Black Science #2

Writer: Rick Remender Artist: Matteo Scalera, Dean White Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: December 18, 2013 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 20
8.1Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

Run-amok reality! Grant and his crew escape the madness of the lightning sea-swamp only to be flung into a futurepast trenchworld, where the Sons of the Wakan Tech-Tanka wage never-ending war on the savages of Europe!  How did the Anarchist League of Scientists end up this deep in the onion? Who among them sabotaged the Pillar?

  • 10
    Entertainment Fuse - Andrew Ziegler Dec 31, 2013

    Black Science #2 is out of this worldrather, out of this dimension! I couldnt even begin to speculate about whats to come, and I wouldnt do this comic the injustice of trying. Rick Remender and company have earned my trust and then some. Will Ward, Kadir, and Shawn reach a shaman in time to save Grant? Will Grant be saved in time to fix the Pillar? Will the team ever make it home, or will they jump between dimensions until theyre all dead? With Black Science, Ive come to expect it all. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Florida Geek Scene - Zackery Cote Dec 25, 2013

    I said at the end of my last review that Black Science spent too much time setting things up, but that it could easily improve in later issues. I must say that the team behind Black Science delivered. The second issue slows down the physical pace, but brings the emotional pace to a fever pitch. This isn't to say that physical dramas aren't running high, but that the balance has reached more of an equilibrium. The dialogue is believable and enjoyable, and each character is fully realized and relatable in their own way. If Black Science can keep up this pace, I see only great things in the future. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Geeked Out Nation - Adam Hollander Dec 21, 2013

    There was honestly nothing bad about this comic. The art or story was not lacking and every factor was top notch, however the “wow factor” from the first issue has subsided a bit and isn't the best book that came out this week. Nevertheless it's still a fantastic issue and deserves your money.This is a gorgeously fun comic. From Remender's colouring and witty dialogue, Scalera's incredible artwork to Dean White's dynamic colouring, this book is excellently crafted and an astounding piece of narrative. If people aren't buying this book, they are seriously missing out. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Dec 19, 2013

    If you read the first issue, you know the real stars of this comic are Matteo Scalera and Dean White. These guys have crafted one of the most unique and beautiful looking comics on the market. Black Science may read like an extreme, pulpy throwback, but its art is in a league all its own. Scalera's scratchy, frantic line work should clash with White's smooth, painted colors, but it doesn't. The two styles gel and mix, creating stunning look that will leave you slack-jawed. This is a series to watch, folks. Two issues in and Black Science has already become required reading. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Jimbus_Christ Dec 18, 2013

    Black Science is still wildly unpredictable and an absolute joy to read. The extra character beats this month solidify the world before the discovery and create an even more interesting interpersonal threat outside of the insane dimension our heroes have found themselves in. Making for another homerun issue that I cannot recommend enough. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Dec 22, 2013

    The story has me hooked, but the art is truly something special. This combination of artist and painter makes this book stand out. Scalera has a scratchy and dramatic line to his work and his alien landscapes and character designs are just that"alien. The colors on this issue, although not as strong as in the first, are still so well done that each scene and setting have a unique look. Facial expressions are exaggerated, but in a way that further enhances the story. For example, the grin on Grant's boss's face is so exaggerated it ends up looking creepy, which adds to the overall feel of that individual character. This books has so much potential and so much that I'm looking forward to. I can't wait to see what planet or dimension this creative team takes us to next! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Dec 19, 2013

    A strong second issue and another interesting world to explore. Just be careful with the stereotype characters that are all pulled from the Nerd Fantasy textbook. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Dec 18, 2013

    BLACK SCIENCE is shaping up to be a crazy ride of adventures after adventure (provided the characters can survive their current location). We were introduced to the main character, Grant McKay in the first issue, but here, Rick Remender starts filling us in on who the others are. Aside from the adventure and thrills, there is a mystery to uncover as well with one of the characters possibly being a traitor. There's no telling what will happen next and who will live or die. That's just one thing that makes this a thrilling book. Matteo Scalera and Dean White are on fire in the art department. This is definitely one of those books where you're going to hate having to wait for the next issue. Time to start counting down the days until issue #3. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Ian Stephen Dec 17, 2013

    After such an intense first issue this issue was necessary to expand more on the characters and their predicament they seem to be stuck in. It's a common stereotype that character or world building issues can seem sluggish or boring but Black Science handles it very well. Everything flows at a smooth and reasonable pace that makes this issue pretty easy to digest in one read. Black Science is on a roll and there is no doubt there are still plenty of great things to come from this team of creators. It's nice to sit and enjoy early issues of a series like this because even though this is a good start, you get the feeling that we're only just scratching the surface. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Hansel Moreno Dec 22, 2013

    Its far from the comic that is sure to remembered as the title most folks want as "Book of the Year" but it certainly brings memories of what comics used to be, where anything goes and there were no limits to storytelling. While the comic debuted last month, it will make things easy for new readers to go back and check out. Black Science is fun and shouldn't be discarded from anyone's pull-list in the next year. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Dec 20, 2013

    As everyone else has already said, if you're a fan of hardcore sci-fi, "Black Science" is the book for you. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Dec 18, 2013

    Black Science is a good time with a lot of oddity to it. Remender seems to understand that he's dealing with some well-worn sci-fi clichs, and he's allowing his imagination to fill in those blanks. Part of what works is the visual scope of the story. Artist Matteo Scalera, who worked with Remender on Secret Avengers, goes for broke here. Everything is bigger than life, from the landscape to the aliens and even to the reactions of the characters. The evil businessman is so gloriously sinister, and the disgraced mercenary so begrudgingly serious. Scalera ramps up the clichs, and at the same time, he manages to keep an original slant on the story. Only time will tell how Black Science ends up, but for right now, it's a great read. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Dec 21, 2013

    The second issue of Black Science is a step back. The issue gets away from the science fiction and moves into more of a standard team of characters arguing over who is in charge and how to get out of a predicament. The story groundwork has been put into place so perhaps the next issue will get back to the pace of the first issue. The characters are still being fleshed out so there is some hope there as well for growth. Proceed with lowered expectations but this is still worth picking up. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    GoCollect - @DocBenway Dec 19, 2013

    The concept and creative team are very strong on this book and we could all use another strong science fiction title to read every month. Hopefully Remender and crew can find a way to strike a better balance between character development and relaying the action. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Marykate Jasper Dec 23, 2013

    From the captions to the cliffhanger ending, this story feels full of life and possibility. I'll be excited to revisit it next month. Read Full Review

  • 5.6
    GoCollect - @mikebiyad Dec 18, 2013

    Overall I just don't think this book is something that can't be missed. If you're into the dark/gritty science fiction genre than maybe this book is something you'll enjoy, but I do believe the majority of comic readers, especially those with an obsession for all the greats Image has churned out over the years, this book just won't do it for you. Read Full Review

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