Alden Diaz's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: We The Nerdy Reviews: 11
8.8Avg. Review Rating

Ant-Man & The Wasp (2018) #1

Jun 6, 2018

Overall, this is a solid start. Despite the one character thing with Scott that I really hope gets resolved, I think its a good #1 issue for this story and for these characters. I could easily see some fans not being sold on what feels like an ultimately inconsequential plot, but Im looking forward to the second issue. This mini feels like it's making the case for smaller, self contained adventures. You know, like the genre was built on. My biggest takeaway is that I came away liking a new character, and for a longtime Marvel fan, thats always a great surprise. If youre someone thats never tried out Pym Particles before and you want to give an Ant-Man story a try, pick up this issue.

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Captain America (2018) #1

Jul 4, 2018

This is classic Marvel, relaunch woes be damned. Pick this up if you've ever been unsure about diving into comics about Cap. Pick this up if you like the movie version but you're unsure about comics in general. This is a book where Cap is as unsure as you are, but he's gonna be with you for the ride.

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Doctor Strange (2018) #1

Jun 6, 2018

I feel this is a universally accessible story, both as a potential first comic and just as a human moment for this character. Weve all had moments of doubt, and like with his Daredevil run, Waid is tapping into the fear of those moments. This issue has the comic book spirit of Why not? all over it. Put this guy in space and do something new. So, if youre like me and you havent ever been a Doctor Strange reader: I encourage you to do something new as well and give this book a try.

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FF (2012) #11

Aug 30, 2013

Now one of the best things about FF is that it's not dominated by Fraction's writing. It's equal parts writing and art, because the amazing Mike & Laura Allred rocks every single panel, every single issue. Mike's unique character design, expressive faces, and bold line work mesh beautifully with his wife Laura's incredible colors. The signature bright, pop-art inspired Allred art has worked perfectly with these characters and the adventures they've had over the course of these issues, and this one is no exception. The pages with Adolf and Medusa are particularly great. Overall, I'd suggest you all either get not only this issue, but ALL OF THEM. This is one of the best ongoing series currently being published in my opinion. If you can deal with a “slow and steady” pace, I think you'll dig it as much as I do.

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Justice League (2011) #23.1

Sep 6, 2013

From an art perspective, this issue is fantastic. From the excellent Jason Fabok cover, to Clarke's interiors, I thought it was all really well done. I really want to see more Andy Clarke Joker work. I think that his art coupled with Kubert's story really conveyed a Batman: The Animated Series feel. His extremely expressive Joker actually made me hear Mark Hamill in my head, which is the mark of greatness in my opinion. I think that the flashback scenes are by far the best pages in this issue. I really loved the use of shadow in those scenes, and the different panel borders that were used too. Overall, I'd recommend this issue to any Joker fan, whether you kept up with his Death of the Family actions or not.

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Justice League (2018) #1

Jun 6, 2018

Justice League #1 is what you want out of superhero comics. It feels like a combination of some of my favorite comic book writing from the past few years, some of the best memories I have of childhood TV, and the film adaptation we all want to see. Its big and bold, but with a personal lens. Fun and accessible, but with a sense of importance.

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Star Wars: Lando - Double Or Nothing #1

Jun 2, 2018

Overall, I had a great time with this issue. It isnt a big story, but it doesnt have to be. We have to let this brand feel smaller in scope at times. Im very excited for the next four issues. For fans that want to consume the smaller things in the expanded canon, youll definitely want to check this one out. And for fans that enjoyed Solo, this is the flashy and fun adventure youll want to go on next.

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Thanos Rising #5

Aug 30, 2013

Of course, no comic book epic is complete with gorgeous art to accompany it, and Bianchi delivers this aspect perfectly. His work is amazingly detailed, and I found myself taking a pause between pages to admire his work. I think that the colors really fit the story well, and they contribute to the overall tone in a big bad way. I really look forward to more of Bianchi's work. I think that he REALLY rocks hard sci-fi like this story. Another important aspect of the art is the expressive nature of Bianchi's characters. You can see the pain just as vividly as you can imagine it because of Aaron's words. Stellar work. Pick up these issues, or wait for the trade. It doesn't really matter which. If you're even remotely interested in Thanos, this is a MUST READ.

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Thor (2018) #1

Jun 13, 2018

This is a relaunch with validity, a relaunch with power, a relaunch with beauty, and a relaunch with, well, thunder. Check this book out, I definitely don't think you'll regret it.

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Thor: God of Thunder #12

Aug 29, 2013

Nic Klein joins Aaron for this amazing issue by providing some really fantastic artwork. I honestly wish he'd stay on the book for more than an issue. Maybe we can institute a new rule? When Thor is on Earth, you get Nic Klein! I loved the way he drew Thor, particularly his facial expressions and sheer size, and I thought that the way he drew the scene with Thor and Jane watching a sunrise on the moon was nothing short of breathtaking. I really would like that page as a poster. It was one of the most beautiful things I've seen in a comic in a long time. I really hope to see more of Klein's work very soon! I'd love to see how he'd handle some gritty, Asgardian action. Overall, buy this issue. There is absolutely no reason to skip it. No excuses, Midgardians! It's surely the least epic of the series so far, but it's easily my favorite.

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Uncanny X-Men (2013) #11

Aug 30, 2013

One of the most amazing things about the way Bendis writes is the way he can make me care about and root for a character. Any character. Even ones I never really thought I would care about only a year or two ago. And if I do care about the character, he almost always manages to capitalize on what makes them great. He demonstrates this ability extremely well in this series all the time with the new members of the X-Men, Emma Frost, Magik, Magneto, etc. But he does a particularly good job in this issue with the leader of the mutant revolution, Cyclops. This issue was a really interesting, and visually striking look at the character, and the world and people around him.

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