Forever Evil #3

Event\Storyline: Forever Evil Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: David Finch, Richard Friend Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 6, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 35 User Reviews: 28
7.6Critic Rating
8.3User Rating

The first universe-wide event of The New 52 continues to explode across the DC Universe! With the world under the rule of the mysterious and deadly Crime Syndicate and our greatest heroes dead, its up to the unlikeliest of defenders to rise up to save ushumanitys only hopeLex Luthor?! Plus, a startling revelation about the dark secret of the Syndicates mission on Earthand what it means for the future of the DC Universe and its heroes and villains.

  • 10
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill Nov 7, 2013

    Forever Evil is promising not just because of its scope and the talented people working on the main title, but because it seems to work very well as a standalone story and an all-encompassing (not to mention very engrossing) event. I love a well-crafted team-up book as much as the next guy, but one that actually builds on previous stories, leads to new ones, and actually acknowledges (and to a certain extent, incorporates) current books on the stands? That's something special. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Nerds On The Rocks - Frank Fuentes Nov 6, 2013

    Geoff Johns is at the top of his game. While this event is missing a style to bind it the way mystery did for Trinity War, its still highly enjoyable to read. Where else can you see Superman (or an alternate universe version of him) fight without pulling his punches? Oh right, Earth 2. Well, make sure youre reading this because if the past two months are any indication, DC isnt done wreaking havoc across all of Earth prime. Read Full Review

  • 10
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Nov 11, 2013

    A grand slam of awesomeness where only evil can fight evil. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Nov 7, 2013

    I just love this event.  Forever Evil may be a bit lengthy with the tie-ins, but each issue seems to be better than the last.  There isn't much to say that, I haven't already said about the creative team of this book, just brilliant.  The best part of this issue is that the tie-ins are starting to come together for this one title, so hopefully we'll get all of Forever Evil culminating into this series, and have a giant holy shit moment.  All in all, great book.  Can't wait till next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Good Kind Of Geek - Nikki Yuan Nov 7, 2013

    This issue is heavily relying on other Forever Evil crossover books such as Forever Evil: Rogues' Rebellion and Justice League. We see The Rogues fighting Deathstorm and Power Ring. On the other hand, things are not doing too well with Black Adam. However, you're not going to get the best out of these stories unless you check out those issues as well. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 6, 2013

    That speaks to a larger concern with this book now. Forever Evil doesn't seem to be moving as quickly as you'd expect of a book that's now delivered three of its seven issues. Luthor's team is still just barely coming together, much less waging war against the Crime Syndicate. As much as it seemed there was an even darker, Darkseid-centric conflict lurking beyond the Crime Syndicate showdown, it's tough to imagine Johns having time for that material in the remaining four issues. Does that mean Forever Evil will ultimately just lead into another event as Trinity War did into this? That would be a disappointing way to wrap up what has been such an enjoyable conflict so far. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Therapy - Kevin Finnigan Nov 7, 2013

    While very entertaining, we are half way through this event and there has been minimal plot development Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Nov 6, 2013

    With about a dozen tie-ins or related issues to Forever Evil over the next month, the event occasionally feels that it is spread a little too thin. Staging an event with the complete absence of any major heroes is a risky move, but for the most part the characters present are compelling and likeable. As the threads slowly come together, we just hope this leads to a satisfying conclusion and not more questions. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Erik Gonzalez Nov 6, 2013

    Johns and Finch are just brilliant onForever Evil. As one reads the issues, it just feels like they were made to work on this and it is such a rush. If you aren't reading this mini-series, then you are doing yourself a great disservice. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Nov 7, 2013

    It's a sharp script as always by Geoff Johns, and the art by David Finch and Richard Friend is powerful - but it still comes down to the fact that there are (virtually) no protagonists in view. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Jason Motes Nov 10, 2013

    This issue served as a nice interlude that filled in some story gaps and advanced the story, while also paying attention to the characters and establishing them for readers that may not read every DC book. The first two issues were a tad cryptic, but here questions begin to get answered and we get more insight into the characters that are most likely to play a role in resolving this plot line. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Nov 10, 2013

    Although the series is progressing slowly it still manages to be very entertaining and exciting, with this being no different. This issue would also have some interesting character interactions, and the way the story would develop would be extremely interesting. Due to all this I'd highly recommend this issue and the event so far, and can't wait for the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Max Dweck Nov 6, 2013

    Forever Evil #3 is typical Geoff Johns event writing: really good stuff, but not enough of it, and a constant feeling of incompleteness from issue to issue. Johns stories are best when read as a whole, not in pieces. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Following The Nerd - Sarah Barclay Nov 11, 2013

    David Finch continues to put a solid spin on this book, and I'm enjoying it a lot. In the Batman scene mentioned above, his simple panels of one cowled eye and one not really helped in the showing of Bruce's fury when one of his allies is in trouble. And that last page, man. I don't know what it is but I love it. It looks like some weird sort of school club photo. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    We The Nerdy - Matt Sculthorpe Nov 7, 2013

    Forever Evil #3 is a nice breather in an event series. It gives the story something that was much needed with the some awesome character development. Its feels like the calm before the storm and by the end, the wind is really picking up. Its a shame that itll be a month before the next comes out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Nov 6, 2013

    Forever Evil #3 does not accomplish a lot story-wise this time around, but it remains a very essential and enjoyable issue none the less. Still has great characters, memorable moments, and promises great times ahead. Still recommended if you have been enjoying the comic. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Nov 6, 2013

    Johns makes sure that "Forever Evil" #3 gives readers their money's worth in the form of an intriguing idea with unexpected surprises amidst a foreboding but darkly fascinating environment. Finch and Friend do their part by making sure that the bad guys look good, and the true villains look threatening on a convincingly ruined and darkened world. Anyone who likes what Johns has done at DC and wants to see a modern-day DC multiverse done right will not want to miss this. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Nov 6, 2013

    Things were looking bad in the New 52 with the Crime Syndicate proclaiming their rule after defeating the Justice League. This issue shows there is still hope as some unlikely candidates will be stepping forward to try to save the day. Geoff Johns gives us more answers and sets the stage for the next part as we find out what happened and who will be playing a bigger role in upcoming issues. David Finch's art nicely captures the essence of the story and Sonia Oback's colors compliments it to create the perfect tone. This is an event where you'll want to follow some of the tie in issues to get the full story. But with so much potential action and suspense, you won't want to miss what happens. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Entertainment Fuse - Elvis Dutan Nov 9, 2013

    Of course, after all of this gushing, there is always a downside. In this regard that is something that flls squarely on the art side - with David Finch and inkers/colorists Sonia Oback and Richard Friend. Some of the pages in this issue are among some of the worst work that Finch has ever done for DC Comics. The otherwise interesting fight between Ultraman and Black Adam look nothing more than glorified rough sketches. The counterpoint to this is that the first two pages of the issue are also among some of his most serviceable work. It's really frustrating to have some a disparity in quality in the writing and the art and I hope this is not something that intensifies over the next few issues. Johns has set out to create the "greatest DC Comics Super-Villain story of all time" and he might just make it. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Nov 6, 2013

    All in all, Forever Evil is cool, in that same dark, tough-guy tone in which DC seems to be unifying all of their books. Maybe that's why it feels like I've been reading the same thing a lot of the time with DC's stuff – unless it's Larfleeze, it all seems to have the same Dark Knight kind of vibe. It's not a bad vibe, but when it's the only vibe, you can get burnt out. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Geeked Out Nation - Ben Simms Nov 8, 2013

    Although this event has been full of intrigue, great action, and memorable moments, it is what happens beyond the arc that holds much interest. Presumably the Justice League will return, the Crime Syndicate will be beaten, and all will be set to as it once was, but what will life be like? It's a good guess that Luthor and the other rebelling villains will become the saviours of earth, but what happens then? Heroes and villains have teamed up many times in the past, but never to this extent. Will previous crimes be forgiven, or new alliances be made? Will we ever find out the true extent of the Pandora Boxes origins and power? Forever Evil 3 is not a stand out issue by any means, but keeps a solid pace while building the story to what feels like will be an action packed second act! Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Multiversity Comics - Brian Salvatore Nov 8, 2013

    Overall, this issue feels more like a Justice League comic than almost any issue of "Justice League" or "Justice League of America" that Johns has written for the New 52. The "team" is coming together, and it is an exciting thing to see. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Modern Age Comics - Alexander Moser Nov 10, 2013

    Between the dark colors and gaudy inks, it is very questionable if we will see another future event drawn by David Finch. Richard Friend does the best he can by finishing the artwork, but this isn't what I would expect from DC's best. But from a story perspective, the plot does carry the artwork around, promising a very bright future for the rest of Forever Evil. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - kanchilr1 Nov 6, 2013

    Forever Evil is definitely enjoyable, but thanks to the art of David Finch, the product ends up being less than the sum of it’s parts. Hopefully the next installment can add an extra layer of focus, and begin to answer some lingering questions. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Nov 9, 2013

    Yep, it looks like Forever Evil is about Lex Luthor putting together his own team of villains to save the world. Sign me up! Super-villains being heroic is one of my favorite comic book tropes. I love villains who are smart enough and sane enough to step up when the situation calls for it, and saving the world from destruction at the hands of the Crime Syndicate is a pretty bad situation. Forever Evil #3 features the coming together of Lex's team, and I am very, very excited to see what happens next. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Are Not Dead - Comics Are Not Dead Nov 9, 2013

    While quality wise, Forever Evil #3 is a mixed package, its packed to the brim with fun, good ol' comic book fun. Plus, Grid is the nicest mass murderer since Lotso from Toy Story 3. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Nov 10, 2013

    As the storyline proceeds toward its Big Fat Middle, the pace slows, leaving only brief moments of excitement and character work to keep you occupied, and otherwise repeating itself. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain Nov 6, 2013

    Overall, it was decent, but not great. Which is nothing new from how the previous two issues have been. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comicosity - Alison Berry Nov 11, 2013

    Overall, Forever Evil continues to be an interesting event, but the pace needs to pick up and the scope needs to remain consolidated within the main title itself. The biggest strength of this story is the characterization no one knows the DCU as well as Geoff Johns. If the story can carry that focus through to the conclusion, it will be a worthwhile event for the DC library. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Nov 6, 2013

    Forever Evil #3 does further the plot but it does so with too many coincidences, contrivances, and inconsistent panels. While it should be cool to see these villains pull together during the DC universe's darkest hour they stumble upon one another all too conveniently and it makes their rally a lot less interesting. I found this issue to have a few cool moments, particularly with the villainous Deathstorm, and it does answer a number of questions but ultimately it didn't entertain me as much as the previous installments. The ingredients are there for a really great comic, but it seems only half-baked. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Aaron Duran Nov 7, 2013

    Forever Evil #3 is still an entertaining read, but I can't help but feel this story will play out better when it's all contained in a trade. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Addicts - Vikram Bhargava Nov 13, 2013

    As far as Forever Evil goes, I quite like the premise they built up. Although, I'm still not sure whether we needed to go through the entire Trinity War, just to get the Crime Syndicate to our Universe. We still haven't seen much action, since no one has taken on the Crime Syndicate head-on. And, I doubt we'll be seeing any in the next few issues as well. If you plan on buying this, I suggest you stay away until DC completes the series. The story-line has been decent, albeit a little slow. Finch's art keeps you into the issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Nov 12, 2013

    Writer Geoff Johns ultimately delivers a pretty solid issue in terms of the writing, but there's a lot of story still left to be told. We're just about half way through the series and so far Forever Evil has been good, not great. But because there's so much story still waiting to be told, I'm confident that Johns will deliver. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Refueled - vashmcdash Nov 8, 2013

    A lot of interesting facts were revealed and we finally know what exactly happened to the Leagues. With Luthor's plan slowly being revealed as well as his rag tag team coming together the action is definitely starting to pick up. Even with the problems I had with the issue, it's a solid entry and moves the story along in a great fashion. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Nov 11, 2013

    At the end of the day, Forever Evil #3 was just a lot of noise without any real depth added to the story. There was very little forward progress made to this story outside of Lex Luthor quickly assembling his Legion of Doom in the last three pages. This lack of execution makes it easy to forget that Geoff Johns has a lot of different sub-plots going on within Forever Evil. For a monthly event this is unacceptable and Johns needs to find a way to properly pace the story so that every major character is involved in some way. This is disappointing because up till now I was enjoying the story. Hopefully Johns is able to quickly turn things around with Forever Evil #4. Read Full Review

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