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Tyler Goulet Jun 18, 2014

    Even just from a visual stand point, Translucid is something you need to check out. But, lucky you, this book is not just standing on the merits of art alone. Youll also get to see just how deep of a story Sanchez and Echert are crafting and then you can start guessing just where theyre going to take it. Not that youll be right, because these two are tricky, but it never hurts to try. At the end of the day come for the art, stay for the story; its just that simple. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Nick Philpott Jun 18, 2014

    If you're digging this series so far, this issue is really an interesting step forward for Cornelius and Drake, and it's visually beautiful. You won't be disappointed. If you're on the fence about trying the series out, I won't judge you for trade-waiting. It may serve you better in the long run. Read Full Review

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