Nightcrawler #3

Writer: Chris Claremont Artist: Todd Nauck Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 11, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 5
6.4Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

• Racing across the globe to save his nearest and dearest from the fate he just escaped, Nightcrawler makes a grim discovery: Could it be his return that set these events in motion in the first place?

  • 8.0
    Herotaku - Jamal Melancon Jun 12, 2014

    Minus the dialogue and repetitious hiccups, Nightcrawler #3 is a solid entry into the series, featuring lots of heart and overall refreshing content and execution. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Booked - David Hinspeter Jun 13, 2014

    This issue was pretty interesting, but it had a kind of piece meal feel to it. First of all, the circus folk stepping out seemed a little hands off for friends of the elf. The Trimega makes sense, until the very end. Are they mass-produced like sentinels? Are the mutants just in the way, or are they a different set of targets? Finally, the dual double crosses were interesting, but in the midst of the Trimega attack, what purpose did they serve? I'm going to keep reading to find the answers to these questions, but I hope the story raises the bar at least a little. Read Full Review

  • 7.0 - Stuart Conover Jun 14, 2014

    While I did enjoy the first issue, I've felt the quality has slipped in each of the following ones and while I am overly thrilled to see Claremont working with the X-Men again, the standout moments of this title were when they were on the page. When the focus was just on the villains, the writing seemed sluggish and dull. The build up just hasn't been here for this one and if there is any saving grace i'ts that when the X-Men are talking it just feels right and Todd Nauck's art is able to keep the pages and fight scenes moving quickly. I'm hoping there a better story arc planned after this one comes to a close and I hate to say it but I hope that happens sooner than later. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jun 12, 2014

    Past attempts for a "Nightcrawler" ongoing series went nowhere fast, which is surprising considering how beloved the character is. Hopefully this time will work out differently -- but if so, Claremont and Nauck would be wise to stick with the connections with the X-Men and family, and less on uninspiring new creations. There's already such a wealth of characters out there that Claremont could mine them for decades. If the best we can get for original creations are Trimega or Gummi, I can't imagine the book sticking around for too long. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    All-Comic - Todd Frazier Jun 13, 2014

    Nauck and Rosenberg are giving fans a beautifully illustrated book worthy of such an animatedcharacter such as Nightcrawler. Claremonts plot is fun as well and hopefully he will continue to show even more restraint with text boxes and dialogue. By doing so, future issues will have the pace that matches the kinetic energy of the art and characteristics of this fan favorite character. Read Full Review

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