Superior Iron Man #2

Writer: Tom Taylor Artist: Yildiray Cinar Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 26, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 15
7.2Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

•  TONY STARK has transformed SAN FRANCISCO...into the prototype for his NEW WORLD concept
•  But MATT MURDOCK isn't down with Tony's new vision
•  Can DAREDEVIL lead the rebellion against THE SUPERIOR IRON MAN?

  • 10
    Comic Booked - David Hinspeter Dec 13, 2014

    I have to say, I think that Axis was created to test out how many characters would benefit from a "superior" style story. I don't know how many other characters could pull it off, but Iron Man is perfect. I haven't enjoyed Iron Man this much since his cinematic debut at the beginning of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With the ways that Tony has become beloved as well as Narcisitically evil, and especially that backhanded gift of sight that he gave to Daredevil, I just can't wait to see what happens next. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Dec 1, 2014

    The "Superior" in the title works perfectly because it's about making others feel their absolute best, even though the end result requires a lot of ruffled feathers. Tony Stark has always believed he was larger than life. Now that part of his psyche has completed him and is on a narcissistic mission of self-indulgence which makes a bad guy Iron Man something you don't want to miss. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    We The Nerdy - Josh McCullough Nov 28, 2014

    Really my only complaint with this issue is how short it feels. It went by really fast and ends just as the most exciting confrontations come into play. Thankfully what is there is enjoyable and funny despite the darker take on the title character, and the cliffhanger was truly a shock and has made me really excited to continue the story. You can bet Im now in this series for the long haul. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Nov 29, 2014

    “Superior Iron Man” is really shaping up to be a classic Tony Stark story. It will hopefully get the time it needs to run its course. Like “Superior Spider-Man”, I find myself really interested in this jerk. It's a testament to the talent of the creative team if they can do that. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Nov 26, 2014

    The repercussions spilling out of Axis have turned things upside down in the Marvel Universe. We're getting a mix of different types of stories as a result. Tom Taylor is doing a fantastic job writing Tony Stark's new twisted adventures. It's easy to dismiss him as an almost villain but at the same time, you start to question some of that thinking. Having Daredevil come in makes for an interesting confrontation. Yildiray Cinar's art gives the story a great feel and it's fun to see the action unfolding across the pages. This isn't the Iron Man you're used to. Seeing where this is going will fill you with excitement. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Stuart Conover Nov 29, 2014

    Overall the first issue had an amazing twist that really started to show us the evil that is growing in Tony's personality and this one had a completely different twist. Tony gives an amazing gift that will most likely not be appreciated and the look on his face before it is delivered looks very contemplative. For as much bad as everything he is doing is leading into this is one of those moments that could almost be thought of as good, if his gift wasn't forced on the recipient. I don't think this is by any means perfect but I am so curious as to where it's going I'm easily able to overlook some of the misses. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Doom Rocket - Jarrod Jones Dec 1, 2014

    Yildiray Cinar's artwork is consistent and fluid enough (he draws a damn good Daredevil), and things only get squidgy when Taylor's action takes a time-out. But when there's action, Cinar delivers. His Tony Stark " retrofitted in his polished, somehow even more phallic Iron Man armor " is the chump-tastic asshole Superior needs him to be. And as long as Iron Man remains Superior, being an asshole is what the reader won't only expect, it's what we'll demand. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Nov 28, 2014

    I enjoyed the first issue of Superior Iron Man, but something here just isn't clicking as well for me. Tony is an overt showman to be sure, but if he's moved to a darker version of himself, you have to expect he has a lot of things planned to handle any situation. And we do see that here. But it's still all too showy even for him when you get down to it. I like the idea of what the app is presenting and am curious about the trick of it all that we're supposed to learn soon. But something like this would have a huge impact far beyond what we're seeing here, even in the space of a couple of days that the first issue supposedly took place over. There's fun moments to be had, but I'm not sure that Daredevil is the right counterbalance to it – or if it even really needed a counterbalanced and instead should just play out to its logical conclusion. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Nerds Unchained - Aaron Griffiths Dec 1, 2014

    In closing I still feel like this series has potential to eventually rival Superior Spider-Man even if it doesn't run for as long. The artwork isn't bad here although it doesn't particularly wow me either and the new Iron Man suit looks more like something from out of Tron.I think it's still too early to pull out of this book, hopefully the next story arc will entertain me more. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - George Marston Nov 26, 2014

    Taylor's reputation says he'll find a way to end every issue on a soap-operatic moment whether it serves the book or not. Time will tell if he'll be able to balance his sense of urgency with keeping Tony likable, or at least compelling. Right now, Superior Iron Man is working a little too hard to feel as cutting-edge as its tech. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jamil Scalese Dec 29, 2014

    The same critique of the art remains, way too mundane for a book about a tech and ego. Yinar would be awesome on a street-level title like Heroes for Hire or something more straightforward in its concept like a Hulk comic. There's an uncertain blandness that doesn't speak to the art quality, just the art direction. I'm waiting for this series to heat up. Maybe it could drop a few bombs or vary the team-ups a little bit. There are elements hinting that the story will tighten, like the Pepper subplot, but more work needs done to justify this creative choice. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Nov 29, 2014

    There's just something kind of boring and generic about this comic so far, something that just doesn't reach the heights of what 'evil Tony Stark' should be. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    IGN - Tres Dean Nov 27, 2014

    It's quite possible that Superior Iron Man is tackling some very serious subject matter. It's just hard to tell given that the book is ultimately okay at best. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    DreadFury Nov 30, 2014

    Wow. Classic super-hero thinking of DD meets the moral ambiguity of Tony. With Cap and Tony, it was personal. With DD, it is black-and-white good vs evil. The problem for DD is that it’s not black-and-white.
    If Tony has the technology to make lives better, why not use it? And where do you draw the line?
    Art is awesome in this book too. DD is drawn like it’s still the 70’s. Tony has the latest graphics with glowing and holo-fields. Good contrast.
    The best part is that this book doesn’t rely too heavily on the Axis crossover event. All Tony needed was a little nudge to go bad :-)

  • 9.0
    Mark Nov 27, 2014

    I think this is a book for those who dont like Tony Stark, but do enjoy some armor action. Taylor's script balances a good story and carácter development, also the art is a great compliment, really looking forward to see the outcome of those last pages.

  • 8.5
    JBL Reviews Nov 29, 2014


  • 8.0
    Supes' soups Nov 28, 2014

    A narcissistic Stark vs. a people's champion in Murdock? Sign me up! This was a fun little issue, it was pretty much one giant conflict fight scene but the last few pages provide a twist that I wonder whether or not will make it into the Daredevil title as well. 2 issues in and it's been a good title so far. Also the art has been gorgeous, Cinar's pencils are great, not anything groundbreaking but solid work nonetheless.

  • 7.5
    mrDovydas Dec 4, 2014

    This volume is already better than the last one. I can bet this will improve over time.

  • 7.5
    Batfan Nov 30, 2014

    The art is easy on the eyes and consistent with the tone of this series (which I would have preferred darker, given the premise), and I like the way Matt's thoughts are written, though apart from that and the basic premise of the story, this is not a well written book. The first confrontation between the two is astonishingly stupid. I like the fact that Tony hasn't been written as completely evil, though I really think Waid would have done a much better job building a story with this premise.

  • 7.0
    DarioV Feb 13, 2015

    The good ideas that led the premiere are still there, with Tony being a complete asshole with a guy in front of thousands of people and blackmailing him to make it seem like a set-up. On the other hand is the good guy Daredevil, who strives to shut down his plan. While it wasn't bad, the art is still sloppy and without style, making "Superior Iron Man" look like a B-series comic. And the rest doesn't make up for it completely.

  • 9.0
    samizrozami Feb 9, 2025

  • 9.0
    Juanpk26 Jan 5, 2015

  • 8.5

  • 8.5
    Dones Feb 4, 2023

  • 8.5
    NickNightingale Apr 6, 2015

  • 8.0
    tonpas1989 Feb 25, 2022

  • 7.5
    Matsuro Sep 21, 2022

  • 7.5
    truffaz Oct 9, 2016

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