Joey Ulfsrud's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Infinite Comix Reviews: 20
6.2Avg. Review Rating

Action Comics (2011) #34

Aug 10, 2014

To say that Action Comics #34 is bad would be overzealous. In fact, overzealous would be a much better word to describe the issue. The spirit is there, the characters are there, the suspense is there, but the writing just can't hold so much together in just this one issue. Overly ambitious is more of a symbol of good than of bad, though. Pak is obviously excited about the story he is telling, he just needs to slow it down a bit.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #1.4

Sep 1, 2014

All in all, Amazing Spider-Man 1.4 is a fun look back at a time when comics were simpler. Readers demand complexity today, and with good reason, but for those who get nostalgic, Amazing Spider-Man 1.4 is definitely worth a look.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #7

Oct 14, 2014

There's really not much to say overall about Amazing Spider-Man #7. There is some fun to be had and the art is nice, but the fun is fleeting and there is very little story to benefit from the somewhat snappy dialogue.

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Aquaman (2011) #29

Mar 30, 2014

Truthfully, this issue is a letdown. Pelletier and Parker are performing below expectations, and there is little substance to this issue in general.

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Aquaman (2011) #30

Apr 28, 2014

While the art and the subject matter are not the most exciting or revolutionary, the issue is alright, saved by interesting side plots. Readers will be interested to see how the political intrigue and the new villain continue to develop. It's also nice to see that the boring quality of the demons and Hercules can be mitigated by a future team-up with Wonder Woman.

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Aquaman (2011) #32

Jun 30, 2014

Aquaman #32 is definitely a mixed bag, as the beautiful art and the potential for a great new villain are exciting, but the dialogue and periphery story just aren't there. Hopefully Chimera's future becomes a bit more exciting, as a fresh story in Aquaman is almost necessary at this point.

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Aquaman (2011) #33

Jul 29, 2014

To say that issue #33 of Aquaman has middle-issue syndrome would be an understatement. Lacking in story and character, readers wade through an ocean of unclear exposition, trying to understand why the Chimera exists, why he wants to hunt down Aquaman, why he is able to withstand bullets " and leaving without understanding a thing.

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Aquaman (2011) Annual #2

Aug 3, 2014

Overall, Aquaman Annual #2 is underwhelming. It's always great to see some personal interaction between some fan-favorite heroes, but the rest of the comic just can't hold up to it. A weak villain, a story without any substance, and some lackluster art overwhelm the issue. At least there was a fun team-up.

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Aquaman And The Others #1

Apr 4, 2014

All in all, Aquaman and The Others #1 is not the disaster many had anticipated. In fact, it's actually pretty good. It's impossible to judge a run based off of its first issue, but it would be foolish to entirely dismiss the Others at this point.

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Aquaman And The Others #2

May 12, 2014

To say that Aquaman and The Others #2 is bad would be wrong. The real problem is that Jurgens and Medina have yet to justify the existence of this comic, which means it has to be great, it has to be something special, and it's just not there yet. It's brutal to judge this issue on how it can succeed rather than judge it on the comic's merit, but if it doesn't garner enough readership, it will be gone. There's definitely still time to redeem the comic, but it needs to happen soon or this will be yet another run that will see the axe before its potential is reached.

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Aquaman And The Others #4

Jul 8, 2014

A good team dynamic is a lot. In long running comics with established histories, some great team chemistry can keep an ailing run alive. Aquaman and the Others is not yet a long running comic, and it needs more than just some chemistry to prove to the comic community that it deserves a purchase. Hopefully, Jurgens and Medina can bring up the quality when it comes to compelling villains and beautiful artwork going forward, because this isn't going to cut it.

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Green Lantern (2011): Futures End #1

Sep 13, 2014

Green Lantern fans, read this comic. It's not perfect, it's not long, but it's cheap " and it has some great moments with the man who helped raise one of the universe's biggest heroes. It deserves restating that Venditti shows genius in using this single issue for emotional resonance bypassing continuity and canon in order to show the bond between a father and son.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #18

Sep 1, 2014

There's really not much to say about Guardians of the Galaxy #18. The art is solid, but the story is flimsy. It's a real disappointment out of Bendis, especially if all the drama boils down to just some kind of cosmic cube magic. Hopefully, this arc resolves well, but if things keep going down this path, it may have been better to leave this adventure to the imagination.

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Sinestro #1

Apr 19, 2014

Overall, though, Sinestro #1 is a promising start to a new series. It's not the punch in the face that Bunn's Magneto #1 over at Marvel is, but it's solid nonetheless. Sinestro' new mission makes sense, and though it may feel a bit forced, one can't help but be interested as this popular villain heads out on a quest for redemption.

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Sinestro #2

May 26, 2014

Sinestro #2 is on the right track. The art is dark enough, the writer is ambitious enough, and the character is strong enough to carry this 'legendary' story. It's definitely too early to call it yet, but it's hard to be fearful for the future of Sinestro.

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Sinestro #3

Jun 30, 2014

Sinestro #3 doesn't quite have the punch of its predecessors, but it is an entertaining issue nonetheless. The art stands tall, the writing stands tall, but the comic falls short when it comes to the overarching story actually moving forward.

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Sinestro #4

Aug 3, 2014

This week, uncharacteristically, Sinestro is here to allay your fears. Any uncertainty that this comic will be great has to be eradicated by this point. Sure, the issue itself isn't mind-shattering, but Cullen Bunn clearly knows who he is writing, and he clearly wants to go deeper into the mind of Sinestro. There's nothing more Sinestro fans can ask for.

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Teen Titans (2011) #29

Mar 30, 2014

The Teen Titans situation may be grim, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel " with Lobdell ending Teen Titans next month, the Young Justice line opens up to a new writer at some point in the future.

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Teen Titans (2011) #30

Apr 28, 2014

It's the second to last issue of Lobdell Titans, and it hurts to say that the amped-up pace Lobdell has taken really hurts the comic overall. Lobdell has one more chance to prove that he can write a Titans story worth reading " but there is at least one reviewer out there who is not holding his breath.

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Teen Titans (2014) #1

Jul 25, 2014

Altogether, this is a promising re-start to a long time series. However, it is only the first issue, and it is difficult to see the direction going forward. Hopefully, they can at least avoid the use hashtags on the cover next time.

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