Thor: God of Thunder #12

Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: Esad Ribic Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 28, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 22
9.2Critic Rating
9.2User Rating

THOR RETURNS TO MIDGARD! What does it mean to walk the Earth as a god?Where does Thor go and who does he see when he's not out saving the world with the Avengers?Also, the return of long-time love interest, Dr. Jane Foster.

  • 10
    Analog Addiction - Jideobi Odunze Aug 29, 2013

    I can only hope to see more stories about Thor in this tone. Not sure if something like this could be consistent, but it's something you appreciate when he's not out there bashing skulls with his hammer. Gods are gods, but seeing what makes them like every other being in existence is enlightening. Normally after something as big as a 10 which the conclusion to GodBomb was, you'd expect something weaker, but this still gets to you. This is another reason why Thor God of Thunder should be on your pull list Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Aug 30, 2013

    "Thor: God of Thunder" #12 has minimal action from Mjolnir, but it makes up for the lack of action with the promise of excitement and an incredible range of emotion. The scene of Thor and Jane Foster runs the full gamut. In five pages. Thor realizes some problems can't be hit with a hammer or struck by lightning and in that same realization, the Thunder God experiences humanity and shares it with one of his oldest mortal friends. Some creators are well matched to the characters they work. Others are flat-out perfect. Jason Aaron is the best writer Thor could have right now and Thor is the best character for Aaron's range. Collectively, "Thor: God of Thunder" is vying for the top spot in my Marvel reads, with its primary competition being "Daredevil." Hmmmm. Do you suppose Mark Waid and Jason Aaron read these reviews and might put one and one together? Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Aug 28, 2013

    THOR: GOD OF THUNDER #12 proves this book can thrive without Gods battling and diabolical villains creating all kinds of chaos in the universe. Aaron offers a tight script, bringing a pleasant insight into modern Thor's character as he visits everyone from an inmate to an ex-lover. Based on the conclusion, it definitely seems this is Aaron's way of giving us an endearing course of events before we're hit by another wave of madness and villainy. I strongly recommend checking this one out. If you're not already a fan of the character, this holds the potential to turn you into one and it's a perfect jumping on point (although I do recommend reading THOR: GOD OF THUNDER #1-11 because it's thoroughly awesome). Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Hugo Robberts Lariviere Aug 29, 2013

    Simply put, a superb issue full of positivism that shows just how Thor deals with the folk in Midgard in a way that makes sense considering how the normal people in the Marvel universe might see godhood. With a powerful artistic direction from Nic Klein, it's just a great issue that I cannot recommend enough. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Stash My Comics - Leo Johnson Aug 29, 2013

    This issue, like few others that start a new arc, doesn't really say anything of the last arc. Thor just goes straight to being Thor. The story told is one that sheds a softer light on the Thor of the present Marvel universe, which is something that fans certainly need to see. New readers can definitely jump in and be engrossed in this world that Aaron has constructed. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain Sep 2, 2013

    Overall, an excellent job by the entire team and I can't wait for #13!! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    We The Nerdy - Alden Diaz Aug 29, 2013

    Nic Klein joins Aaron for this amazing issue by providing some really fantastic artwork. I honestly wish he'd stay on the book for more than an issue. Maybe we can institute a new rule? When Thor is on Earth, you get Nic Klein! I loved the way he drew Thor, particularly his facial expressions and sheer size, and I thought that the way he drew the scene with Thor and Jane watching a sunrise on the moon was nothing short of breathtaking. I really would like that page as a poster. It was one of the most beautiful things I've seen in a comic in a long time. I really hope to see more of Klein's work very soon! I'd love to see how he'd handle some gritty, Asgardian action. Overall, buy this issue. There is absolutely no reason to skip it. No excuses, Midgardians! It's surely the least epic of the series so far, but it's easily my favorite. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Aug 28, 2013

    Nic Klein, late of Winter Soldier, hops on board for a single issue. Klein remains one of the most talented new creators at Marvel, and it's a shame to see him being deployed on short, single-issue assignments like this when he could just as easily be headlining the series. Regardless, Klein's striking figure work, bold lines, and emotionally weighty facial work are a perfect fit for the story Aaron is telling. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Population Go - Ryley Moore Sep 1, 2013

    This issue was just what the series needed in the aftermath of it's first major arc. It's a much needed break from all the action, but it does well to bridge the gap into the next story where Thor meets Malekith again. I officially have no reservations about Aaron being able to keep up the quality in this series, and I hope to see more emotional issues like this in the future. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Statues And Superheroes - Steven Viscido Aug 31, 2013

    The only negative about this book is the artwork, which is simply mediocre.  Klein gets the job done, but his work suffers badly in comparison to the first 11 issues by Ribic.  I had to dock this issue a point for that.  Hopefully the next artist will turn in  better work.  Still, this issue was outstanding otherwise. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The MacGuffin - Matt LeMaire Aug 31, 2013

    So no, you're not going to get the same kind of epic action we've had over the last 11 issues ofThor God of Thunderhere, but that's hardly a problem. Instead, what we get is an interesting look at Thor's complex and complicated relationship with the people of Midgard and his unending need to do good by them, even if it means doing something that he wish he didn't have to. Aaron and Klein have put together an excellent issue, that while light on action, packs in tons of great character moments. Man, I love this book. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Aug 31, 2013

    This issue is an amazing character piece, showcasing Thor as a complex and fascinating person, who has used his immortality to truly explore the wonders of Earth (or Midgard, as he calls it). This is possibly the best issue of the new Thor series so far, and that's saying a lot. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Sep 2, 2013

    After the interminable "Godbomb" story, this issue of Thor God of Thunder arrives like a breath of fresh air. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Aug 29, 2013

    Thor is coming off a long eleven issue story so it is nice to get a change in gears. While elements of that story are referenced here they are not essential to enjoy this comic. This is a terrific story that brings in old and new characters and helps to push Thor into the next phase of his story. This is worth checking out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Sep 1, 2013

    Although previous artist Esad Ribic doesn't handle the art duties, artist Nic Klein steps in and does a great job. His style of art is a better fit for a story like this. His art works in this issue and in no way comes off as a let down from previous issues. There's a lot to like within this story and it gives us a nice break before the next storyline starts up. Although not all of the scenes are equally as strong in this issue, the overall theme of this issue is both powerful and touching. Read Full Review

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