Nightcrawler #4

Writer: Chris Claremont Artist: Todd Nauck Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 9, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 5
6.0Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

• The mastermind behind the attacks on Nightcrawler's loved ones is revealed...
•  And when Nightcrawler calls upon his friends for backup, the fight comes to the Jean Grey School!
•  But torn between two worlds-his family and the X-Men-who will Nightcrawler stand by?
•  One thing's for sure: When the dust settles, one of his worlds will be changed forever...

  • 6.0
    Herotaku - Jamal Melancon Jul 9, 2014

    Excluding Todd Nauck's art, the depiction of most action panels in this issue boiled down to being silly, due to Claremont's repetitious narration. The conclusion of this story arc does provide a nice development for Kurt, but (again excluding the art team) I just can't say I enjoyed how the story got there in this issue. - See more at: Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Marykate Jasper Jul 14, 2014

    All that aside, there is quite a bit of heart here, and Claremont has a nice grip on Nightcrawler's earnestness and boldness. He can make sentiments that might otherwise sound clich, like a line about the screams of schoolchildren, feel emotionally relevant, and it's refreshing to see his vision of the X-Men as a family mix with their political realities. I remain hopeful for issue #5. Read Full Review

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