Jedi8187's Profile

Joined: May 29, 2014

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Jedi8187 reviewed Spider-Man 2099 #1 Jul 11, 2014

The art doesn't blow me away, but it's not bad by any means. The story it's self is a nice one and done setting up a handful of potential plots and sub plots, always good for a first issue. It's funny, it's got pretty good pacing, and some a solid foundation of characterization for major players. A fun issue, and I will be back. (Also in case you didn't read the solicit 2099 isn't the setting, as more

Spider-Man 2099 #1

By: Peter David, Will Sliney
Released: Jul 9, 2014

The book you have been demanding for months finally hits the stands! Miguel O'Hara is Spider-Man in the year 2099 but he's currently stuck in the year 2014. He was stranded here by his father who is the head of an evil corporation called Alchemax in 2099. But in 2014, Alechmax has just been f...

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Jedi8187 reviewed New Warriors #7 Jul 2, 2014

I didn't enjoy this issue as much as I usually enjoy this series. It's not bad, but it's missing some of the charm with all the set up. Still whats set up here promises to be fun.

New Warriors #7

By: Christopher Yost, Marcus To
Released: Jul 2, 2014

• The New Warriors are pulled into INHUMANITY as their own resident Inhuman, Haechi, is targeted by two different tribes of Inhumans.
•  Who are Mister Whiskers and Jake Waffles? Whose side are they on, good or evil? What does Jake Waffles possess that Speedball wants so badly?
•  And who is hunting N...

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Jedi8187 rated New Warriors #6 Jun 26, 2014

New Warriors #6

By: Christopher Yost, Nick Roche
Released: Jun 25, 2014

• The All-New New Warriors announce their arrival to the rest of the world, which doesn't make anyone particularly happy.
•  The Avengers vs. the New Warriors!
•  And who's the power behind the High Evolutionary?

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Jedi8187 rated Amazing Spider-Man #3 Jun 25, 2014

Amazing Spider-Man #3

By: Dan Slott, Humberto Ramos
Released: Jun 25, 2014

• Because of her last encounter with Spider-Man, Felicia Hardy lost everything. Now the Black Cat is back, and she doesn't want any apologies or excuses... just REVENGE.
•  Plus: Spidey teams up with a real hero, fireman Pedro Olivera... who just happens to be the current boyfriend to one Mary Jane Watson.
•  And... more on you-k...

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Jedi8187 reviewed Avengers Undercover #6 Jun 25, 2014

I'm truely saddened by this books cancellation coming in September. But this issue proves we've still got some turns left before it's over.

Avengers Undercover #6

By: Dennis Hopeless, Timothy Green
Released: Jun 25, 2014

•  A done-in-one focus on Death Locket: Half-girl, half-cyborg...all assassin!
•  What will Death Locket do: blow her cover-and seal her doom-by refusing to shoot Cap...or save her life by killing a Living Legend?

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Jedi8187 rated Ms. Marvel #5 Jun 25, 2014

Ms. Marvel #5

By: G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphona
Released: Jun 25, 2014

• How does a young girl from Jersey City become the next biggest super hero?
•  Kamala has no idea either. But she's comin' for you, New York.

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Jedi8187 reviewed Uncanny Avengers #21 Jun 25, 2014

The issue felt rushed, but there is a lot of ground to cover. And the ground covered seems to be heading to interesting places.

Uncanny Avengers #21

By: Rick Remender, Daniel Acuna
Released: Jun 25, 2014

•  This is it! The conclusion to an epic two years in the making and rest assured nothing will ever be the same again!
•  The final battle will not be with the enemy--it will be with ourselves.
•  In our darkest hour The Avengers Unity Squad unite entirely and the fate of the seven futures decided!

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Wolverine and the X-Men #5

By: Jason Latour, Mahmud A. Asrar
Released: Jun 18, 2014

• Wolverine's at the mercy of the Phoenix Corporation while Storm races to save the Jean Grey School!
• Only Evan can save Fantomex from death - but dare he?
• Latour and Asrar continue the smash hit of All New Marvel now!

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Jedi8187 rated Amazing Spider-Man #1.2 Jun 12, 2014

Amazing Spider-Man #1.2

By: Dan Slott, Ramon K. Perez
Released: Jun 11, 2014

• J. Jonah's Jameson's crusade against Spider-Man kicks into overdrive! He warned us! He told us that kids might try to emulate Spider-Man! And he was RIGHT!
•  Meet CLASH, New York's newest menace. He may be Spidey's biggest fan, but he's about to become one of his worst enemies.
•  Wanted by the cop...

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Jedi8187 rated All-New X-Men #28 Jun 12, 2014

All-New X-Men #28

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Stuart Immonen
Released: Jun 11, 2014

• The future Brotherhood of Evil Mutants make their next devastating step against the sanctity of the X-Men.
•  Plus, more on the new mysteries surrounding Jean Grey!

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Jedi8187 reviewed She-Hulk #5 Jun 12, 2014

This series is always fun. The art had some really wonky angles that were jarring, but was generally good. A lot happens in the issue, but nothing seems rushed, and the issue leaves me wanting to know where this is all going.

She-Hulk #5

By: Charles Soule, Ronald Wimberly
Released: Jun 11, 2014

• She-Hulk & Hellcat must uncover the secrets of the Blue File - a conspiracy that touches the entire Marvel Universe!
•  This new mystery brings us She-Hulk's most terrifying role ever: DEFENDANT!
•  Charles Soule (THUNDERBOLTS) and Ron Wemberly (MIGHTY AVENGERS) continue the smash hit of All-New Mar...

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Jedi8187 reviewed Uncanny X-Men Special #1 Jun 12, 2014

Not a bad book, and worth a look. But the whole Summer's brothers bit was bizarre, and so far seems a really poor plot choice in my opinion.

Uncanny X-Men Special #1

By: Sean Ryan, Ron Ackins
Released: Jun 11, 2014

•  Cyclops is kidnapped, but by who?!
•  But what force could bring the Children of the Atom, the Armored Avenger and the Human Rocket together!

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Jedi8187 rated Nightcrawler #3 Jun 12, 2014

Nightcrawler #3

By: Chris Claremont, Todd Nauck
Released: Jun 11, 2014

• Racing across the globe to save his nearest and dearest from the fate he just escaped, Nightcrawler makes a grim discovery: Could it be his return that set these events in motion in the first place?

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Jedi8187 reviewed Original Sins #1 Jun 12, 2014

The lockjaw story was fun, but short and mostly fluff. Deathlok was a solid story, and the art gave great mood. I hadn't read Young Avengers in a while so I'm really put off by Prodigy especially, but overall it wasn't too bad when it wasn't trying too hard.

Original Sins #1

By: Nathan Edmondson, Mike Perkins
Released: Jun 11, 2014


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Jedi8187 reviewed Avengers Undercover #5 Jun 12, 2014

This isn't so much the end of the first story arch as it is the foundation for the status quo of the series. We finally start living up to the name Avengers Undercover. A lot of very interesting pieces are put into play that can go all sorts of ways.

Avengers Undercover #5

By: Dennis Hopeless, Kev Walker
Released: Jun 11, 2014

•  Baron Zemo has made our young superhumans an offer they can't refuse-or can they?
•  Who agrees to join the Masters of Evil-and who goes rogue?

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Jedi8187 rated New Warriors #5 Jun 5, 2014

New Warriors #5

By: Christopher Yost, Nick Roche
Released: Jun 4, 2014

• With half the team trapped in the bowels of mysterious and very probably haunted WUNDAGORE MOUNTAIN, the rest of the all-new New Warriors deal with the bar scene in Prague!
•  A look inside the mind of happy go lucky SPEEDBALL, the most hated man in America.
•  A dog and cat play chess, the result o...

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Jedi8187 rated Amazing X-Men Annual #1 Jun 4, 2014

Amazing X-Men Annual #1

By: Kristen Bennett, Juan Doe
Released: Jun 4, 2014

• Storm and the Amazing X-Men go to Africa!
•  A death in Storm's family sheds light on a new threat to the X-Men!

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Jedi8187 rated Original Sin #3 Jun 4, 2014

Original Sin #3

By: Jason Aaron, Mike Deodato
Released: Jun 4, 2014

•  In the wake of last issue's explosion of secrets, the heroes of the Marvel U are reeling, leaving Nick Fury to stand alone.
•  He Who Holds the Eye is still on the run, and now we meet his boss, the villainous mastermind behind the raid on the Watcher's lair.
•  And i...

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Jedi8187 reviewed Amazing X-Men #8 Jun 4, 2014

Even knowing what was coming didn't change the tension from the search. And the final development is great.

Amazing X-Men #8

By: Craig Kyle, Ed McGuinness
Released: Jun 4, 2014

• Wolverine takes a trip back to Canada...
•  But when he discovers that an old friend is missing, his visit soon transforms into a hairy situation.
•  New writers Craig Kyle and Chris Yost!

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Jedi8187 rated Cyclops #2 Jun 4, 2014

Cyclops #2

By: Greg Rucka, Russell Dauterman
Released: Jun 4, 2014

• A father and son mend fences the best way possible - on an intergalactic road trip!
•  Stop one? The spectacular resort world of Dixzit, where Scott flirts with aliens. Badly!
•  But what's the dark secret of Dixzit? Greg Rucka (PUNISHER) and Russel Dauterman (Nightwing) uncover the clues!

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Jedi8187 reviewed Avengers World #7 Jun 4, 2014

I never much cared for Falcon, and only a little more now, but this issue made good use of him. Some interesting developments this issue, with a lot of potential. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes of the Ascendants.

Avengers World #7

By: Nick Spencer, Stefano Caselli
Released: Jun 4, 2014

• What is SPEAR? Who are The Ascendant?
•  In the face of an ancient evil, a rising super-power answers the call.

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Jedi8187 rated All-New X-Factor #9 Jun 4, 2014

All-New X-Factor #9

By: Peter David, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Released: Jun 4, 2014

• The team faces unexpected consequences for "saving" a young girl.
•  Plus: Gambit does something naughty.

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Jedi8187 added Loki: Agent of Asgard to their pull list Jun 2, 2014

Loki: Agent of Asgard

Old God - New Trickster!
Kid Loki's all grown up - and the God of Mischief is stronger, smarter, sexier and just plain sneakier than ever before. As Asgardia's one-man secret service, he's ready to lie, cheat, steal, bluff and snog his way through the twistiest, turniest and most treacherous missions the All-Mother can throw at him... startin...

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Jedi8187 dropped Avengers (2012) from their pull list Jun 2, 2014

Avengers (2012)

The greatest heroes in comics together on one unbeatable team! Now shipping twice a month, the Avengers “go large,” expanding their roster and their sphere of influence to a global and even interplanetary level. When Captain America puts out his call - who will answer? Big threats, big ideas, big idealism - these are the Avengers NOW!

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Jedi8187 added She-Hulk (2014) to their pull list May 31, 2014

She-Hulk (2014)

JENNIFER WALTERS IS...THE SHE-HULK! A stalwart Avenger, valued member of the FF, savior of the world on more than one occasion, she's also a killer attorney with a pile of degrees and professional respect. A 7-foot-tall drink of cool, emerald water, she's tough enough to knock out Galactus with one punch (possibly?) and has a heart bigger than the ...

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Jedi8187 rated Uncanny Avengers #20 May 30, 2014

Uncanny Avengers #20

By: Rick Remender, Daniel Acuna
Released: May 28, 2014

• Unite or die! The Avengers Unity Squad pull it together, but is it too late?
•  Which of the seven futures will become dominant? Kang's ultimate goal revealed!
•  The Uncanny Avengers learn that even if you have no other choice, never trust Kang.

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Jedi8187 rated Ms. Marvel #4 May 30, 2014

Ms. Marvel #4

By: G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphona
Released: May 28, 2014

• Marvel's breakout hit, Ms. Marvel, continues as Kamala Khan discovers the dangers of her newfound powers.
•  And unlocks a secret behind them as well.
•  Don't miss the boldest (and adorable-est!) hero to make her Marvel debut!

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Guardians of the Galaxy #15

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Nick Bradshaw
Released: May 28, 2014

• With the entire galaxy gunning for the Guardians and Peter Quill missing, its time to bring in a little help. Captain Marvel JOINS the Guardians of the Galaxy!
• But where in the universe is Star-Lord? And what does his disappearance mean for the safety of earth?!

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Jedi8187 reviewed Avengers #30 May 30, 2014

I really would have liked to seen more of 48 years later, but we learn absolutely nothing about it. The story does move forward though, not really clear what it's motion forward actually means as it's all cryptic future talk. But it's early in the story line, nothing wrong with unanswered questions.

Avengers #30

By: Jonathan Hickman, Leinil Francis Yu
Released: May 28, 2014


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Jedi8187 reviewed Inhuman #2 May 30, 2014

This is a good series, and there is a lot of potential. It's a little slow as Soule puts the pieces on the board, but it looks to be building to a lot of political machinations alongside some standard super hero brawls. Unfortunately all of the delays makes the slow burn feel much slower. Hopefully once Stegman comes aboard we'll be on a faster release schedule. I love Madureira's art, but not eno more

Inhuman #2

By: Charles Soule, Joe Madureira
Released: May 28, 2014

• New Inhumans are transformed every day as the Terrigen Mist spreads around the world.
•  Queen Medusa finds herself face to face with Captain America, and it doesn't go well.
•  Who is Lash and what does he want with the new Inhumans?

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