Lobster Johnson: Garden of Bones #1

Writer: Mike Mignola, John Arcudi Artist: Stephen Green Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: January 11, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3
8.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

When an undead hit man goes after the NYPD, the Lobster steps in to figure out if it's a zombie-or something worse.
"In a world currently obsessed with Capes and Cowls, it's refreshing to have a pulp sci-fi book where the hero isn't perfect, and doesn't always win."-Big Comic Page

  • 9.2
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Jan 15, 2017

    Though you know the heroes are going to survive, Arcudi and Mignola know how to spin the tale to bring tension and fear to the reading experience. This is a one-shot so you aren't committing to anything going forward, but I believe if this is your first experience with the pulpy horror tales of Lobster Johnson, you'll be back for more. Lobster Johnson: Garden of Bones is a worth picking up and reading right before you go to bed. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Tyler Goulet Jan 2, 2017

    Garden of Bones is a creepy, excellent little tale from a corner of the Mignolaverse that hasn't had as much attention as big Red as of late. Lobster Johnson is a classic archetype character, set in the always thrilling mobster run 30s and he's a take-no-crap kind of hero. Think of him like Batman, without the rules and with a gun…who likes to burn his symbol onto the foreheads of the people he's brought to justice. If you're looking for a fun one-shot comic outside of the whole Big-Two universe of books–because who doesn't need a breather from them every now and then–thanLobster Johnson: Garden of Bones is definitely the book for you. Maybe it'll be your gateway into the Mignolaverse. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    Multiversity Comics - Brian Salvatore Jan 11, 2017

    There isn't too much more to say here; I've talked before about finding new things to say about Lobster stories, but after reading this, it became very clear to me that this is my problem, and not a fault in the storytelling. These stories scratch a very particular itch: pulp heroes who punch and kick supernatural things. This issue delivers a great version of that. Read Full Review

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