Ryley Moore's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Population Go Reviews: 10
8.6Avg. Review Rating

Avengers (2012) #19

Sep 13, 2013

I really did enjoy this issue, and I'm happy that it's only a week until the next two parts are published. If you are readingInfinitybut notAvengersorNew Avengers then I highly implore you to pick up these tie-ins because they're much more essential than they're advertised as.

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Avengers (2012) #20

Oct 1, 2013

By this installments end the Avengers and their many allies in this are in a very interesting place, and I'm sure that this will be picked up upon very well in the next issue of Infinity. So far I have to say that as someone who has been so disappointed by event comics in the past, this one is very much worth reading, and as we pass the half way mark I'm sure it's going to be leading to an incredible climax.

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Batman / Superman (2013) #3

Aug 31, 2013

Pak continues to prove himself as one of DC's greatest acquisitions, and it's wonderful that they're sticking him on A-list books like this and Action Comics, instead of sticking him on tertiary and spin-off titles like Marvel had been doing (after he left Hulk, that is). I'm still loving this series and can't recommend it enough to any fan.

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Batman Incorporated (2012): Special #1

Aug 29, 2013

It's a nice issue overall, but one that isn't essential. Hopefully these characters won't disappear from continuity, though, as I'd like to see some of them get more focus in the future. There's certainly potential for more mini-series involving the members of Batman Incorporated, and I think this comic proves just that.

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Daredevil (2011) #31

Sep 21, 2013

Once again, Mark Waid and Chris Samnee kill it and Daredevil continues to be one of the most fun titles on the shelves. Waid proves that he's one of the best scribes in comics right now by making a series that retains the light-hearted fun of the silver-age combined with some modern age sensibilities and political commentary.

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Red Lanterns #23

Aug 30, 2013

Though he's only been given three issues so far, Soule has done well to create a lot of conflict within these pages, introducing a force to be reckoned with in Atrocitus (and his new form) and Gardner as an enemy to himself. I can tell that as long as Soule stays on this title with Guy we're going to see some crazy interesting character development for not only Guy Gardner, but for the members of his Red Lanterns crew. It's just too bad there's no issue tying into this title specifically for next month with the Villains one-shots, and then in October we just get thrown into a crossover, so we won't be continuing the main story Soule has introduced until November. It'll be worth the wait, though, if it's as good as it has been.

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She-Hulk (2014) #1

Feb 21, 2014

One issue in and I'm hooked. I expected no less from a team like Soule and Pulido, and I was definitely not disappointed. The issue swiftly establishes a new status quo for Jen that we can expect to be exciting and fun to read each month. If you were on the fence about the comic I hope that this talks you into grabbing it, but good luck as it seems to have flown off the shelves rather quickly!

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #1

Apr 24, 2014

What Slott did withSuperior Spider-Manwas deliver something that could have easily failed had it not been for his excellent planning, and knowing these characters inside and out. Longtime fans of the character should definitely bring themselves to read this series as it brings a new twist on the classic hero and a classic villain that won't be soon forgotten. Slott'sSuperior Spider-Manwill be remembered in the future of the character as other classic eras such as theAlien CostumeandClone Sagaeras. With an attention to detail in his plots and huge teases for what's to come, Slott succeeds andSuperior Spider-Mandefinitely comes out to be a Superior comic.

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Thor: God of Thunder #12

Sep 1, 2013

This issue was just what the series needed in the aftermath of it's first major arc. It's a much needed break from all the action, but it does well to bridge the gap into the next story where Thor meets Malekith again. I officially have no reservations about Aaron being able to keep up the quality in this series, and I hope to see more emotional issues like this in the future.

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Uncanny Avengers #11

Aug 31, 2013

As a speculative aside, I want to mention that it was leaked a while ago that the big summer event for 2014 would be a culmination of the events happening in all of Rick Remender's series, as well as in Jason Aaron's work (which often ties over). I'm just going to state that it's probably going to have something to do with the "Red Onslaught."

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