Jeremy James's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Geeked Out Nation Reviews: 6
8.5Avg. Review Rating

Brain Boy #3

Nov 22, 2013

Fans of the X-Men and Peter David's X-Factor- I think Brain Boy is right up your alley. For anyone who enjoys the supernatural, this is a series I would highly recommend adding to your pull list. It's really just too good to be ignored.

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Manifest Destiny #1

Nov 13, 2013

The story has a steady pace, laying the groundwork for future installments. However, what I liked the best is the unknown, and what lies ahead. They fully expect to encounter and battle monsters along their way, and while I will not be a spoiler, I will say we get a taste of what is out there in the woods. I am anxious to see what happens when this creative team is given a chance to unleash the strange and dangerous beasts that even Lewis and Clark themselves could not have seen coming.I am not really a history buff,I'm not familiar with Chris Dingess' work in 'Being Human', and I'm not sure I've seen the art of Matthew Roberts before either. I wouldn't be doing you, the reader, any favors if I opened this issue up any further in a review. Go pick up this issue, and see for yourself. It's well worth a read.Trust me. If I didn't think it was, I'd say so.-JJ

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She-Hulk (2014) #1

Feb 14, 2014

Overall, She-Hulk is a title that some will enjoy, but many will turn away from. Some fans will not like the art style, others will dislike the story. There are good things about this title but not enough to keep me going on it, which is unfortunate. I was hoping for more out of She-Hulk #1. Bottom line: I didn't like it. So sue me.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #26

Jan 31, 2014

Superior Spider-Man is my favorite title by far right now and I will be sad when it's over. However this particular issue left me wanting more than I got. I know it's hard to complain with everything that happened here, but I guess it all boils down to the big finish. Now that I know this series is coming to a close, and the Goblin is stronger than ever, out for blood, I just want the main event. It can develop over three or more issues, but I am ready to see Superior Spider-Man and the Green Goblin fight to the end. I am ready for the main event.

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The Maxx: Maxximized #1

Nov 27, 2013

Being such a huge fan of The Maxx since its genesis, I honestly cannot think of even one good reason not to run out and get this book. Sam Kieth may often be too critical of himself. In my opinion he is one of the most underrated artists and storytellers in the business. The Maxx himself has always been an iconic image, and now he returns to do" well, whatever it is he does " to a new generation of readers. I would rate it a 10, but if I did Sam Kieth wouldn't take me seriously.

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The X-Files: Season 10 #6

Nov 27, 2013

If you are a fan of The X-Files, this will be an issue you can get excited about. The "Host" story was such a strong moment in the television series, and it is really cool to see where IDW is taking it in this comic adaptation.

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