Helheim #1
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Helheim #1

Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Joelle Jones Publisher: Oni Press Release Date: March 6, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 1
7.9Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

A NEW SERIES FROM SIXTH GUN WRITER CULLEN BUNN AND FAN FAVORITE ARTIST JOËLLE JONES! "Once the threshold of Helheim is crossed, not even gods can escape." During the age of the Vikings, savage wild men and dark creatures beset a small settlement. A brave war party stands as guardians of the helpless villagers, but they are no match for the horrors rising up around them. One of the warriors, a young hero named Rikard, will pay the ultimate price in battle... but his fight is far from over. A gothic horror story of witchcraft, night creatures, and the undead.

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Mar 6, 2013

    This issue is bad-fucking-ass. Buy it now. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Aaron Duran Mar 5, 2013

    A skill that's often overlooked in comics, even by well-meaning critics and fans, is the letterer. This time I feel a special consideration must be made to Ed Brisson on lettering. There are some subtle (and not so subtle) uses of fonts, balloons, and word weight that add a level of realism to an otherwise outlandish story. It's easy to overlook, but without a doubt, added to the overall enjoyment of this book. In all, Oni Press has put together quite a team for Helheim. It's a strong first issue that promises all kinds of fun in future. And were it not for the editors note at the end, I'd make the same chocolate and peanut butter joke as he. What can you do? Frankenstein and Vikings. Bunn and Jones. They really are a literary Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Read Comic Books - Tyler Goulet Mar 4, 2013

    This book may not be for everybody, but it is definitely a book you should check out if youre even a little big curious. The wait for this issue has been Hel (see what I did there?) but its certainly paid off big time. The last few pages are exciting, shocking and unexpected. Sit down, strap in and get ready for what is going to be one hell of a ride with Cullen Bunn and Joelle Jones Helheim. You wont be disappointed. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Front Towards Gamer - PNeafsey Mar 6, 2013

    Readers looking for a unique comic with fantastic artwork and writing will find Wilheim ready to deliver. Hopefully Oni Press and their team can keep up the pace of this entry in subsequent issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Russ Mar 6, 2013

    Great art. Great setting. A serviceable plot thus far. I went into Helheim #1 without knowing a damn thing about it and came away very pleasantly surprised. Hopefully issue #2 continues with the quality that this one brought about. I also can't wait to see what else Bunn conjures up for Joelle Jones to illustrate. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Andrew Sanford Mar 19, 2013

    The first issue provides a complete story while giving us a change in the status quo by the end of the issue that leaves the storyline completely open. This appears to be an ongoing series but as with any indy book low sales can quickly turn it into a limited series. I am in and if Vikings dealing with dark magic are of interest to you, I would advise you check this book out. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    IGN - dmburns81 Mar 7, 2013

    Cullen Bunn is one of the rising stars right now in the business. His other creator-owned Oni work,The Sixth Gun,is being made into a TV show for NBC right now, he's writing Venom and The Fearless Defendersfor Marvel, and he still finds time to create a new series like this one. Again, Bunn is walking a tightrope but he seems to be doing it with the grace of an old pro. I may not know the motivations for these characters yet, or how long the ghouls have been raiding Rikard's village, but I definitely want to see what Bunn and Jones reveal to us next month---and you should too. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Mar 6, 2013

    The only real complaint I have about "Hellheim" is it's just when we get to the end of the issue that I feel like we've started to kick things into high gear. In many ways, that's not so much a problem as it is a recognition that Bunn and Jones have me hooked and wanting more. This is a fun first issue, but based on this I can only expect we're about to get some seriously kick-butt future issues just around the corner. This is a nice debut. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Mar 9, 2013

    This book has action, suspense, some conflict and the dead returning to life. It's a good comic book and this is a good first chapter. There isn't anything in here to make the book groundbreaking or unforgettable but the reader will probably get a strong inkling as to whether or not this is their cup of tea. I liked the book and urge anyone looking for something a little different to pick it up and give it a try. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Mar 16, 2013

    That doesn't mean the first issue of Helheim fell flat for altogether. I was wowed by one aspect of the book: Jolle Jones's artwork. I love the designs of the villainous invaders. Furthermore, Jones has clearly opted to challenge herself. Past instances of her visual storytelling featured slender figures, delicate elements. Here, she delves into more brutal characters, and she employs thick, harsh designs to convey the rough strength of the various players in the drama. I've always found her work focused on grace, youth and beauty in the past, but here, she adds ugliness and pain to the mix as the property requires. It's as though she wants to avoid artistic "typecasting," and if that's the case, she succeeds. Nick Filardi's colors are appropriately dark and muted throughout, so the deep, sparkling blue tones he uses to convey the Ghost Rikard's form really pops as a result. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Wildmercy Jul 30, 2016

    Cover - 7.5
    Story - 7.5
    Art - 9.0
    Color - 8.0
    Lettering - 7.0
    All star creative team - A different kind of story from Bunn who has became one of the best Writers in the medium and always brings some thing new to the table . Joelle Jones art is beautiful her women are all amazing looking and sexy. Jones is style is unique and brings life to Helheim.
    Colors Nick Filardi is a prefect partner to Jones and gives the feel of the cold north in every page. Ed Brisson gives a simple but sold lettering job -- Helheim is something different and enjoyable.

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