Cryptozoic Man #1
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Cryptozoic Man #1

Writer: Walter Flanagan, Bryan Johnson Artist: Walter Flanagan Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: October 9, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 1
5.5Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

You watched Stan "The Man" Lee pitch it on Season II of AMC TV's "Comic Book Men"; Now, from CBM cast members Walt Flanagan & Bryan Johnson comes "Cryptozoic Man". Alan Ostman, a middle-aged husband/father, sees his life quickly unravel when his daughter goes missing on a camping trip in the Pacific Northwest...Bigfoot country. After Gray aliens abduct him from a roadside bar, he learns that the fate of the world is dependent on trapping the world's most legendary cryptids...not to mention defeating a psychopath in a pig-shaped leather bondage mask, Alan knows he has his work cut out for him. The storyline revolving around this four issue ser more

  • 10
    Comic Booked - Aaron Clutter Oct 11, 2013

    I like the art and the writing. This is some kind of post-apocalyptic world, but a little different than most. No nuclear fallout or alien invasion… well, there is a little alien involvement, but still. I will warn you, it is a tad bloody, but other than monster guts and blood, a great read and something worth trying. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Oct 8, 2013

    Cryptozoic Man #1 is a beginning that carries enough within the confines of its narrative to warrant your attention. It's not perfect but it earns a recommendation. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Following The Nerd - Spin Dash Oct 10, 2013

    The interpretation, pacing and story may turn some readers off, but if you want a book that honestly makes you think and travel down a path of the unknown then you should pick up Cryptozoic Man. Yes it is weird and yes it will make you feel really dizzy at the end, but it is like Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, you just want to get back on and go again. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Joey Caswell Oct 9, 2013

    While good things were expected from this book, Cryptozoic Man #1 exceeded expectations both in terms of writing and art. The visuals are magnificent, both elegant and creepy at the same time. The story thus far is presented with a great deal more depth than originally anticipated; every aspect of the plot is interesting and presented with an intelligent, poetic sensibility. This four-issue mini-series looks like it has a lot of ground to cover with its plot before the end, but given the introduction, Id say this team is more than capable of completing the task before them. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Front Towards Gamer - FTG Contributor Oct 8, 2013

    This is a comic that really would've benefitted from having some character to act as the voice of reason but instead every character who does speak or narrate what's happening seems to take a sadistic delight in keeping the audience completely in the dark to what is happening. I realize a strong mystery is essential to keep readers coming back every month but here just basic establishment of character and setting have been thrown to the wind in the name of weirdness and I really do think that was a mistake here as the weirdness just isn't fascinating enough to really keep you engaged the way it would be if it was just a little bit more explained to us. Sorry to say it but I can't recommend this one. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Stash My Comics - Leo Johnson Oct 10, 2013

    New readers, steer clear. This is going to be nothing but a disappointment. While it's an interesting premise, it's just not well done at all. It's going to leave you more confused or disappointed than anything. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Therapy - Cody "The Thorverine" Ferrell Oct 9, 2013

    Cryptozoic Man is an interesting story with some cool creatures, but the story leaves you scratching your head. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    ComicBuzz - Ollie Oct 16, 2013

    The story is just ludicrous, we get aliens, monsters, pig guy who has some unexplained link to a stuffed toy (really), the end times and some dude who is looking for his child being turned into some ridiculous looking mutant monster who is meant to be the hero but doesn't seem to have any redeeming features. The artwork is adequate rather than spectacular but the designs of the monsters are like something that a teenager would doodle on their schoolbooks while bored in class. This is basically one of the worst books I have read in quite a while and I have read some rubbish over the years. If this book didn't involved TV personalities with would have been thrown the trash and would have belonged there. If you want to read a good horror comic, do your self a favour and pick up something like Coffin Hill or Revival. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    Entertainment Fuse - Nicole D'Andria Oct 19, 2013

    I really wanted to like this comic book since it was from the "Comic Book Men" of AMC. But I'm afraid even their show can't make up for this disappointing start to a series that made me feel nothing but a headache. I'm sure some people who like all of these ideas meshed together may enjoy this issue and the artwork had some wonderful moments, but it's just not for me and I suspect many others. Read Full Review

  • 1.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Oct 9, 2013

    I read this comic twice and have no idea why it even exists. The story certainly doesn't seem to be something that needed to be written. I can't recommend this in the slightest as it's so nonsensical even the decent art is throwaway material. The only draw I see is that you might get an inside look at its creation on the TV show. The script is a mess, doesn't do the reader any favors and goes from boring to straight up frustrating. Read Full Review

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