Andrew Sanford's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Spectrum Reviews: 26
7.3Avg. Review Rating

Dark Shadows #14

Mar 21, 2013

I have watched some of the original show but am no expert. If you are unfamiliar with the show, it may take an issue or two to get into the narrative but the inside cover provides an update. I feel that most fans of the series will enjoy this book and for the rest of you, if you like a roller coaster horror book, I would suggest you check it out.

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DC Universe vs. The Masters of the Universe #1

Sep 5, 2013

Giffen has been around the block a few times and probably knows to fill in the gaps but I think that is fatal for a first issue where you have two different properties. He fills the book with light banter back and forth with Adam and Teela and Constantine and Xanadu. There is also the obligatory image of Constantine lighting up a cigarette (twice). I can only assume this is written for people that are familiar with both properties as he leaves one major DC character completely unnamed, a minor “Master of the Universe” unnamed, and Skeletor's ally?, spirit power? ghost? unnamed. It certainly is a difficult balance to introduce new readers without pandering to them at the risk of alienating your core fans but this feels like it is written only for the core fans. That is an understandable choice but when coupled with the misleading cover I do think an opportunity was lost. I would welcome any He-Man fans and/or fans of this book to chime in.

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Dia De Los Muertos #2

Apr 9, 2013

The best anthologies mix up the story styles to derive maximum impact. By having similar stories in a row, they invite too much direct comparison. Also, no artwork in the book matches the beautiful cover to this book. I would think there is an audience for this book but at $4.99 an issue I will pass on these.

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Doomsday.1 #1

May 16, 2013

I am on board as this is something different for me. I am enjoying that it is apparently a world without super powers, magic, or fantastical creatures but still has exciting elements. The only concern would be how some of the recent Byrne works have not lasted very long but as long as this stays as good as the first issue, I am on board. If you like Byrne, I would imagine you would like this as well.

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FCBD: Absolution: The Beginning #1

May 9, 2013

This is an Avatar book, so you have your requisite scenes of graphic horror as our hero goes after serial killers. The book is reminiscent of the wave of revenge action films that started in the 70s and bled into the 80s. We see an ineffectual system that paroles hardened criminals who immediately return to their crimes, sadistic monsters who game the system to get away with horrible actions. Finally, the protagonist is forced to take justice into his own hands to protect society. Gage takes the approach of the gradual crossing of the line, in lieu of a climactic turn. The entire team handles the matter deftly but there really isnt too much new ground here. The comic has a view point and an agenda but one it shares with plenty of other stories. If those sorts of themes interest you and the mature nature also suits you, then both books would be a good choice.

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G.I. Joe (2013) #2

Apr 2, 2013

The comic conveys a sense of real danger in that some of these characters may not survive. As noted, this action is tempered by the humor. The humor works within the context of the book itself, but they do sprinkle some fun references to the older material. If you like more straight, military books, I would probably pass but for everyone else I would suggesting diving in.

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Grace Randolph's Supurbia #6

Apr 15, 2013

This comic alone touches on 6 different storylines involving the various characters. It is really nice to be able to immerse yourself in a complete world although to be honest, when the new issue arrives, I do have to review the cast of characters to get them straight. I usually remember the storylines for the most part. Like all good page turners, issue 6 ends with a twist on the last page. I also appreciate that it is not just written for 4 to 6 issue installments but has these ongoing storylines. I am in the for next issue (and the one after that and after that, etc), but new readers will need some patience (or get the back issues).

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Harley Quinn (2013) #0

Nov 25, 2013

As you can tell, I enjoyed the book, but a fair criticism is that this book doesn't really give the reader much of a feel for what the series itself is going to be. I would presume the humorous, breaking the fourth wall tone will continue but that is a presumption on my part. I will be trying issue 1 but expect it to be different from this issue.

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Hass #1

Dec 7, 2013

There is something here but I am unsure of the direction this book is going to take in #2. The shift from the romance to the violence made it really feel different and I respect the creative team for staking out that ground. Notwithstanding that, the focus on Josh left Maggie as more of a cypher than a character and it was a tad too heavy in dialogue/narration for me. I am curious about the further direction but I wish this issue had provided some indication of what is to come.

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Helheim #1

Mar 19, 2013

The first issue provides a complete story while giving us a change in the status quo by the end of the issue that leaves the storyline completely open. This appears to be an ongoing series but as with any indy book low sales can quickly turn it into a limited series. I am in and if Vikings dealing with dark magic are of interest to you, I would advise you check this book out.

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Kings Watch #1

Sep 13, 2013

I really enjoyed the book and plan to dive back in, but I'm thinking of moving to trade as I am generally disavowing floppies as a relic of a past time like the iceman, steam engines and grammar. The minor nitpicks were not things that I really noticed upon my initial reading but only grew apparent to me in the course of me having to write this review. When reviewing a book, it forces me to be more critical in my take on the book but I assure you this was a fun read on what looks to be a good action book. I would love to hear from fans of these particular characters and please let me know what are the essential elements those characters need to have to be true to what you like.

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Occupy Comics #1

Jul 11, 2013

Assuming the political nature does not turn you off, I would not hesitate to suggest you check out this anthology. At a minimum, this is a well executed book by established professionals. Unfortunately with new publishers, there is some risk that this book will not end up at your LCS. Assuming I can continue to get this book I will.

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Popeye #11

Mar 27, 2013

Humor is always subjective, but even to the extent that one doesnt find this funny, anyone should be able to appreciate the craft. There is sufficient plot that is served by the jokes along the way. The creative team also finds the time to put many small touches buried within the book. I cannot recommend this book highly enough.

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Princeless Vol. 2 #3

May 10, 2013

Writer Jeremy Whitley strikes a fine balance of providing humor yet moving the story along. They have been also developing the secondary story with the King, Queen and his son. It is engaging but I fear there is some foreshadowing for a potential twist that is fairly easy to see. The art by Emily Martin (colors by Brett Grunig) is really top notch stuff. It has a cartoony feel but clearly shows the characters emotions and transmits the actions well. I get a strong Elf Quest feel to the book for those familiar with that property. It is a fantasy setting with swordplay, magic and mythical beasts so aside from that sort of violence, this is a good book for kids and adults. It was featured in the Action Labs FCBD offering for 2013 which is a great way to give it a try. I recommend it in any form particularly if you are looking for a gift for younger readers.

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Rat Queens #2

Oct 23, 2013

A similar series could be Skullkickers but I seem to instantly immerse myself in that world easier. The art alone is enough to hook me for at least another few issues. I wonder if it is Weibe's sensibilities as Peter Panzerfaust #1 (Image) just didn't grab me. That was a quality book which maintains a premium on the back issue market but not for me despite the subject matter seeming to be up my alley. Hopefully we will get some fun twists and turns to spice up this ride. I have been seeking out other opinions on this book so please leave a comment or send me a tweet.

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Silence & Co. #1

May 19, 2013

It seems a little strange to use the word fun to describe comics about a contract killer but fun is what is provided here. There is plenty of on-panel, explicit violence, and bad language but only suggestive sexual content if any of those things are important. If you like crime books and the black & white art is not a problem, I would recommend this book to you.

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Skullkickers #24

Aug 28, 2013

I think this works as a stepping on point for the book. For an issue #24, I did not feel lost and while clearly I did not have context for everything, I have also been reading long enough to not suffer greatly for it. Admittedly this book is different from the normal title but at a minimum you at least get a portion of the creative team. Feel free to let me know what you think.

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Star Wars (2013) #3

Mar 17, 2013

I'm fully on board with this series and would advise those that felt so-so after the first issue to try it again. I also appreciate the free digital copy Dark Horse provides with each paper copy.

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The Darkness (2007) #113

Jun 6, 2013

This issue does feel like we are placed within an existing story arc but I felt like I was able to jump right in. The issue did contain enough story with sufficient twists and turns to feel it was worth it but it just did not resonate enough with me personally to hook me with for an ongoing commitment. There is violence and some nudity but not always to titillate, particularly the Red Queen (shudder). I like some horror but it is a pretty narrow window. If you like your magic with a scary vibe then give this comic a shot.

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The Devastator #8

Sep 18, 2013

The book firmly establishes its bona fides in the comic book realm with a Crisis on Infinite Earths strip, along with a parody ad of that famous Charles Atlas full page comic spread us older comic book fans can instantly recall. The Devastator website has a few sample pages to give you a feel for the humor. I enjoyed the book, but the fairly steep price tag ($8) is likely to keep it from being an automatic buy in future. I will continue to check out the book when I come across it and make sure I stop by their booth at the next comic convention that I see them at. As always, please feel free to let me know your thoughts.

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The Fifth Beatle: The Brian Epstein Story #1

Feb 24, 2014

This is one book that you can judge by the cover and if that art strikes your fancy, grab a copy. On a strange note, the publisher Dark Horse leaves their logo off the spine, in favor of their "M Press" imprint of which I was previously unaware. The story is compelling but as noted, I can't speak to how closely it hews to other reported accounts. They conclude that the contributions of Epstein were essential to the eventual success of the Beatles. If you are a big Beatles fan, I am unsure how to advise you but certainly this book shows Epstein's troubles. Further, to the extent that your personal beliefs condemn homosexuality, you may not like the tenor of the book which is sympathetic to the idea of equality based on sexual orientation but regardless I can't imagine any reader not recognizing the high quality of the product.

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The Last of Us: American Dreams #1

Apr 12, 2013

Overall a very successful job, some of my grading hesitation comes from the fact that I feel this may read better in its eventual trade form. While the first issue is packed with story, there is no particular hook or twist to this familiar territory. Obviously the nice artwork is enough to make one stay around but the artwork will look just as good in the eventual collected edition. They do a good job of splitting up the exposition throughout the book but I would have liked a bit more feel for what makes this world unique, in this issue. I may grab issue 2 or I may get the trade but I think anyone reading this issue would not be disappointed.

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The Royals: Masters Of War #1

Feb 28, 2014

We seem to be in the midst of a revival of World War 2 comic books, particularly those with a twist. This six issue limited series seems to be a fine addition to the mix. Given the storytelling style of the first issue and the nature of its limited run, for me this feels like an excellent book to wait for the trade on unless you really want those sneak previews (which I understand). Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

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Twilight Zone #1

Jan 15, 2014

The art team does a great job at conveying the action and characters in this tale. As I have often noted, it is an under-rated tale to craft a story full of ordinary looking people while making them unique and distinct but not too much so. None of the characters have impossible, typical super hero bodies, not that I wouldn't trade physiques with Mr. Richman in a heartbeat.

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Vitriol the Hunter #1

Apr 1, 2013

The set-up seems not particularly original, the dialogue is flat and when introducing a new world, the reader needs to know the rules. You can break that rule, provided there is some other hook to grab the reader. While the art is pleasing, it is not that good. This is written by Billy Martin (penciller) and Brent Allen. I did not realize that Billy Martin is a celebrity (member of the pop music act Good Charlotte) until after reading the book and seeing it in the IDW back matter. His art contributions work but the story needs another pass.

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X #0

Apr 18, 2013

There is an audience for this book but for me I have other similar ones that scratch that itch more to my liking.

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