Flash #20

Writer: Francis Manapul, Brian Buccellato Artist: Francis Manapul Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 22, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 12
7.8Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

An all-new Flash epic begins here, and the stakes have never been higher as Barry races toward a confrontation with the Reverse Flash!

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Daniel Gehen May 23, 2013

    The Flash #20 is a great jumping on point, and captures everything I want out of a Barry Allen story. It delivers detective work, romance, humor and just plain fun. I cant wait to see how this story unfolds it looks to have all the makings of a fun ride. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Lan Pitts May 28, 2013

    Buccellato's palette looks great on top of Manapul's inkwashed pages giving another layer of color and dimension from anything to skin tone to the Flash's costume to magnificent cityscapes. It all looks just so energetic and colorful, going with the theme of Barry's life somewhat getting back on track, but we all know his life is anything but slow and boring. Flash #20 was a great way to transition into this DC staple's world of super-science and mystery-solving. The creative team on this is one of the sharpest I've seen on any of the New 52 titles, and I hope things don't slow down from here. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Melissa Grey May 22, 2013

    Last issue explored the idea that heroes aren't made heroic through their powers, but by their choices and The Flash #20 follows suit thematically. Fighting crime isn't all high speed chases and fiery explosions -- sometimes, it's putting together a puzzle, onepainstakinglysmall piece at a time. At the issue's end, Manapul and Buccellato promise a meeting Flash fans have been looking forward to since the New 52 launched: Kid Flash and Barry Allen will finally come face to face. Time will tell if the Flash has internalized all those lessons he's learned over the past few issues or if Kid Flash's impulsiveness (get it?) will prove infectious. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp May 29, 2013

    It's great to see Manapual and his beautiful art of the Flash in action return. Next month offers the first meeting between Flash and Kid Flash and you have to wonder with the unseen villain targeting those who were temporarily trapped in the Speed Force how long it will take Barry to realize Iris is likely his next target. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Entertainment Fuse - Elvis Dutan May 22, 2013

    The Flash is a title that has carved a niche within the New 52 as being one of the more lighthearted series, relatively. The Reverse-Flash is a villain that necessitates a turn for the darker edge and so far the title seems poised to do so. Manapul and Buccellato have kicked off on a great start in all areas, writing and art, and this story-arc has a lot of potential just waiting to be delved into. Escpecially given that it will, in next months issue, be host to the first meeting between The Flash and Kid Flash. Here's to this story-arc and to the hope that they make Infantino proud. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - George Marston May 22, 2013

    Flash #20 continues the steady rise in the quality of this title. With a solid mystery afoot and the promise of finally caching in on some questions that have been dangling since DC's relaunch almost two years ago on the horizon, forward movement " the right way " seems to finally be in Flash's purview. It's just a shame that Barry Allen isn't really coming along for the ride, allowing himself to be swept along by his stories, rather than setting the pace for them. If Manapul and Buccellato can wrap their heads around making Barry Allen as compelling as the world he lives in, the last piece of this puzzle will finally fall into place. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero May 22, 2013

    Who is the Reverse Flash? What the heck does he want and why is he killing those touched by the Speed Force? That's the big question and you'll be glued to the pages as you try to figure out what he's all about. Buccellato and Manapul are back together after two issues and seeing the art, colors and writing reminds you why this is such a refreshing series. There is plenty that happens here but it feels a tiny bit short on action as it sets up the beginning of a new arc in a big way. With the new character and the tease at the end of this issue, it's going to be a long wait until next month's issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene May 28, 2013

    The mystery within the mystery is paramount to everything Meru is about to discover. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Read Comic Books - Tyler Goulet May 22, 2013

    They've taken this book and iconic character and really made it feel like their own. From upgrades to his rogue gallery to new powers for The Flash himself, Manapul and Booch are really firing on all cylinders. If ever there was a time to start reading The Flash that time is now. Well, okay, you should have been reading since issue #1, but if you haven't pick up issue #20 and get ready for, quite possibly, one of the best Flash arcs in recent memory. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Jeff Marsick May 23, 2013

    That disconnect, between the stylistic artwork and mediocre storytelling, continues to be the hurdle this book can't quite surmount. It's okay, but it begs to be great. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Population Go - Population Go Staff May 26, 2013

    Reverse is off to a good start, but isn't anything too spectacular just yet. Given that this is a six part arc however, there's plenty of time to build momentum and run with it. This issue is our standing start, with the final page being the gun-shot that starts the race. We can guarantee that the next five issues are going to be pulse-pounding action, as Barry meets the Reverse Flash and some other characters he's long overdue to meet before reaching the finish line. Yeah, I went with the running puns " considering I've gone 21 issues without it, I'd call that restraint. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton May 27, 2013

    Now that "The Flash" #20 has shaken free of the sluggish nature that has dogged the title for a while, I'm hoping for a climb into fun from this point on. It's a good first chapter in this six-part story, and I want to see it keep picking up the pace. So far, so good. Read Full Review

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