Lady Killer 2 #1

Writer: Joelle Jones Artist: Joelle Jones Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: August 3, 2016 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 11
9.2Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

The killer housewife is back! The Schuller family has moved to Cocoa Beach, Florida, where life carries on as usual. Josie continues to juggle Tupperware parties, her kids, and a few human heads. However, when someone from her past tails her on a hit, she may be in for more than she bargained for.

"Lady Killer is worth its weight in gold for the art alone, but the enigmatic Josie Schuller is the real appeal."-Newsarama

"A level of violence that can only be described as Mad Men's Betty Draper meets Dexter."-Comic Book Resources

  • 10
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Aug 14, 2016

    Lady Killer is not just the best comic you'll read about a contract-killer housewife, it's also a gorgeously illustrated book with levels of gore that will rival any horror book on the stands today.  You just haven't lived until you've seen a beautiful woman cut up a body with an electric carving knife. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Kabooooom - Marcus Hammond Aug 1, 2016

    Jones leaves readers on a cliffhanger that raises many questions about the interim period between the first series and the new. By presenting a solid continuation of the plot with keen artistic detail, Jolle Jones and Michelle Madsen create a visually stunning and thought-provoking start to Lady Killer 2. Read Full Review

  • 10
    The Fandom Post - Lauren Gallo Jul 20, 2016

    It probably goes without saying that I enjoy Jones' cheeky mid-century murderverse, and sometimes less complexity is more and this is one of those stories that proves it. Give this comic a chance, and pick up the trade version of the first series so you can get caught up. There might even be a familiar reviewer quoted on the back" Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes Jul 27, 2016

    A large part of Lady Killers success was the fact that it was fun eclectic mix of humour, satire and dark violence. The challenge ahead for Joelle is to keep the book fresh. Too much of a good thing can be bad for you. Here, the format of publisher Dark Horse Comics predilection for mini series should help maintain story focus without meandering into repetitiveness. Read Full Review

  • 10
    AIPT - Alyssa Jackson Jul 13, 2016

    This is quickly becoming one of my favorite books and I cannot wait to see what Jones and Madsen have in store. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    CourtOfNerds - Benjamin Raven Aug 13, 2016

    The toughest part of this review was whether to praise Joelle Jones' writing or art to the moon. Well, I did both. Go grab this book that takes deranged 1950s housewife to another level.  Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    GWW - Enrique Rea Aug 6, 2016

    Lady Killer 2is the best dark comedy in comics that skewers the patriarchy of the past with a killer woman in Josie Schuller. It's not just a compelling story but arguably one of the best-illustrated comics as well. You need to add this to your pull list. Lady Killer if off to another strong start. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Impulse Gamer - Jose J. Becerra Jr Jul 14, 2016

    Overall, “Lady Killer 2 #1” is off to a great start. From the opening scene, to the first act of violence…from the Schuller Family moments, to the final act, everything that made the original miniseries memorable is found in this premiere issue. Jolle Jones knows how to make Josie beautiful and loveable, but scary and powerful simultaneously, through words and illustrations. Michelle Madsen nails it with the coloring as well, the atmosphere really changes from the blood-red violent scenes to the bright, cheery family moments. Fans of this series are in for a treat, and new readers will be able to follow along fine, but it's recommended to read the first miniseries before jumping on to this one. Im rating this comic 4.5 out of 5 stars, highly recommended! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - Madison Butler Aug 4, 2016

    Jolle Jones's art is the star of the story. The characters are expressive and messy, beautiful and occasionally sleazy. Lady Killer featured ink splattered pages, and while Lady Killer 2 #1 featured the same ink-splotched pages, the overall art and style suggests that Josie is fully in control and more organized than she's ever been. Joness use of heavy inks and Michelle Madsens poppy colors create an amazing contrast between tone and action: The art is brightest when Josie's narrative is dark, just as the inverse is true and the tone of the story upbeat when Josie is brutally stabbing victims. The overall effect is a story that's as delightful to look at as it is to read. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Bounding Into Comics - Elliott Cole Aug 2, 2016

    Lady Killer 2 #1 is a compelling and unique tale. A black comedy equally able to make you laugh and make you squirm. Often at the same time. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson-Adams Jul 10, 2016

    This minor niggle aside, the flair with whichJolle Jones executes the story – not to mention the legitimately world-class artwork – makes this an absolute joy to read. The first series of Lady Killer started off with an intriguing, attention grabbing hook (a housewife assassin!) before gradually unveiling a tense, dramatic and darkly comic character piece, and this second arc has all the hallmarks of delivering exactly the same captivating experience. Highly, highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Word Of The Nerd - Mia Faller Aug 4, 2016

    While there are a few loose ends to tie up, this issue holds nothing back. Despite being a bit foreign for newcomers, Ladykiller 2 appears to be a series worth following. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Multiversity Comics - Alice W. Castle Aug 5, 2016

    A very unique first issue that is well worth picking up and pouring over, even if you've never read the pervious series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Pablo Arriaga Aug 5, 2016

    Joelle Jones and Michelle Madsen have full control of the pacing in this issue. When doing a comic that's heavy on narration it's easy to lose the purpose of the issue and where it's going. The narration compliments the art in a way that, with all due respect to Jamie S. Rich's scripting, feels like a direct translation of Joelle Jones' head into the page. Lady Killer 2 #1 is aware of what the reader is here for and deliver more of it, this time making it bloodier and with Josie in control. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Doom Rocket - Brad Sun Jul 29, 2016

    If there's a downside to all this visual splendor, it's that the writing can't quite compete. It's perfectly serviceable, but also mostly unnecessary. I can't help but wonder if the book would be even more effective with half the amount of text, or even none at all. But that hardly puts a damper on all the fun Jones is clearly having, and it's infectious. Read Full Review

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