The REDEMPTION arc begins! • Can the broken hands of Danny Rand re-form to IRON FISTS? • There’s a hostile takeover of Rand Tower. VERY hostile. • Young Danny Rand discovers the mechanical heart of K’Un-Lun!
Iron Fist returns from a short break with a very fun issue Read Full Review
Iron Fist returns from a short break with a very fun issue Read Full Review
Finally, I mentioned that the opponent in the Challenge of One being a robot is important. This is because, at its heart, Iron Fist has always had a very steam punk component to compliment the martial arts and mysticism facets of the narrative . Without that reminder, The increasing amount of odd technology, from the mad robot Wendell Rand and the cybernetic improvements to the Steel Serpent to the portal used to save Danny and his new fists could easily turn off long time fans of the character. I really hope the story takes some positive turns soon, because riding this sadness train is becoming more than a little exhausting. Read Full Review
The story of Danny putting the iron back into his fist is good enough to hold this book up and recommend it, though this issue is not particularly new-reader friendly. Dig up some back issues and definitely check out the first trade if you feel the itch to get some unconventional kung-fu in your superheroics, or whatever genres you particularly enjoy. This is still a good issue overall, but considering the previous ones it falls flat. Read Full Review