America #1
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America #1

Writer: Gabby Rivera Artist: Joe Quinones Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 1, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 20 User Reviews: 58
8.4Critic Rating
3.7User Rating

At last! Everyone's favorite no-nonsense powerhouse, America Chavez, gets her own series!
Written by critically-acclaimed YA novelist Gabby Rivera (Juliet Takes A Breath) and drawn by all-star artist Joe Quinones (HOWARD THE DUCK), Marvel Comics' brand new AMERICA series shines a solo spotlight on the high-octane and hard-hitting adventures of the one and only America Chavez!
America has always been uncontestably awesome, and as the newly appointed leader of the Ultimates, she's now officially claimed her place as the preeminent butt-kicker of the Marvel Universe! But while leading a team of heroes and punching out big bads is great a more

  • 10
    Comicosity - Allen Thomas Mar 1, 2017

    If were being real, America #1 nearly brings me to tears. The story is constructed in such an intimate, real, and human way, something which is heartbreakingly rare in comics. Theres so much that I can see in the everyday life of queer people of color, but the entire team takes it even further by looking at the wonderful details of a young lesbian Latinas life. I cant speak to the totality of Americas of experiences as a queer Latina, but I imagine theres something in this story that many people, especially those who rarely if ever see themselves in comics, have been aching for, and moreover that they deserve. This first issue is everything I wanted and more, and it speaks to the optimism in me regarding representation and the hope that maybe, just maybe, the House of Ideas will listen to what the readers of this story will say, are saying, and have been saying for years. Read Full Review

  • 10
    All-Comic - Milo Milton Jefferies Mar 5, 2017

    Any worries that you may have had about America Chavez being able to sustain her own solo series should be gone after reading this issue. America is quite simplyone of the best new comics that Marvel has put out in a while, and it should absolutely be essential reading even if you've never read any books featuring the character before. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Nerds On The Rocks - Logan Dalton Mar 1, 2017

    America #1 definitely lives up to the hype as Gabby Rivera, Joe Quinones, Joe Rivera, Paolo Rivera, and Jose Villarrubia create a powerful, yet occasionally lost and world weary heroine in America Chavez. There are punching, one-liners, and even some surprises too, and you should check it out. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - Alyssa Jackson Mar 1, 2017

    Overall, I'm really excited about this series and I can't wait to see where the team takes America next. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Doom Rocket - Molly Jane Kremer Mar 1, 2017

    Recommended to anyone looking for a superhero book that spends as much time developing its leading lady as it does punching baddies, because looks like we'll be seeing lots of both. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comicsverse - Kat Vendetti Mar 1, 2017

    AMERICA #1 is a stellar debut for America Chavez's solo series. Rivera writes a confident and multidimensional America, while Quinones and Villarubia illuminate the pages with energy and vibrancy. Above all, AMERICA #1 speaks from the heart, delivering powerful messages to readers through encouraging narration, as well as through a new vision of patriotism. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    Black Nerd Problems - Omar Holmon Mar 2, 2017

    Rivera and Quinones are not only world building but multiverse building out here for Chavez. We've seen her comrades, we've seen her friends, we saw her get a cosign from Storm [aka the Beyonce of Marvel 616] so you know what's really good, and now we're going to see our girl in action on her own. America Chavez is the perfect choice for voice of reason in our current times [ya girl oh so militant, ain't she] and this team is going to have great a time with that. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Mar 1, 2017

    The change is here. It’s right now. It’s going to wreck everything. And comic books will be so much better for it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Outright Geekery - Amani Cooper Mar 5, 2017

    Lastly, Rivera and Quinones give us the sass, fun, and action that makes this character great. The pages speak for themselves. Great art. Good writing. I am expecting big things out of this book. Marvel's doing well with female led books so far. I know they won't let me down now. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Graphic Policy - SHAY REVOLVER Mar 1, 2017

    Overall, I found this issue to be a rapid-fire, clever and interesting setup. The writing is solid and appropriate for a young superhero, the story was realistic (in comic book storytelling format). The main character is thoroughly fleshed out, auxiliary characters were shown in a way that not only introduced them but, gave an insight to their personality. This is a great comic book for tweens and up. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Mar 1, 2017

    If there were any doubts that Miss America truly needed her own comic, America #1 should put them to rest. This new series features an engaging take on the adventurous America Chavez, one that emphasizes goofy humor and grounded character drama over superheroics. Anyone who enjoys The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl or Hawkeye will feel right at home here. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Mar 3, 2017

    It's a fast-paced issue with lots of twists and turns. It's fun, but not really aimed at a geezer like me - but no doubt young readers will enjoy the adventures of this patriotic powerhouse. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Multiversity Comics - Jacob Hill Mar 2, 2017

    A fun first issue that promises to satisfy superfans, andmaybe even do some recruiting for Team America. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Mar 1, 2017

    “America” is off to a strong start that captures all aspects of this character in a way that will please longtime fans and new fans alike. I can only hope that this series is allowed to run its course and be all that it aspires to be. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    On Comics Ground - Jessica Brake Jul 3, 2017

    Honestly, I'm so excited by this series. The references to Sonja Sotomayor and The Fifth Element make it fun and America's personality is so golden. Miss America is beauty, grace, and punched Hitler in the face. My only worry is that another story about going back and changing the past might fall flat and become cliche, however, somehow, I'm not that worried about it. I'm also hopeful for more action in the coming issues. I'm all for a personal journey, but please kick more butt along the way. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Matthew Mueller Mar 6, 2017

    America Chavez is quite the breath of fresh air to those around her. A boundless mix of impulsiveness with charisma for days, Chavez has no time to be mired down in emotional issues, but ironically seeing her toil with those issues is one of the most interesting parts of her debut issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    We The Nerdy - John Patterson Mar 6, 2017

    America #1 is the book that….well…America needs right now. In the wake of what's been happening in our country lately, we need stories of brown, queer, female superheroes to saving the day. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Fortress of Solitude - Rick Austin Mar 3, 2017

    Diverse characters like MAC do deserve to be out there alongside the legends, but sadly America #1 doesn't prove why. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Beat - AJ Frost Mar 1, 2017

    It is admirable that Marvel is demarcating their dedication to expanding the range of their characters' identities (at least in their books. Movies are another situation). No longer is every superhero a white, cisgendered person in tight spandex. Superheroes are now reflections of a culture that is coming around the notion that virtuous people don't have to fill some pre- fabricated mold. America #1 is a testament to Marvel's role as an ink-and- paper leader for diversity in action! Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Weird Science - Dan Mayhoff Mar 6, 2017

    This has got to be one of the safest stories I have ever read. You have a character that is so different from any other that we have in comics right now and instead of embracing that this creative team has put her in the most basic and clichd storyline possible. Granted, it would seem that this book is aimed at a different audience than myself but there are plenty of great books that do appeal to that audience so this book will really need to step up it's game in order to stand out amongst the crowd. If they don't, we may see readers drop this book very quickly. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Tree Fingers Mar 1, 2017

    Edit: guess Ill give it 10 to counteract the guy who keeps lowering his score to mess with the average

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  • 8.0
    FT Metler Mar 5, 2017

    Way better than I expected! America Chavez totally deserves her own book. I attribute the low user rating to homophobia...

    + LikeComments (8)
  • 8.0
    Pantheon36 Mar 2, 2017

    Very solid start. Maybe a bit too meta with some of the dialogue, but definitely a fresh and confident voice in the world of super hero comics. The rapid fire crazy sci-fi concepts make me want explore more of America's corner of the MU.

  • 7.0
    Spock's Brain Mar 7, 2017

    This isn't a bad comic, but it is a bit too cutesy and meta for me. Not bad, but not my thing. The Joe Quinones art looks very good. I was surprised to see the overall user rating on this. I feel like a lot of people are bashing this comic here as a complaint against Marvel's recent trend towards more youth-oriented, diverse stories. It certainly doesn't justify a rating below 5, for god's sake. A lot of people are hitting this extra hard.

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 6.5
    Wolf Warner Mar 2, 2017

    Witty flavor of the month.. I need more!!

  • 6.0
    Kreniigh Mar 7, 2017

    Welp, not surprising to see so many extremely high and extremely low scores for this one -- it's intentionally polarizing and I think many reviews are based more on its social positions than on the content. Personally I like the concept, but it jettisons logic pretty badly about halfway through. In my mind there's nothing wrong with most of its progressive concepts, but they're so clumsily glued together that nothing here resembles either the real world or the MU. I mean, Sotomayor University? Intergalactic Revolutionary classes? It's trying so hard that it just doesn't work as a story.

  • 5.5
    Gizmo May 21, 2017

    From the very first page onwards this comic doesn't seem to know what it is doing. The dialogue is ham-fisted and the plot is all over the place. Diversity in comics is always good, but there is no need to hit the reader over the head with it, just let it come out organically. On the plus side, the artwork is pretty good, it would be better with just one inker because there is some inconsistency there. As another reviewer points out, why would moving be a relationship issue for someone who can teleport? This is the one person who would do just fine in a long distance relationship. Actually, I almost gave the art a pass, but on the second last page, there are panels where America bats away a grenade to the right side of the panel only for it more

  • 5.0
    W_himself Mar 5, 2017

    all trolling aside, this really was pretty poor.

  • 4.0
    Monné Sep 11, 2017

    Social justice is not an excuse for writing a poor comic book.

  • 4.0
    HOSHWE Apr 7, 2017

    nice art, shi*** story.

  • 4.0
    Jack's Yattering Mar 11, 2017

    I hate you, Marvel. Despite all my misgivings, I purchased AMERICA #1 to see a character that I enjoy everywhere else star in her own series. This Modern Age of Marvel that I'm, obviously, not meant to be a part of continues to disappoint. This is one of the worst comic books I've read in some time. I don't know why Marvel insists on doing these quirky, surreal, books... so much for being "the world outside your window". Terrible story and characterization coupled with and unforgivably bad dialogue. I'll stick with the Ms.America we get in ULTIMATES and hope this book is never mentioned there or anywhere else. I hate you Marvel.
    SCORE: 3.9

  • 4.0
    Henry Killinger Mar 3, 2017

    "What in the holy menstruation are you doing here?"


  • 3.5
    nec Mar 4, 2017

    The dialogue is terrible and the art is inconsistent from page to page.
    I might have enjoyed this if I was a teeanager, but I found the dialogue annoying and the story was very weak. I will not be picking up the next issue.

    Also, how does she not recognize captain America he doesn't age. He looks exactly the same as he did 70 years ago.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 2.5
    Superior fan Mar 23, 2017

    Good artwork cannot save a rancid story.

    Yo Soy Americano is one of those books you can tell is going to disappoint. Most 'professional' reviews give it no small matter of praise. This is not surprising as the average comic book critic can be bought for a ham sandwich. However, I quickly realized that this wasn't a simple matter of quid pro quo. The review gushed, "a more timely hero there could not be", it proclaimed. Really. I scanned the rest of the article. Very little discussion of the story or its merits was there other than the reviewer assuring me they were perfect.

    I went online and found perfect 10 after 9. Most did the same, talking about the race, sexual preference of the writer. Very little more

    + LikeComments (4)
  • 2.5
    VirtuousMilo Mar 2, 2017

    This book is absolutely dull with a massive plot hole in it. Sure the wit is there every now and then but the story manages to forget the abilities of its own character... HOW?

  • 2.0
    Turbo Nerd Dec 29, 2017

    So when your comics main appeal for people is focused purely on cultural diversity and being "queer" you may be doing something wrong... Putting these things in your comics isn't a bad thing, but its clear the author just forced the SJW agenda into her, wait that pronoun may offend her so we'll say it's, its comic to appeal to the emotional snowflakes rather than good writing or a proper plot. Everyone has to be gay and every event has to represent the fantasy world of an SJW. They even went as far as to (Possible spoiler) throw in a time travel twist for literally no reason but to punch a Nazis, furthering the warped world views of these groups as if fighting Nazis is still an epidemic of of our time. This comic is a great example of why t more

  • 1.5
    Jurooo Apr 5, 2017

    It s bad

  • 1.5
    Foxter Mar 2, 2017

    “Holy menstruation” what a terrible comic. I would punch the writer in the face with my “brown fist”.

  • 1.5
    Nightmare of Solomon Mar 1, 2017

    Gets a 2 point deduction from my actual score just for saying something is better than The Cure. (PS. Nothing is better than The Cure)

    Gets a 0.5 point bonus for punching Hitler.

    The dialogue goes from incredibly bad to outright cringe-y at times, with its only decent point being the art by Quinones.

    I men, you got some gems like:

    "What in the holy menstruation are you doing here?"

    "Oh for Princess Leia's sake, not you too!"

    "Chico, you look mad familiar..."

    You also get a terrible author self-insertion, and the author decides to do away with a relationship in the worst possible manner, with America breaking up with her girlfriend because she wants to move more

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 1.0
    danielannam Jan 24, 2018

    Can I make the score any lower?
    This series is embarrassing. It's a disgrace. There's little in the way of storytelling, with the writer (God save his soul), opting instead to make the whole thing about how she's a Mexican lesbian. SJW shit is ruining Marvel. Far worse than Miles Morales Spider-Man (obviously). I will now end this review with these immortal words:

    "Holy menstruation"

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 1.0
    CrazyforRAMU Oct 31, 2017

    America tackles big life changes and the tension between being a superhero and a fallible human. Those bones could serve as the foundation for a good comic. Instead, author Gabby Rivera designed this book as an internet controversy generator first and a compelling story second - if at all. When it comes to provoking thought or entertaining or empowering readers, this comic fails utterly. America fans who enjoy this are putting in way more work than the author is. They deserve so much better. So does artist Joe Quinones; he's wasted on this title.

  • 1.0
    Dahllin Aug 8, 2017


  • 1.0
    Dsz Jul 31, 2017

    america is just awful the introduce of summing up about her is just insulting saying my years of comic are off. they always have to keep saying she is lesbian over and over like we already get it your lesbian. her attitude is more like the attitude of a super villain she is just a complete asshole to everyone. and the writer is trying so hard to love the character but there is nothing to love. i think people are only saying good thing because she Hispanic lesbian character but what people need to look is how she is a hero but she not she is probably one of the worst hero i have ever read she would make a better villain.

  • 1.0
    Comic Booger Jul 25, 2017

    Utter garbage. I almost fell asleep while reading this not to mention the poor implementation of politics makes this for a horrendous read.

  • 1.0
    Hightower Jun 28, 2017

    Singularly unimpressive.

  • 1.0
    CrimsonArc May 17, 2017

    Honestly so far this has been almost offensive. The next issues actually are offensive. Perhaps the huge deficit between the critic rating and the average rating of readers could tell you something about the critics. "Holy menstruation!" shouldn't a character named America recognize captain America? Also, Hitler wouldn't be on the battlefield like that. He wasn't a soldier in ww2

  • 1.0
    Briton Mar 4, 2017

    Good grief. There was absolutely no level this book succeeds at. Hamfisted politically correct drivel. The only positive is that I got it free.

  • 1.0
    joe Mar 2, 2017

    How this comic get so many good reviews ?? as a reader i just want to say something !! Marvel stop with all sjw titles!! Awfull

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  • 1.0
    aimanalphaz Mar 1, 2017

    Just stop, Marvel. Please. This title is going to get cancelled in less than twelve issues.

  • 10
    Morbid Unicorn Mar 1, 2017

  • 9.0
    DXO May 20, 2017

  • 9.0
    darkfire369 Mar 1, 2017

  • 8.5
    Tatorio Oct 16, 2017

  • 8.0
    faussarella May 7, 2017

  • 8.0
    SwampySwamp Mar 8, 2017

  • 7.5
    MKW69 Mar 5, 2017

  • 7.5

  • 7.0
    StanielK Apr 3, 2017

  • 6.5
    sebastianorellana95 Mar 1, 2017

  • 6.0
    batman_forever Oct 5, 2019

  • 6.0
    drwasheewashee Apr 8, 2017

  • 5.0
    Jabberwocky_Superfly Mar 2, 2017

  • 2.5
    DavidTC Sep 11, 2017

  • 2.5
    Super17 Mar 5, 2017

  • 2.0
    Konan Jan 16, 2018

  • 2.0
    EMRESANCAKLI12 Mar 2, 2017

  • 1.5
    DiegoE Apr 20, 2017

  • 1.0
    mrbananoid2 Sep 28, 2017

  • 1.0
    Grifter Aug 3, 2017

  • 1.0
    MikeCandle Jul 2, 2017

  • 1.0
    SpeedForce1973 Jun 21, 2017

  • 1.0
    Vanguard Jun 9, 2017

  • 1.0
    who are you Apr 8, 2017

  • 1.0
    Superfan234 Mar 15, 2017

  • 1.0
    Alphaz Mar 6, 2017

  • 1.0
    BloodyNinja Mar 5, 2017

  • 1.0
    TheMatteo0 Mar 3, 2017

  • 1.0
    Phantom Stranger Mar 1, 2017

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