She-Hulk #1
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She-Hulk #1

Writer: Charles Soule Artist: Javier Pulido Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 12, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 42 User Reviews: 17
8.4Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

JENNIFER WALTERS IS...THE SHE-HULK! A stalwart Avenger, valued member of the FF, savior of the world on more than one occasion, she's also a killer attorney with a pile of degrees and professional respect. A 7-foot-tall drink of cool, emerald water, she's tough enough to knock out Galactus with one punch (possibly?) and has a heart bigger than the moon. But juggling cases and kicking bad guy butt is starting to be a little more complicated than she anticipated. With a new practice, a new paralegal and a mounting number of super villains she's racking up as personal enemies, She Hulk might have bitten off a little more than she can chew...but more

  • 10
    The Kliq Nation - Timdogg Feb 11, 2014

    Charles Souleis quickly becoming one of my favorite superhero writers. FromThunderboltstoRed Lanterns, I find myself adding more and more of his books to my reading list. She-Hulk is an under-utilized character, but with Soule andJavier Pulidoembarking on this new journey with her, it's a can't miss. Entertainment inside and outside the courtroom is on deck. To quote Ms. Walters, “COME ON!” Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Feb 15, 2014

    Soule and Pulido end the 1st issue with a strong foundation for future stories and potential. I hope fans of the more common action and “mainstream” Marvel books give this one a chance. It may be light on action and feel less epic in scope, but Soule seems to have a plan to make She-Hulk stronger than she's ever been before. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Refueled - vashmcdash Feb 13, 2014

    This was a wonderful start to series to a well loved character. It's nice to see stories that aren't all about the world ending or alien invasions, but to the stories real people like you and me can relate to and even superpowered heroes have to struggle with the everyday problems. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - CW Cooke Feb 18, 2014

    Wow, nothing more to say really except: GO AND BUY THIS BOOK! Go. Now. You'd do better to spend $3 on this than some dumpy chocolates that won't be appreciated. Hell, I got a digital copy and a physical copy. Tastes better than heart-shaped candy. Promise! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk Feb 23, 2014

    Titles like Soule and Pulido's She-Hulk, along with Waid and Samnee's Daredevil remind me of the fun days of my youth when I could pick a Marvel Comics title off the shelves and escape from my daily troubles for a fun half hour of reading that still left me feeling grounded in the "the world outside my window." Fun, funny, action packed, intelligent, witty, and an all around great read: this is what She-Hulk is, and what Marvel Comics used to be known for doing best. Perhaps with more titles like this, they will be again. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Max Level Geek - Jonathan Semoneit Feb 13, 2014

    I've never read a She-Hulk comic before this, but I'm already a fan thanks to Soule and Pulido. It's flawless. And when I say thatI truly mean I found virtually nothing wrong with this issue. Not one word misplaced, nor one artistic stroke amiss. She-Hulk is comic book fun at its best. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Feb 13, 2014

    She-Hulk is stunning. Beautifully written, wonderfully drawn, this is a comic book you should be reading. Whether you are a Jennifer Walters fan or not, you need to give She-Hulk a shot. It's just that good. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Nerds Unchained - Connor Frigon Feb 14, 2014

    I cant recommend She-Hulk enough. It is a beautifully illustrated book that may have just introduced me to a new favorite character. I know people look on smaller books like this and pre-emptively declare that they will never make it over a year. That should never be an excuse to miss out on a title that has so much to love. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Therapy - Kevin Finnigan Feb 12, 2014

    She-Hulk looks to be another stellar series from the House of Ideas Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Population Go - Ryley Moore Feb 21, 2014

    One issue in and I'm hooked. I expected no less from a team like Soule and Pulido, and I was definitely not disappointed. The issue swiftly establishes a new status quo for Jen that we can expect to be exciting and fun to read each month. If you were on the fence about the comic I hope that this talks you into grabbing it, but good luck as it seems to have flown off the shelves rather quickly! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - George Marston Feb 11, 2014

    There are some story short-cuts in this issue - everything is wrapped up in a bow that is a little too neat - but the seeds of possible long-term arcs are also sewn. Far more important is that Soule and Pulido have done a bang-up job of establishing exactly who their She-Hulk is, and where she fits in the larger Marvel Universe. She-Hulk #1 is reminiscent of Mark Waid's Daredevil, and not just because they both feature lawyers, but because they are both thoughtful character dramas played with a spotless sense of characterization and humor, and propped up by exciting and engaging art. She-Hulk is a winner on almost every level. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Therapy - Kevin Finnigan Dec 31, 1969

    She-Hulk looks to be another stellar series from the House of Ideas Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Feb 13, 2014

    She-Hulk #1 is a great start for a brand new series. It features a fantastic and enjoyable character, terrific writing, and a good sense of humor to boot. The weakest link is the artwork, though it isn't awful and can fit the tone that the series is going for. If you are looking to add a new and also cheap (hooray for $2.99!) series, this may be just up your alley. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Multiversity Comics - David Henderson Feb 13, 2014

    Ultimately, this is exactly the kind of #1 this series needed and it's evident that the key word here is fun. From the first page to the last, this issue is simply a blast to read thanks to Soule's writing which blends his experience as a lawyer and a quick wit to create incredibly fun dialogue and Javier Pulido's artwork which is simply stunning and really compliments Soule's humour and makes excellent use of page layouts. This is the kind of first issue that presents the character in a way that gives both old readers and new equal footing going in and brings both the character and the reader to a place that allows the rest of the series to unfold. This is a masterclass in how to create a new direction for a major character that is both fun and accessible and shows that lawyers can be fun if they get to smash robots every now and then. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Feb 13, 2014

    An appropriately strong first outing that embodies all of the title's appeal and creative power, even if the plot resolves itself a bit too conveniently. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Vanessa Deroo Feb 13, 2014

    She-Hulk #1 is a pretty strong first issue. Some might not enjoy the focus on law here, but it is a great way to introduce Jennifer Walters, her passion and skills to the audience, and it's a side of her that's not to be underestimated. The ending leads the way for a "villain/case of the month" kind of story, rather than an established arc yet, but let's give it time. I'm sure Charles Soule and his friends have a lot of tricks in the back of their heads already. And if not, it's always good to hang with She-Hulk. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Feb 13, 2014

    Marvel's slice-of-life comics are some of the best in their publishing line right now. Saving the world is relative, and Charles Soule starts us out with a done-in-one story to set the stage for a book that fits on the shelves right between Daredevil and Hawkeye. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Booked - Cal Cleary Feb 13, 2014

    Often, our comics can fall into repetitious patterns. How many books out of your pull are 1) sci-fi action epics, or 2) grim crime comics with borrowed noir style? I'd be willing to bet it's a considerable amount, particularly if you read Marvel and DC exclusively. But comics can " and should " be much more than that, because one of the best things about superheroes is that they fit in literally any genre, and typically serve to heighten many of the tropes (for better or for worse) already present. I tend to appreciate it when a creative team finds a novel way to approach a potentially staid genre, and Soule does that and does it well. She-Hulk #1 is quick and witty. It's a blast to read. It looks gorgeous. And it's like nothing else you'll read this month. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Feb 13, 2014

    So it's a good start to this new series, and a fresh take on this (now) classic character. Here's hoping for more along these lines! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    We The Nerdy - Henry Varona Feb 19, 2014

    She-Hulk issue one is a bit of a slow read. While by issues end, it is clear where the book will be going, it is not the action heavy start many may have expected. However, given Soule's expertise with law, an essential element to any good She-Hulk book, I trust that we will have a very accurate and engaging book in due time. She-Hulk is fun for all of the right reasons and looks to lead to bright things in the future. I highly recommend investing and giving it a shot. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Feb 11, 2014

    Javier Pulido’s art is perfect for this series. His work is very stylized, bringing in elements from the Silver Age, but blending them with an animation vibe. While still cheery, and upbeat, Pulido manages to cram in action in all the panels. The simple act of She-Hulk ordering drinks at a bar is executed in a really exciting way. I also applaud his character faces, which are wonderfully expressive. Pulido never lets us forget that we are looking at a comic book. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Graphic Policy - Brett Schenker Feb 16, 2014

    Caseloads and kicking bad guy butt is a complicated business and Soule seems to have that down, mixing in humor on top of it all. You can make all the lawyer jokes you'd like, but it's hard to not like this jade champion of justice. I highly recommend it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Feb 19, 2014

    She-Hulk gets off to a terrific start, being  both fun and entertaining. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Feb 15, 2014

    I love Marvel's new Hawkeye-esque house style, where the writers and artists focus a lot on the people behind the masks instead of the superheroics. I love it in Hawkeye, I loved it in the new Ms. Marvel and the new She-Hulk looks like it might be headed in the same direction. There is a bit of smashing in this issue, but it's off-panel. She-Hulk #1 is all about Shulkie as an attorney, and it's absolutely wonderful. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Feb 15, 2014

    This isn't your rank and file super-hero comic book. It has charisma and showcases She-Hulk's personality. The comic might be too heavy on the lawyer stuff but it has a payoff within this issue. This is a good comic that tells a self-enclosed story and introduces the title character very nicely for the new series. I recommend checking this out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Backwards Compatible - Paul Fiander May 12, 2014

    Overall She Hulk is an interesting new addition into the All New Marvel Now, the down to earth nature of the story mixed with the outlandishness of the central character make for an interesting blend. This may not be the series for everybody but for those looking for something that little bit different from Marvel then this may be a title to look into. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Lindsey Morris Feb 12, 2014

    She-Hulk #1 is a stellar first issue, but it's not without faults. Risk-taking doesn't seem to be high on the to-do list, and adding a character more high-profile than the series' protagonist so early was a bit of a letdown. However, going the route of a more simple, character-driven plot for the pilot issue was a smart move, and the artistic team did an excellent job with the imagery. Jennifer Walters is lean, she's green, and she's well on her way to a promising series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Feb 11, 2014

    As there are many different types of comics, Marvel and Charles Soule are showing us we can get different kinds of superhero comics. Soule includes humor as well as big action while we see a part of Jen's life we don't often get to see, She-Hulk in action as a lawyer. Soule is known for writing several different titles now and he's showing that there is a wide range to the types of stories he can tell. Javier Pulido's art and Muntsa Vicente's art adds to the tone Soule has created and it visually sets the book apart from the average She-Hulk/Avengers stories we've seen time and time again. It's great to see another new book that has a lighter tone to it. A lot of today's comics can be dark and dreary. SHE-HULK is a fun and intelligent book that you'll have a blast reading. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    CHUD - Devon Sanders Feb 15, 2014

    It smartly lets law become a character within the story without resorting to sensationalism. No small feat but one worthy of She-Hulk. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicosity - Jessica Boyd Feb 11, 2014

    Soule has captured the classic, sassy and confident personality of Shulkie with a storyline that has a feel of an issue that would typically provide breathing room between large story arcs. The classic elements are all there: knowledgeable, logical, tough lawyer who likes to cut through the B.S. There are also great touches that call back to her previous stories and relationships that will give long time fans big grins. This isn't a big-impact or quick read story, though. In an effort to reinforce the legal world Jennifer Walters works-in, there are text heavy talking heads on several pages that could bog some readers down. However, if you take your time to take it in, you find Soule is crafting chuckle-worthy moments. Also, if you're looking for big action, you might have to wait for another issue, since the biggest fight scene is left to the imagination and happens off panel. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Bree Ogden Feb 13, 2014

    Pulidos art folds seamlessly into Soules writing. Its brash and charismatic, hyper-colored, with a sixties Mad Men vibe. Perfect for a rebooted She-Hulk who has the boldness of ten Rosie the Riveters. 2014 is She-Hulks year. Its time for Jennifer Walters to set out on her own, build her own law practice, kick some villain ass, and rock that 21st Century Female I can have it all attitude. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Sean Ian Mills Feb 13, 2014

    She-Hulk #1 looks to be a strong start for a character who has had her fair share of starts over the years. Soule has proven himself a gifted writer in the past, and this time he's tackling a subject that's near and dear to his own life. I think Soule and She-Hulk will make a very good team. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jennifer Cheng Mar 7, 2014

    Soule and Pulido's "She-Hulk" is one of the sunniest and most promising new titles on the stands. It's good to see a lead female who doesn't run on angst or operate in a moral gray zone. More importantly, the story shines due to Soule and Pulido's light humor and casual, deft pacing. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Kelly Thompson Feb 12, 2014

    Overall, "She-Hulk" #1 is a great start to a new series for a character well deserving of the spotlight. If Soule can find a way to better balance the lawyer element of the book by sprinkling in a bit more action, he and Pulido are likely to have a hit on their hands. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Rhymes With Geek - Dante Cianni Feb 14, 2014

    As a lawyer, I love this story and can't wait to see what happens next. The teaser from the first book tells us about a paralegal that we have not been introduced to yet, and I want to stick around to see who this character turns out to be. The dialogue was legal-heavy but fast-paced, and the art (other than She Hulk herself) was clean cut. I definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for a good heroin series, and for any lawyers looking for a great comic book read. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Chris Wilson Feb 14, 2014

    She-Hulk #1 does a great job setting itself apart from other Marvel titles but its uniqueness may be its downfall. As with anything, some will enjoy it, others wont. Rating it is actually hard as I loved the issue but can clearly see how others wouldnt. Charles Soule and Javier Pulido tell a great story, albeit one that could be without She-Hulk. It deserves to be read but I believe the majority of superhero readers will avoid this one. I have to go with my gut on this one and recommend that you buy it. At least you may be encouraging Marvel to try new things. They are All-New Now! after all. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Feb 22, 2014

    Although I think it goes too far, the automated levels Stark leaves between himself and any legal problems (even those brought to him by friends) is humorous as things get more complicated and further out of hand before She-Hulk goes into smash mode to get his attention. Overall a solid first issue (even if I'm not sold on the art of Javier Pulido that appears to be aping Mike Allred‘s art on FF). Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Addicts - Anubhav Dasgupta Feb 18, 2014

    It is quite evident that Soule absolutely idolizes She-Hulk, and more-so than that, he sees this comic as a medium to satirize his own profession. The first issue was breezy fun; it'll be interesting to see how the comic shapes up. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicBuzz - Ollie Feb 18, 2014

    Soule seems to a perfect match for She-Hulk, as he knows the legal side of her character inside out and has some experience writing the super hero side of things too. The majority of the story is based on She-Hulks legal work and this is the characters strongest points and sets her apart for every other powerhouse character in the marvel universe. Her first meeting with Legal points out the head melting complexity of the history Tony Stark's company in a way that only a person who has dealt with similar complexities could. I am not sold on the art by Pulido but I am willing to give his more cartoonish take on She-Hulk a chance. His depiction of She-Hulk is a bit underwhelming as she does not looking like the powerhouse that she is, were she normally towers above regular people, here she is a similar size to them. All in all a very solid first issue apart from the nit picking on the art. Definitely worth giving a chance. Read Full Review

  • 6.1
    Geeked Out Nation - Jeremy James Feb 14, 2014

    Overall, She-Hulk is a title that some will enjoy, but many will turn away from. Some fans will not like the art style, others will dislike the story. There are good things about this title but not enough to keep me going on it, which is unfortunate. I was hoping for more out of She-Hulk #1. Bottom line: I didn't like it. So sue me. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Hero Nuggets - Hero Nuggets Feb 13, 2014

    She-Hulk #1 is a greatstartingpoint for people not familiar with the She-Hulk. However,I am impressively confused as to why she never reverts back to Jennifer mode, especially at work!! The art in the issue is a huge problem for me and fails to capture the essence of "well"anything really. I look forward to seeing which cases this lawyer accepts in the coming issues, but this was a very lukewarm introduction. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain Feb 14, 2014

    I was expecting a lot out of this comic, but it just doesn't measure up. Maybe I'll read the second issue, but I'm not too fussed about it. Read Full Review

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