Ollie's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: ComicBuzz Reviews: 45
7.5Avg. Review Rating

All-New Ghost Rider #1

Mar 28, 2014

I am not normally a fan of Manga style art but Moore's art works on this title giving it a modern look and moving it away from the old titles. The story is well written and there is a genuine bond created between the brothers and a bit of mystery given to the shady characters. We are left guessing about things that happened before and wanting to know more. There is enough in the book to make me pick up the next issue which is something that I did not think would happen. My only issue with the book is the use of derogatory terms being used for people with disabilities where young people can see characters using them and not being held accountable for it.

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All-New Soulfire #1

Nov 21, 2013

This book isn't a bad book, it just does not do what it is meant to being part of the 10 for 10, which is to introduce the characters to new readers. If you are a long time reader of Soulfire this book will probably be a major hit with you but for people like myself who only had a passing interest in Soulfire, you would be better off looking elsewhere for a new book.

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All-New X-Factor #1

Jan 13, 2014

The story is well written and the main characters are spot on, the story doesn't reveal everything that's happening and leaves you wanting to know more. The art while not being spectacular is good and the artist can draw great facial expressions. It is a very different book to the last X-Factor but is a strong first issue and with little links to the old teams can make a good jumping on point for new readers and will satisfy old fans too.

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Amazing X-Men (2013) #1

Nov 18, 2013

After years of X-Men books being very dark and serious, it is good to see some light hearted humour and fun returning to the X-books. Aaron seems to have a good grasp of the relationships between the characters that are at Logan's school and he returns Nightcrawler to the fun loving X-Man from years ago which is a good thing as being a broody angst ridden character did not suit Kurt. McGuinness is a fantastic artist who has created a great fight scene in Heaven. It was always inevitable that Marvel would bring back Nightcrawler but I was not expecting them to launch another X-Men ongoing title to do it. As a massive X-Men fan I will continue to pick up the book to follow some fun light hearted stories.

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American Vampire: Second Cycle #1

Mar 26, 2014

The book is broken into three different stories in three different eras, all with the thread of the Gray Trader running through them. Skinner may be the main protagonist but the story of Pearl in The 1960′s has the potential to lead the book in new directions with her family of different breads of vampire children. Snyder has two books being released by vertigo at present in American Vampire And The Wake that are among the best horror books at the moment and they cement his place as one of the best writers around at the moment. He is ably assisted by Albuquerque who deliveries some of the best art of his career and creates a genuine sense of threat with the unseen threat that runs through the book. With Fables ending soon and Hellblazer being watered down for the mass market, the return of American Vampire is perfectly timed to take its rightful place as Vertigo's flagship title.

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Black Science #1

Dec 5, 2013

Remender's writing and pacing of the story is top quality, he almost leaves the reader breathless with the chase scene while slowly giving some details about McKay and not overpowering readers with too much detail at once. Scaleras art on the book is absolutely stunning and made even more powerful by White's colours. This is one of the best looking books over the last few years and has the potential to be an absolute classic. Image have released some great books this year and this is easily up there with the best of them.

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Cataclysm: The Ultimates Last Stand #0.1

Nov 6, 2013

If this is to be the death knell for the Ultimate Universe, Marvel are going to make sure they get the last possibly penny they can from the fans by printing as many ties ins to Cataclysm as they can. Not a bad book but definitely one for Ultimate fans.

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Chew / Revival #1

Jun 19, 2014

If you follow both books you know what kind of story you will be getting. As with the monthly books, Chew is full of humour and revival has a more serious tone but it does have flashes of humour. Both stories tell the story of Tony Chu and his partner Colby travelling to a quarantine zone to investigate the a case. Both creator teams tell the tale of two different cases. The Chew team have them investigating a case involving a chefs missing parts. Colby is one of the funniest characters in comics and he has some laugh out loud moments in this story. The Revival team have them looking into a case of a Reviver grave robbing. Fans of both series will love this book with the stories being faithful to the books and its fairly accessible to new readers as it doesn't rely on back-story too much. Another definite winner from Image.

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Cryptozoic Man #1

Oct 16, 2013

The story is just ludicrous, we get aliens, monsters, pig guy who has some unexplained link to a stuffed toy (really), the end times and some dude who is looking for his child being turned into some ridiculous looking mutant monster who is meant to be the hero but doesn't seem to have any redeeming features. The artwork is adequate rather than spectacular but the designs of the monsters are like something that a teenager would doodle on their schoolbooks while bored in class. This is basically one of the worst books I have read in quite a while and I have read some rubbish over the years. If this book didn't involved TV personalities with would have been thrown the trash and would have belonged there. If you want to read a good horror comic, do your self a favour and pick up something like Coffin Hill or Revival.

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Curse #1

Jan 28, 2014

When we start the story we see Laney with someone in captivity and then the book flashes back to show us some back story and make the readers feel some empathy for him. The story is an extremely fast read and the hunt by Laney and the altercation just flies by to set up the second issue. Moreci and Daniel craft a story that sucks you in emotionally with the plight and Griffins son and provoke a sense of threat during the hunt scenes. Having two artists can often give a book a rushed look but the art in this book moves seamlessly from one artist to the next. This short series is well worth taking a chance on.

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Dead Body Road #1

Dec 18, 2013

The creative team of Jordan and Scalera are among the hottest in comics at the moment and are they are on top of their game here. This is Scalera's second title from Image in the space of a month after Black Science and really shows his versatility as an artist as this shows a completely different style. Scalera is perfectly suited to Jordan's writing, Jordan writes great action that can get a touch violent and Scalera can create fantastic action scenes and give the violence a very visceral look and wouldn't look out of lace in a book like 100 bullets. I am really looking forward to the rest of this mini series and think that it could make a great TV series so go forth and buy this book.

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Dead Boy Detectives (2014) #1

Jan 10, 2014

If you are a fan of Sandman this book will probably be on top of your to buy list and you will probably really enjoy it, but if you don't reality enjoy Sandman there are other Vertigo titles that you will enjoy more.

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George Romero's Empire of the Dead: Act One #1

Jan 27, 2014

Alex Maleev has a dark gritty style that perfectly suits this apocalyptic world of shadows and menace. Matt Hollingsworth does a great job of complimenting the art by keeping the colours dark and murky. The only brightness he adds is for the blood that runs a bright crimson. There are similarities with some zombie stories but that is more down to Romero's original movies influencing most of the modern age of zombies. If you are a fan of Romero, zombies or horror in general this is a book that you should check out.

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Green Lantern (2011) #23.3

Sep 25, 2013

Villains month so far for me has been completely pointless expect for Forever Evil. Black Hand cannot be considered a major villain by any stretch of the imagination so I do not know why he was picked for a spot light issue. The artist is not someone that I have come across before as far as I know, the art is passable but nothing spectacular, there are a lot of artists around that could have done a better job. The writing is OK but I was expecting better from Soule who DC seem to have high hopes for considering they have given him a Green Lantern title and the upcoming Superman/Wonder Woman title. I have been enjoying the Green Lantern titles for a few years now and hope that this book has just been a poor one off and the book returns to its high standard as one of the best new 52 titles.

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Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude Infinite Comic #1

Apr 11, 2014

A few years back Marvels cosmic titles were more or less dead until Abnett and Lanning relaunched it and created the current incarnation if the Guardians team that will be seen on big screen very soon, so it is only right that they were tapped up to do these prequel issues. Both of the writers have a really love of these characters and it shows it the rich back-story that they add to the characters. It is such a pity that once this series is done that we won't see any more stories by Abnett and Lanning after their parting of ways but at least they are leaving us with a strong series if this issue is anything to go by. My appetite is certainly wetted for the movie which is based on the DnA run on Guardians.

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Hinterkind #1

Nov 4, 2013

The tone of the book is very similar to the TV series Revolution in the fact that humanity now lives a very meager lifestyle and that nature has reclaimed the cities. The artist on the book is not someone that I am aware of but does a good job of showing civilisation on it's last legs especially on the top page spread near the start of the book which conveys how far nature has gone in taking over New York. The writing is fairly good but the main problem being towards the end when we are shown what appear to be mutations that are just ludicrous. An example of this being a talking unicorn. I am sure that as the book progresses we will be shown what caused the blight and where these mutations come from. All in all, this is another decent book from Vertigo and I will be interested to see where it goes.

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Inhumanity #1

Dec 16, 2013

The rest of the book is made up of Karnak in a cell telling the explaining the history of the Inhumans to everyone from Hawkeye to the Illuminati to Medusa. At this point Medusa realizes how Thanos had fatheredan Inhuman child without anyone knowing. There is a shocking end to the book that I am surprised hasn't received more publicity. While I am a bit burntout from massive crossover events, Marvel don't seem ready to stop putting them out every five minutes. Inhumanity seems to be an excuse by Marvel to createsome new characters and milk the fans some more. Inhumanity overall is a decent book that is well written with some good art, I think that people should give this book a miss as it is a bit pointless and anything that happens will be forgotten in a few months.

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Loki: Agent of Asgard #1

Feb 10, 2014

After issue one I'll definitely be adding Loki to my pull list as it was a stellar first issue that had action, intrigue and a good dose of humour with a couple of laugh out loud moments involving Hawkeye. Ewing is on top of his game with this book and doesn't seem to be tied too heavily to continuity that would be involved in Avengers titles. He makes Loki seem like he has become a likeable character and must have had a lot of fun writing the book as it shows Loki as his mischievous best and had be rooting for Loki to whoop the Avengers collective behinds. Garbett is also knocking it out of the park with this book and when he draws a truly evil losing older Loki. The bonding scenes between Thor and Loki are really heart warming. This was possibly the best launch from All New Marvel so far.

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Mighty Avengers (2013) #1

Sep 17, 2013

The main question about the book is do we really need another Avengers title on the shelves when the team is essentially a team of Heroes For Hire. The addition of Superior Spider Man is a stroke of genius as the character is one of the best in the Marvel Now titles and his reaction when he sees Spider hero is humorous. The art by Land is as you would expect with chiseled good looks and toned bodies. His art never really varies from book to book .He is a very talented artist but a bit of variety would not hurt. The story is well written by Ewing and looks like it could be a good series. The book really should have been a Heroes for Hire title but the Mighty Avengers name will have more selling power. Pick up this book if you are a fan of Cage or much underused Spectrum (AKA Monica Rambeau). I will continue to pick up the book to see where it goes as it has a lot of potential and I want to find out the identity of Spider Hero.

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Moon Knight (2014) #1

Mar 10, 2014

We see Moon Knight here being introduced to the police as a concerned citizen who is helping them in a Jack The Ripper style serial killer. When the killer is tracked to underground tunnels he is almost a phantom of the opera scarred former S.H.I.E.L.D agent. Ellis is probably one of the best-suited writers for Moon Knight as he loves to work at the darker end of comics and can craft a story with violent undertones without resorting to gratuitously obscene imagery but leaves it to you imagination. Shalvey may not be the top tier of comic artists yet but he soon will be if this book is anything to go by. His redesign of Moon Knight is fantastic. By removing his cape and replacing it with a pure white three piece suit gives a nourish feel and Bellaire make the suit really stand out by making the rest of the art dark and murky. I thought this was the best single issue of Moon Knight in a very long time and is easily one of the best All New Marvel Now! launches.

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New Avengers (2013) #12

Dec 3, 2013

With the slow burning stories that Hickman creates this isn't the most accessible book to new readers but for long time readers it makes a very enjoyable read. Infinity was one of the better Marvel events over the last few years and this ties up the series nicely. Deodato does a great job with the dialogue heavy issue, he doesn't crowd the panels with a lot of details so he can convey the gravity of the dialogue to its fullest. By the end we have seen quite a few things that will come to fruition over Hickman's run including a bit of a prologue to Inhumanity which is starting this week. For an Avengers book there is a lack of action but this is still the strongest of the 100 or so Avengers titles coming out every month and will undoubtedly go down as a classic Avengers title. If you have been reading this book from the start you will really enjoy it but if you are a new reader you would be better off picking up the trades when they come out and enjoy it from the start.

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New Warriors (2014) #1

Feb 28, 2014

Another strong Marvel relaunch and worth picking up.

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Nightcrawler (2014) #1

May 15, 2014

This is quite an action packed book from sparing with Wolverine in the Danger Room to Kurt's reunion with Amanda being interrupted by an unknown heavy hitter, all with Kurt adjusting to his resurrection and being overwhelmed by the amount of students running around the Westchester Academy. For me Claremont is the quintessential X-book writer and he knows Kurt Wagner inside and out, so if there was anyone that should be writing a Nightcrawler book it is Chris Claremont. This book has more packed into it than a lot of other stuff on the shelves right now; there is plenty of action, romance, soul searching and interaction with plenty of X-people. Even though I hope this launches into Excalibur; I am definitely on board for the duration of this book.

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Origin II #1

Dec 31, 2013

My only problem with this book was the cover price, $4.99 is high for a book with 26 pages of story with 2 pages of extras. The extra cost seems to be for the fancy acetate cover, while it looks great its not worth the extra cost. If you can get the book at a reasonable price like in my LCS where they were doing it on offer for 1euro its worth picking up or else get it from Comixology.

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Original Sin #0

May 2, 2014

I have never been a fan of the watcher so I don't know if his back-story has been published but we are given a history mission here and we see why the Watchers have a vow of non-interference. Marvel have released some stinkers as events over the years (Siege I'm looking at you) but I have high hopes that this can be one of the better crossovers based on this book. The creative team of Waid and Cheung are among the biggest and best names in the industry and are on top form here, making people care about a character nobody really cares about. This was an entertaining book and is fun for fans of all ages.

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Punisher (2014) #1

Feb 14, 2014

Edmondson has a bit of previous history with the Punisher as he wrote some Untold Tales Of The Punisher and knows how to treat Castle. We don't learn how Castle got to LA or why but we get plenty of action with Frank doing what he does best. Which is get info by any means necessary and dispatch criminals with bloody gusto. Gerads is a new artist to me but judging by the credits he seems to do everything including inking and colouring the book which leads to it having a slightly rushed look. He does make Castle look like a mean SOB and the book would look fantastic if the some of the rough edges were ironed out in the inking process. A strong first issue overall and well worth check out if you're tired of superheroes or you prefer Marvels street level characters.

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Punisher: Trial of the Punisher #1

Oct 10, 2013

Throughout the issue we see Castle through arrest, prison beatdown, questioning, mental examination and court appearance without even touching on what might be his real motivation for handing himself in and I get the feel that it will be a big reveal in the second issue. I am not really a fan of Guggenheims writing but with his years of writing in TV and movies he is more than capable of structuring a well-written story, which he has done with this book. As I have to come to expect from Yu his art is top quality and was worth waiting for. As I said earlier there is no Punisher book being published regularly at the moment but this is a really good stopgap until Marvel pull their finger out and re-launch Frank in Marvel Now!.

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Revenge #1

Mar 4, 2014

If readers pick this up thinking that is similar to America's Got Powers in the sense there is nothing risqu about it, they are in for a major shock with the amount of sexual imagery and torture scenes that are in the book. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with this; its just a warning for the old dears that love Jonathan Ross the celebrity. This book could be a huge hit with fans of titles such as Crossed or Ferals. Churchill is an artist and the top if his game and it allows Ross to let his imagination run wild as the art really is of the highest quality. The double page spread on the second and third pages is a thing of visceral beauty and shows all the violence and sexual imagery in amazing detail. If you like reading a book with some over the top violence, you could do worse than pick up this book but if you are of a squeamish disposition, check out something else.

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Secret #3

Aug 30, 2013

Overall this was a very good book and I look forward to reading the next issue in whatever year it's released.

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Serenity: Leaves On The Wind #1

Feb 12, 2014

We may never see a continuation of the story on screen with Nathan Fillon and Joss Whedon being involved with massive series at present, but this is the next best thing. It seems to be a labour of love for Zach Whedon and he has an intimate knowledge of the characters and what makes them tick, even the speech patterns of Mal are perfect. Jeanty is another Whedonverse alumni who has previously worked on the likes of Buffy so Whedon knows that he is more than capable of knocking out good art which he does here. Unlike some artists on licences properties he doesn't spend all his time getting the likenesses perfect, he gives them a passing resemblance and puts a lot of effort into Serenity and the speeders that we see Jane on. Its not a book that you can jump into without seeing the TV series and movie but if you have seen them, you will love this book as its the rightful sequel to the Serenity movie. It just needs more Jane but we should see more off him in next issue.

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She-Hulk (2014) #1

Feb 18, 2014

Soule seems to a perfect match for She-Hulk, as he knows the legal side of her character inside out and has some experience writing the super hero side of things too. The majority of the story is based on She-Hulks legal work and this is the characters strongest points and sets her apart for every other powerhouse character in the marvel universe. Her first meeting with Legal points out the head melting complexity of the history Tony Stark's company in a way that only a person who has dealt with similar complexities could. I am not sold on the art by Pulido but I am willing to give his more cartoonish take on She-Hulk a chance. His depiction of She-Hulk is a bit underwhelming as she does not looking like the powerhouse that she is, were she normally towers above regular people, here she is a similar size to them. All in all a very solid first issue apart from the nit picking on the art. Definitely worth giving a chance.

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Sons of Anarchy #1

Sep 13, 2013

The book is an extremely quick read and is a nice extra for fans of the show. If you aren't a fan of the show you can still read this and enjoy it. I don't think I have ever come across the artist Couceiro before but he seems to have done quite a bit of work for Boom. He seems to be a promising artist although I think the Likenesses of the characters from the TV show could have been a bit better although that's probably the biggest downside for an artist when doing a TV or movie project. The writing by Golden is top notch which is to be expected from a writer of his talent. The story fits perfectly into the SOA mythos and is still accessible to readers who are not fans of the show.

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Southern Bastards #1

May 30, 2014

The start of the book deals with Earl return to his family home and remembering how much of a bad ass his father was while standing at his grave. Latour does a great job showing Earl's anguish while looking at his fathers grave. After this Earl bumps into a good ol'boy named Dusty and starts to notice a nasty side to the town. During his altercation with some of the nasty side, we see that Earl is a bad ass like his old man and knows how to swing a fry basket. Aaron and Latour use the Base bat wielded by Earls daddy to hit a home run with this book. Image has a lot of stellar books on the market at the moment and I think this tops the lot of them. I have never been to the Deep South but this is how I picture it. One of the top books of this year, everyone should buy it.

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Spread #1

Jul 7, 2014

Jordan is a very prolific writer with a strong body of work but with this being a labour of love, this could be his best work to date. The artist Strahm is a new name to me but his art seems to be perfectly suited to the story giving everything an eerie, menacing look where anything could get you. The creators have big plans for the book and I hope that they get to tell the full story, so I urge people to give the book a try when it comes out soon.

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Star Wars (2013) #16

Apr 25, 2014

I must admit that I am really going to miss this book when the Star Wars franchise is taken over by Disney/Marvel in the near future. I hope that Marvel do the smart thing and try and get Brian Wood to write some of their new Star Wars title as he seems to have a real love of these characters and most likely is a massive fanboy himself. Every single character has been written perfectly and have all their mannerisms from the movies. The art is also of a high standard and while the likenesses aren't perfect, they are fairly close. I am really looking forward to where Brian Wood takes the story in the time he has left before Marvel take over. If you are a fan of Star Wars and comics, you should be reading this book while you still can.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) Annual #1

Nov 28, 2013

The book has all the components for a good Superior Spidey book, The snarky wit of Ock is there, as is the humour. It isn't essential to read this book if you are following Superior Spider-Man but it is a decent read.

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Superman / Wonder Woman (2013) #1

Oct 21, 2013

The strongest part of the book is without a doubt the art, Daniels is one of the best artists working in comics at present and it really shows why on this book. The inks by Banning compliment the artwork by giving the art a crisp finish. Soule seems to be becoming one of the good to writers for Marvel and DC these, with the likes of Thunderbolts, the upcoming She Hulk, Red Lantern and this book among others. So far have not being overly enamoured by his writing on the other book but thought that this was his best book so far. He seems to have a decent grasp of how to write super heroes in action but struggles on the more mundane aspects of their personnel lives which is something that he will need to work on this book is probably going to revolve around the relationship between Superman and Wonder Woman. All in all a strong first issue and would recommend fans of mainstream comics give it a go if for no other reason than to see Daniel's amazing art.

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The Fearless Defenders #12

Dec 12, 2013

During the book we see the ladies head off on an Indiana Jones style adventure in a cave that leads to a battle royal against LaFay's forces, which in turn leads to Annabelle and Valkyrie having a heart to heartburn and Sliney really were a creative team that worked great together and perfectly portrayed the characters. It really is a shame that this book is being dropped because if given the right push it would appeal to such a diverse crowd.

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The Mercenary Sea #1

Feb 27, 2014

Over the next few issues we should see some fleshing out of the characters but for this issue we are left guessing about the mysterious past of the crew and their connection with a Japanese Admiral that seems to want them dead. While there is a lot of stereotypes with this story, it is a really entertaining adventure story like Indiana Jones at sea. The art is reminiscent of an animated series like Archer but looks great with this series, the characters themselves are drawn with simple expressions but when shown in silhouettes or zoomed out you really see the detail in the background. Image Comics have another winner on their hands and fill an Indiana Jones sized gap in the lives of adventure fans.

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The New 52: Futures End #1

May 23, 2014

The stories are very fast paced and jump straight into the action with the Batman arc being the least action orientated. The other arcs see Stormwatch being assaulted by an unseen adversary while travelling in the Bleed between dimensions, Grifter taking out a group of alien shape shifters and Firestorm rushing to help a classic looking Green Arrow. DC have some of their big guns on writing duties, showing that they have big plans for these characters. The first issue is well written and I hope that as the stories link together more than the story stays cohesive. I'm not overly familiar with Zirchers art but thought that he did a really good job here, which can't have been easy working off four scripts. I loved his last page image of the gruesome scene involving the Green Arrow. All in all this is a solid first issue and shows potential to be a top story, definitely worth giving this book a shot.

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The Wake #5

Nov 26, 2013

For a while a really feared for the future of Vertigo but the release of The Wake has really helped revitalise the whole line. Even though the book is only half way through its run, it will probably make it in to a lot of peoples end of year top 10 books lists.

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Velvet #1

Nov 5, 2013

Image have another winner on their hands with this title as Brubaker comes up with a thriller to rival his Sleeper and Criminal books. Brubaker has created one of the strongest heroines in a long time, a woman who is equally at easy in the meeting rooms as she is kicking ass in a fantastic fight scene towards the end of the book. Epting's art is stunning, giving Velvet a timeless beauty. The colours give great depth to this nourish cold war thriller.

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X-Factor (2005) #262

Sep 23, 2013

I am a big fan of X-Factor for many years and thought that I would have some tinge of sadness when it comes to end of the book but with hints of a new team being formed and possible being re-launched as a Marvel Now title I am not really bothered by it. Peter David knew well in advance of the book ending so had time to end it the way he wanted and got to tie up all the loose ends. The writing of David remained consistently high on this title even during his health issues and ends on a solid high with everything tied up neatly. The art is also of a really high quality with Edwards being a real up and coming artist. This book is well worth picking up if you are a fan of X-Factor but may not be a great book to get for the non fans who don't know the backstory. Ill be looking forward to the re-launch with a new team in the not too distant future.

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X-Force (2014) #1

Feb 20, 2014

How Marrow is used to take down a ridiculous looking plane is completely absurd and unrealistic even for a comic book. Kims art is very sterile and metallic looking and doesnt suit the book. Being a bit of a fanboy of X-Force and Cable I was really disappointed with this book as I found it to be one of the poorest issues of X-Force ever. There is a lot wrong with this book from the plot holes strange characterization to the art. If you are new to X-Force I would give this book a miss, as it is one of the weakest of Marvel's recent launches and bears little resemblance to X-Force of old. I really hope his book improves because I don't want to have an incomplete collection.

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X-Men: Battle of the Atom #1

Sep 9, 2013

Overall they are two very strong opening chapters with stunning art. Bendis seems have to a real handle on how to right the X-Men and Immonen is creating some of the best visuals for a long time. The books have some very funny parts mostly involving the young Iceman's reaction to seeing the future him." chapters in and this is already the best X-Men crossover in years and I can't wait for Wednesday for the next part even if it includes Deadpool who is possibly one of my least favourite Marvel characters.

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