Lumberjanes #1
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Lumberjanes #1

Writer: Noelle Stevenson, Grace Ellis Artist: Brooke A. Allen Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: April 9, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 5
8.3Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

WHY WE LOVE IT: Five best friends spending the summer at Lumberjane scout camp...defeating yetis, thre-eeyed wolves, and giant falcons...what's not to love?!

WHY YOU'LL LOVE IT: It's Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets Gravity Falls and features five buttkicking, rad teenager girls wailing on monsters and solving a mystery with the whole world at stake. And with the talent of acclaimed cartoonist Noelle Stevenson and talented newcomer Grace Ellis writing and Brooke Allen on art, this is going to be a spectacular series that you won't want to miss.

WHAT IT'S ABOUT: Jo, April, Mal, Molly and Ripley are five best pals determined to more

  • 10
    Big Comic Page - Jules Boyle Apr 8, 2014

    As much as there is to appeal to older readers, with it's overriding theme of “Friendship To The Max” and identifiable young characters, Lumberjanes is an ideal comic for kids to get into, so I can't wait to buy a copy to give to my daughter, but this is a comic that will strike a chord with anyone and everyone. Wonderful. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Kimberly Gibson Apr 9, 2014

    The collaboration between Noelle Stevenson, Grace Ellis, Shannon Watters, and Brooke Allen made this holy grail of a comic book. So thank you, my eyes were beaming out hearts after reading this comic. Please hurry with the next one! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Nerdophiles - Ashley Leckwold Apr 15, 2014

    Fresh, funny, and full of ladies, Lumberjanes is already up there with Ms. Marvel for my new favorite comic of 2014. Stevenson, Ellis, Allen and Shannon Watters have created a fantastic new story about friendship, summer camp and supernatural forces. If you're not reading this comic yet, I suggest you jump on it before issue #2 comes out next month. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Apr 10, 2014

    This is like summer camp versus monsters and the mystical unknown. It's fun stuff and definitely a book to keep your eye on. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Alison Berry Apr 14, 2014

    While this book wont appeal to everyone, its important that everyone be aware of it. Comics has room for all kinds of books, and there need to be more like this one. Girls doing for girls is important in comics especially, because it is traditionally dominated by male characters and creators. Im not saying those guys are all bad; Im just saying an all-female creative team and a book celebrating young female friendships shouldnt be such a rarity in 2014. Hats off to Stevenson, Ellis, Allen, and everyone else involved for making this a reality. Im sure theyve all earned their Up All Night merit badges. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Apr 9, 2014

    This is what I like to call a "true all ages book". That means it's not written down to kids. It's appropriate for all ages and is thoroughly enjoyable by kids and adults alike. If you have a young girl in your life (daughter, niece, friends kid, neighbor) buy this comic for her. But make sure you read it yourself, you don't want to miss out on a quality story. This was a great first issue that accomplished a lot. The personalities of all the characters are asserting themselves, some standing out more than others in the pages we had available in this issue but I'm sure that this will even out as the series progresses. What really matters is that I got a solid chunk of story complete in this issue and I was hooked on the series so I'll be back for more! Mission accomplished for a #1 issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Multiversity Comics - Vince Ostrowski Apr 10, 2014

    “Lumberjanes” #1 is 100% charm all the way through. While the irreverent story is a pure attempt at fun, silliness, and friendship incarnate without any baggage, it's nothing less than an impressive effort from all of the myriad talents that went into its creation. “Lumberjanes” is a labor of love, and it shows, from the lighthearted script to the playful art and lettering. Share this one with your whole family, because summer is right around the corner and it's not too early for a little camping adventure. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Rhymes With Geek - Kyle Overkill Apr 8, 2014

    Yes, this book is all about girls, each character so far are females but because the characters are approached in a way of people first it does not feel like the typical strong girls doing strong things. I think its important that these are strong independent girls doing adventurous things, but they are all individuals with their own personalities who I could see anybody taking a liking to them. This book wont be for every comic reader but for those who take the chance and give Lumberjanes a shot I think you will be surprised. Even if in the end you decide it is just not for you its still easy to recognize that this a well written, drawn, and conceived book. In the Lumberjanes scout pledge one line asks the girls "to be interesting and interested". Lumberjanes does exactly that, now give them a badge! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Lan Pitts Apr 8, 2014

    The thing about Lumberjanes is that it on first appearance, it doesn't look like it could be just for anyone. Sad thing is, that couldn't be further from the truth. Fans of Buffy to Adventure Time will enjoy this flat-out fun and entertaining issue with an awesome quick peek inside this world. Honestly, this title has the potential to be a new favorite cult hit. While it may have some elements of more established material, it's definitely its own thing with its own voice. I think if readers who occasionally wander outside their norm would pick this up, they might have a surprisingly good time. Stevenson, Ellis, Allen, and Laiho definitely deserve their merit badge for having me want more from this series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Marykate Jasper Apr 11, 2014

    All in all, "Lumberjanes" #1 has utterly taxed my ability to find synonyms for charming. Go pick up a copy of this delightful, spunky, loveable book. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Word Of The Nerd - Yamini C Apr 9, 2014

    If nothing else, Lumberjanes #1 delivers enough action and plot to show the reader what kind of comic it aims to be: one depicting young women with agency, having them work together " and never against each other " to unravel mysteries and have adventures. It also shatters any artificial boundaries dictating who should or should not be reading comics. With its quirky cast of characters, relatable summer camp setting and theunderlying theme of friendship,Lumberjanes will likely appeal to anyone who wants a fun, positive, all-ages story to look forward to every month. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Apr 20, 2014

    While clearly designed for a female audience while maintaining an appeal to a wider readership, Lumberjanes also strikes me as something crafted out of a love for such in-vogue pop-culture properties as Adventure Time and Gravity Falls. There's definitely a hip, weird vibe at play here that ought to have an easy time connecting with a fanbase established by those afore-mentioned and other shows. Personally, though, I'm not part of that rich soil in which such a seed as Lumberjanes would thrive. Maybe it's an age thing; I'm into my 40s now, and Adventure Time just seems unnecessarily weird to me, for example, and Gravity Falls seems cute but too frenetic. Lumberjanes definitely boasts those latter qualities. Ultimately, I will hold onto this first issue - not out of possible investment speculation, but rather to present to my toddler son in a few years when I feel he needs to delve into a sampling of comics storytelling outside the super-hero genre and featuring strong female leads. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Dec 16, 2014

    I'll definitely recommend it to people to check out though because it is a good mixture of a light kind of fun in the Bone vein where it can go much darker before you know it. And with eight issues out there in total so far, there's definitely plenty of story to sink your teeth into. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Peter Schmeiser May 14, 2014

    Another great thing about this book is that it is age appropriate for Free Comic Book day. While Comic book stores aren't infernal dens of shady characters, they arent the most welcoming place for kids who are learning to read, and The Lumber Janes serves up a great all ages story in a marketplace that caters to 20-somthings. So, if you have a young reader, and actually wanted a good book to read for Free Comic book day, grab The Lumber Janes from Boom! Box. You wont be disappointed. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Dan Pennacchia Apr 9, 2014

    As the girls make their way back to camp, readers are introduced to a few more characters as well as the likely trajectory of this book. Lumberjanes provides distinct voices for each character, some good teases for things to come, and strong art. It is a good bit of fun, this first issue, and the creative team seem to be having a blast making it. No doubt, this colorful group will see their fair share of adventures, and they have enough personality to take readers along with them. Read Full Review

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