Grant McKay, former member of The Anarchistic Order of Scientists, has finally done the impossible: He has deciphered Black Science and punched through the barriers of reality. But what lies beyond the veil is not epiphany, but chaos. Now Grant and his team are lost, living ghosts shipwrecked on an infinite ocean of alien worlds, barreling through the long-forgotten, ancient, and unimaginable dark realms. The only way is forward. The only question is how far are they willing to go, and how much can they endure, to get home again?
Join writer RICK REMENDER and the superstar art team of MATTEO SCALERA & DEAN WHITE for this face-melti more
The other-worldly art created by Matteo Scalera and Dean White is truly that. Scalera's designs are exactly what you want to see in a story that takes place in another dimension. The frog people have bulbous bellies that carry weight and the terrains feel familiar but still alien. There is great variation with panel layouts which feeds into the anxiety that Remender is weaving. Quiet panels feel quiet and crazy panels feel crazy " motion and energy continuously flow from page to page keeping with the books pace. Team all of that with Dean White's painted colors that give this book its life and you've got an amazing collection of art. Read Full Review
If you had high hopes for Rick Remender's new series, BLACK SCIENCE, you are in luck. We get a pretty amazing introduction to a new world of characters in a fast-paced, action-filled story. Forget those normal "first issues" where things slow to a crawl as we meet all the characters. Remender throws us straight into the action and throughout the story, you get a taste of what the main character, Grant McKay is about and capable of. Matteo Scalera's art and Dean White's colors are enough to make you wonder what you did to deserve such a treat. I'm not quite sure where the series is going to go after the first issue but I am perfectly content to be able to dive into a new series and just experience the story as it happens. Give this one a try. Read Full Review
Black Science is the latest mark in the win column for Rick Remender and Image as a whole. The book is completely unlike anything on shelves right now, yet strangely familiar in its first plot. This is a book about a man who thought himself above the rules and standards of normality and now, he must pay the consequences. This is a man who just wants to go home and keep his family safe, but he has the whole of the multiverse standing in his way, but like all men of science and reason, he will do whatever it takes to prove his intellect superior even if it kills him and everyone he loves. As Shaw said, science creates problems, but Grant McKay and his Anarchist League of Scientists will stop at nothing to prove him wrong. Read Full Review
Not only is Black Science #1 a masterclass in storytelling, it's probably one of the best looking comics to grace the stands in a very long time. Artist Matteo Scalera and colorist Dean White are so perfectly in step it's incredible. This is a haunting book, a visual onslaught that matches the fast-paced story beat for beat, panel for panel. Every page is gorgeously detailed; the panels filled to the brim with the ugliness of an alien world we can't hope to understand. Without a doubt, this thing is a work of art, the kind of comic you just marvel at. Do yourself a favor and buy Black Science #1. Buy it and get lost in a world of anarchy, science and fantasy. Read Full Review
Black Science is a home run from page one and by the end you'll be gasping for breath at the speed and flow of this outrageous ride Remender has built. The final page sets-up what is sure to be a wild ride through what is called the Eververse as Grant and his family try to make it home and based on issue one it will not be a easy or simple task. This hooked me from page one and if you value a great sci-fi tale where literally anything goes then you should grab Black Science immediately. A great beginning with no slow down in sight. Read Full Review
Is that everything, then? Was it all covered? I dont know if any review is going to do this book justice, because its one of those things you just have to experience for yourself. Remender is a hell of a talent, as is Scalera and White and obviously Wooton, but this is another level. This series just might become not only the measuring stick for the work of this team after Black Science but other comic books as well. Its different, and the comic industry needs different, and its exciting and interesting and visually stunning. If you dont read Remender, or Image, or youre stuck on the Big Two or whatever get your ass to the comic store or get onto Comixology and pick this book up. Do whatever you have to do to get this book, because if issue one is any indication, this is going to be one to remember. Read Full Review
Between this exciting and ambitious new work and Saga, Image Comics is quickly establishing itself as THE publisher of great science fiction. Its an exciting time to be a comic book fan and I am eagerly anticipating the next issue of Black Science. Until then, Ill do my best to spread the word: Black Science is a bold beginning to a potential masterpiece in the making. Read it! Read Full Review
Remender tells a story unlike anything else, and shows us worlds no other can. Throw in a compelling hero, and incredible artwork and youve got the makings of a must have title. Black Science is a new masterpiece from a seasoned veteran who aims to take both this book and the comics medium to new and exciting places. Read Full Review
This comic has a strong debut. I don't necessarily connect with the main action scientist but I am extremely curious as to how he handles himself. Will he pull himself up by his bootstraps? Will he accidentally kill himself? Perhaps some fantastic creature will devour him? Or maybe, just maybe his skills and wit will save him. Read Full Review
This is essentially a perfect first issue, highly recommended for any readers out there that are fans of science fiction and definitely for fans of Fear Agent and Rick Remender in general. You're going to want to get in on this series from the beginning, this will definitely be a series that we will look back at as a true classic. Read Full Review
The most exciting new #1 issue in quite some time. Incredible art. Really….. And the story is imaginative and shows some maturity if you're willing to scratch beyond the surface layer. Read Full Review
Remender's writing and pacing of the story is top quality, he almost leaves the reader breathless with the chase scene while slowly giving some details about McKay and not overpowering readers with too much detail at once. Scaleras art on the book is absolutely stunning and made even more powerful by White's colours. This is one of the best looking books over the last few years and has the potential to be an absolute classic. Image have released some great books this year and this is easily up there with the best of them. Read Full Review
Black Science is a must read if you want a sense of mystery and exploration. A truly stunning beginning that makes you want more. Remender makes you feel so much from this, especially sympathy, and you just want to know why. The one flaw of any scientist is to be overconfident and obsessive, it kills. You see so much self loathing through the thoughts in his head that consistently flow throughout the issue. An urge for that sense of wonder can come at the price of regret, something he is learning the hard way. Add this book to your pull list now if you want something that will keep you at the edge of your seat. Read Full Review
Whatever dark wizards Remender made a deal with to create this story are certainly getting their money's worth. "Black Science" #1 is the start of a terrifying new thrill ride that I will be reading between my fingers, hands over my eyes. Read Full Review
“Black Science” should surprise and delight all but only the most stickiest of sticklers who don't care to revisit pulp science fiction in any sort of throwback way. Scalera and White combine to create a tone-perfect pulp sensibility and Remender is firing on all cylinders in giving us another wholly-formed character to take us through all those gorgeous landscapes. As a collaborative effort, “Black Science” immediately impresses with its relentless sense of wonder mixed with grounded, complex characterization. Read Full Review
This is a good first issue, much like a breakneck first episode of a TV show. We're getting scant details on character, but being introduced to the pace and world that will blow us away for the following issues. There's a definitive splash made here, and whether it's in your taste level or not, you'll be taken aback by much of this content. Read Full Review
For now, Black Science #1 succeeds on all promises set forth by Remender and his gifted artistic crew. Readers should all anxiously (and fearfully!) await what new, frightening worlds lay before us as Black Science takes us on a first-hand tour of the Eververse. Read Full Review
Perpetual action and plenty of unanswered questions will have me waiting for the next installment of Black Science. Move over Saga and East meets West, theres another sci-fi hit on Images roster. Read Full Review
Black Science is a winner. Any sci-fi fan will be hooked. Read Full Review
Black Science looks to be a wild ride that involves tearing down a character to his very core. This will be an interesting examination into what makes a character tick when he continually trades all that is important to him for gambles that seldom seem to payoff. Black Science is exactly the kind of comic I've been looking for and I urge you to check it out regardless if you enjoy science fiction or not. Awesome comic book. Read Full Review
There are some flaws, to be sure. The story starts off maybe a little too much in the deep end, but that's part of the point here. This does come at the expense of character at certain points. A human antagonist comes out of nowhere near the end to announce his presence, for example, and we as readers have no idea what his position is exactly besides a vague vibe of "corporate show runner asshole," and I hope that there's more to him than that given some of this issue's successes. Still, the adventure is just beginning, and this is a very strong start. Pick it up to hang pages on your wall if nothing else. Read Full Review
Remender takes us on a hell of a trip through the first issue, introducing a work with limitless possibilities for each new release, new dimension, new interaction and split-second decision. With the second issue only a week away, it's going to be a hard one to keep on shelves. Read Full Review
First issues can be tricky. In a world where there are multiple new comics to devour every week, its tough to stand out on the crowded comic book store shelves. Black Science has set up a world and a conundrum that could very easily continue for years, which is a solid place to start from. Scalera and Whites cover will hopefully pop when put alongside other titles. The pulp, sci-fi leanings are obvious but very entertaining, and matched with Remenders broken characters, this is an action-packed read that leaves me wanting more. Read Full Review
Black Science #1 isn't perfect, but it's a stunning debut that deserved all the fanfare that surrounded it before its release. It has all the elements that make for a thrilling and mind-bending sci-fi: an epic scope, outr styling, strong characterization, and gorgeous art. Do yourself a favor and add Black Science into your pull-list now. This one's a keeper. Read Full Review
Black Science #1 left me breathless with its headlong intensity, its spectacular artwork and its compelling characters. I've been a fan of Rick Remender's writing for years, but he's outdone himself here, in part because Scalera's visuals are so breathtaking. Dammit, it's 10:30 at night and I have work tomorrow, but it's going to take me a while to come down from the thrill of reading Black Science. Read Full Review
I wouldn't say that Black Science is a particularly good comic, but the primary problem that the comic runs into is something that can easily be fixed with time. Once the story establishes itself and doesn't have to spend so much time on exposition (hopefully in the next issue), it could become quite an exciting and interesting ride. Unfortunately, the pendulum swings both ways. If this is genuinely the narrative method that Black Science is adopting, that of internalized narration, then it's going to have to clean up its act very quickly to keep things interesting. The art is great, but it can only take the story so far. I sincerely hope that the next issue puts more focus on its story than on its protagonist's moral insecurities. Read Full Review
Overall, if you miss Black Science #1, you really won't be missing anything at all. This book has some promise however, and hopefully the next few issues give us a bit more of an explanation of what exactly is going on. If you're a fan of Remender, or like picking up Image books in hopes that they will turn into something great, than I'd say there's no harm in picking this one up. If you're just looking for a new series to jump onto, this may no be for you. I'm giving Black Science #1 a 2.8/5, in hopes that this series may turn into something a bit better than it is now. Let me know what you think in the comments below! Read Full Review