In the aftermath of DARK NIGHTS: METAL, the DC Universe has been forever changed as new heroes are called out of the shadows. Amid this all is Janet Fals...Firebrand! Once a paramedic dedicated to saving lives, she must now start a fight once every 24 hours to feed the Conflict Engine that's replaced her heart. But Janet's heart isn't just a curse-it's a beacon, drawing out both the mysterious Neon the Unknown and the seductive, malevolent Bad Samaritan. One of them wants to cut out her heart, the other wants to save it-but neither of them knows the true danger hidden within that will kick off a superhero manhunt ranging from Thanagar to the more
This is a great first issue and if The UnExpected can keep up this level of awesome throughout its run then DC has another hit on its hands. Read Full Review
Steve Orlando kicks things off with a boom, bringing his best to a brand new book that looks set to turn the DC Universe on its head in a very big way! Read Full Review
This book is full of crazy fun and big action and has me hooked. Read Full Review
Unexpected #1 is the best debut of the New Age of DC Heroes line, delivering a compelling protagonist with conflicting priorities that pit her needs versus her desires. Add a confident, intriguing twist that subverts expectations, and Unexpected could very well be DC's best new original book since New Super-Man. Read Full Review
The three writers have certainly set themselves a challenge with this debut issue. The series could go on to blow ones mind, or it could sink into suckiness really fast. Not sure which one will happen, but I am happy to take the ride and find out. Read Full Review
If you want weird, but plugged in, out-of-the-ordinary, but adventurous, exciting and unexpected work, give this a go. If you're a fan of Dark Knights Metal, give this a go. If you're a Hawkman fan or have any designs to check out his series next week, give this a go. Seriously. It's so damn fun. And unexpected. Read Full Review
With a strong story and a fantastic visual appeal, THE UNEXPECTED #1 is a strong addition to DC's New Age of Heroes despite several small, unexplained elements throughout. Read Full Review
With a strong story and a fantastic visual appeal, THE UNEXPECTED #1 is a strong addition to DC's New Age of Heroes despite several small, unexplained elements throughout. Read Full Review
As a debut, The Unexpected #1 excels. It anchors the Morrisonian psycho-savagery with a heart that doesn't beat so much as thunders. The Conflict Engine churning under its pages begs for the next round of action. You will, too. Read Full Review
The Unexpected #1 is another contender for one of the best debuts from The New Age of Heroes line. Firebrand is a new kind of hero entirely, and her story slices a unique corner of the DC Universe that we have never explored before. It was exciting to follow this introduction from start to finish thinking it was going to be one thing, and then become another thing. Keeping us on our toes about what comes next is going to be key to creating investment in what this series has to offer. Read Full Review
Steeped in new post-Metal insanity and piloted by an ambitiously game creative team, The Unexpected #1 looks to bring a bit of that ol' postmodern superhero comic magic to the "New Age of Heroes". And, fellow readers, I am happy to report they largely succeed. At least for this debut issue. Read Full Review
A strong, if also crowded, first entry to a saga with potential. Read Full Review
This is a surprisingly good opening to a series for which I had no particular enthusiasm whatsoever. My misgivings about Orlando's writing remain, but here he appears to have found a natural vehicle for his penchant for melodramatic dialogue, full tilt storytelling, and villains whose threat level is off the scale. This is Orlando gonzo – brash, excessive, palpably insane and very entertaining. Throw in some gorgeous artwork and it's entirely possible to overlook the signs of incoherence at the end of the issue and just revel in the madness. I fully expect the whole thing to come off the rails at some point in the near future, but for now, I'm definitely in. Now that's unexpected. Read Full Review
Hopefully a new jewel in a field of superhero books. Read Full Review
The Unexpected #1 is a solid enough read. There are a lot of interesting places the book could go from here, even if the read didn't excite me for the series. It's better than Immortal Men #1 for sure, but it's not on par with Terrifics or Curse of Brimstone in terms of DC's New Age of Heroes titles. That said, if you want something bizarre and different from the regular DC offering while still being a DC book (an odd niche, I'll grant), I could recommend this fairly easily. Read Full Review
I tried a lot but not all of the New Age of Heroes books and most of them suffered from the same problems in that you felt like you were a few steps behind from the first page with what was going on. This one works a bit better as the initial focus is on Janet herself and it runs through things fast to get us caught up, which is a plus. But with everything else I have to presume that not reading the Dark Nights: Metal book means you're missing out on a lot of the who, what, and why of it all. There are enough basics there to be accessible so that it'll work and can grow from there but I was hoping for a bit more from the book as it's introducing all-new characters. Read Full Review
Orlando clearly has a lot of big ideas here and I want to see where they go, but the first issue " like this line as a whole " feels a bit confused. Read Full Review
The Unexpected #1 is a mixed bag of a comic, but the series itself has potential mostly thanks to Steve Orlando's three dimensional writing of Firebrand. Read Full Review
The two artists use every inch and panel of The Unexpected #1 to create a beautiful new world. One that takes advantage of the fantastical story that Orlando has displayed. Though the tone and narrative may seem familiar, the designs and colors won't. Hopefully, this art team can remain intact. Maintaining an art team has become one of the more difficult tasks of any book these days. But as the art is the most charming part of The Unexpected #1, it's more vital to keep the team together. Orlando has plenty of interesting elements to get this story headed in the right direction. The Unexpectedjust needs to find its own voice to prove its worth. Read Full Review
It is somewhat frustrating that "The Unexpected" #1 fails in telling a compelling story on this issue. While it is abundantly clear that there was a lot of world building, design and creative discussions to make this issue happen, it is also clear that the creative team bit more than they could possible chew in these twenty pages. Read Full Review
While I will personally be back for the second issue of The Unexpected, I can easily see why some readers wouldn't be back. It's not very catchy or impressive. The threat is generic and has been done a hundred times before. Only one character has been developed, and there's nothing about her that is likely to hook you and say, "Yeah, more Firebrand please!" Also, I would have spelled that Fyre Brand TM, but that's just me. Overall, it's okay. I'm curious to get through the first adventure to see what can come from this, but I have a feeling we'll see Firebrand used in Suicide Squad in five years and that'll be it. Read Full Review
I think there's some potential here and a mid-issue twist shows that Orlando takes the title of the book seriously. This wasn't the strongest debut of the New Age of Heroes titles, but I'm curious to see where he takes the series over the next few issues. Read Full Review
Honestly, I don't know what to think of this yet. There is a lot of good and some bad, but no matter what I am along for this wild ride. Read Full Review
While the book has a lot of action, nothing really hooked me about it. I didn't feel connected to the story or the characters and while I fully admit that part of that is due to this just not being to my taste, I think there are some fundamental problems that take what could be a cool idea and make it just fine. Read Full Review
As it stands, the story feels generic and too large in scale for a character's first outing. Read Full Review
Overall, if you have the time give The Unexpected a try. However, if you are looking for a series that you can sink your teeth into, perhaps The Immortal Men will be a better fit. Read Full Review
A lot of unusual and interesting pieces on the board, but the rules of the game aren't yet clear. Read Full Review
I'm going there...this book was totally unexpected. I feel like this is one of those DC books that is so good and ahead of its time, that it won't catch on and that someone will put out a book along the same lines a year later that will be a hit. Hopefully I will be wrong and this book catches on.
So I try unexpected even if some tied it to the defenders (I never find a story I like for the marvel team).
And I find it original. The story of Janet is sad (With easy gaps but in the sake of the story). For now I have a hard time make my finger on Neon (What is power and make him distinct of his ally ? And is-he blind ? I like the Axe that show other realm. I didn't find her name or Ascendant name very great. But I was surprised at the end.
Cover - Like for Justice League the cove is more a flagship cover that show some link to the story. 1.5/2
Writing - There is some very good part, and some really weird. I don't like the link to metal. And for now I wonder where this three as been before. I will like if they explai more
its confusing
The Metal spinoffs have largely been bad and this is no exception. I'm done with this one after the first issue.