Jessica Brake's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: On Comics Ground Reviews: 12
8.6Avg. Review Rating

America #1

Jul 3, 2017

Honestly, I'm so excited by this series. The references to Sonja Sotomayor and The Fifth Element make it fun and America's personality is so golden. Miss America is beauty, grace, and punched Hitler in the face. My only worry is that another story about going back and changing the past might fall flat and become cliche, however, somehow, I'm not that worried about it. I'm also hopeful for more action in the coming issues. I'm all for a personal journey, but please kick more butt along the way.

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America #2

Jul 14, 2017

Ok, I loved the issue, but jeez at all the layers for storylines. I aged 60 years while writing this because this is as concise as I could get all the major plots. Gabby Rodriguez is amazing at writing, there were so many small references that I giggled at. Especially Agent Becky Good hair. Shout out to Joe Quinones for the beautiful depiction of all the characters' individual styles. I still have heart eyes for Peggy. Jose Villarubia's coloring is what really brings America to life. She's vibrant and passionate and the coloring sets the tone. Overall, I can't wait for all these plots to play out.

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America #3

Jul 25, 2017

After last issue opening all the plot points, I was happy that they're finally getting smoothed out. Seeing the X-Men really made my day. I absolutely love that era and it was really cute seeing America react to Nightcrawler. The pacing is amazing as far as the storyline goes. Gabby Rivera is keeping my attention and is the comic writer I always dreamed of. Joe Quinones is at it again with the amazing art. His portrayal of the X-Men was fresh yet nostalgic at the same time. Amazing. I can't wait to see what this "Mark" is and how America will continue on her path to destiny.

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America #4

Jul 25, 2017

This is the first issue that seemed slow to me. But, I get we can't always have fast paced fun with people like Storm and Peggy Carter. I'm curious about Madrimar and what is in store for America though! Gabby and the team haven't let me down yet.

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America #5

Aug 3, 2017

Ok, the change in artwork was very jarring at first but after I looked at more Kate Bishop comics, I could understand the tone more. Thats on me for not expanding my horizons more. Otherwise, its a beautiful glimpse of a story of old love, friendship, and now betrayal. Hopefully, whatever is in store for America next, is better than what we just left off on!

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America #6

Sep 10, 2017

Finding out Madrimars true identity was the icing on the cake. I know Americas mothers died when she was young, but I wouldve thought they had told her if one of them had any parents.Im not sure Im 100% into Magdalena as a love interest for America though. I wouldnt pick Lisa either. Im just picky because I love her. Im ready to see America grow her relationship with her grandmother and finally have a real family.

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Batwoman (2017) #5

Jul 22, 2017

Wow! This comic reads like a lesbian pulp novel. I love it so far. The dark water color style reminds me so much of a romance novel cover. This is actually the first DC title I've really read and I'm impressed and so glad I took on Batwoman. My cousin is a huge Kate Kane fan and I asked her some important questions before I read the books. "What do you admire about Batwoman? What does she represent?". The answers were her independence and intelligence. I see it as well. I'm excited to read more and you can now count me as a Batwoman fan.

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Dark Ark #1

Aug 11, 2017

Without giving too much away, Im very interested to see how Shrae and his family will fare against all the darkness in the world. Juan Does art is amazing and accurate, especially to someone like me whos always been interested in dark creatures, I actually found myself stressing out and weighing the consequences of commandeering Noahs Ark because its either starve or hope the water subsides before Shrae and his family become dinner. Dark Ark has found its way to the top of my most anticipated list.

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Fantomah #1

Aug 6, 2017

I read this with a completely blank open mind but so many parts of it called to me. My love for the paranormal and living in a Spanish speaking area, caused me to think of La Llorona. If that's the inspo behind this, I love it because it's about time that the weeping woman was given a story where she is a hero rather than a victim or a villian. The second theme in this that spoke to me was Paz's love and care for her sisters. In my personal life, my mother has Multiple Sclerosis so I have spent several years helping raise my 17 year old sister. Paz's panic and ruthless disregard for her safety when accusing gang members of taking her sister is something I absolutey identify with. The art itself is breathtakingly beautiful and compliments the story so well. This is definitely one book you can judge by it's cover. I'm rooting for Paz.

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Spider-Gwen (2015) #21

Jul 3, 2017

For me this was very much a filler issue.

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Spider-Gwen (2015) #22

Aug 6, 2017

As excited as I am for Spider-Gwen every month, I gotta say I was really hoping that they'd unveil Gwenom at the end!!! I'm patient though. Jason Latour hasn't let me down with the pacing he puts into Spider-Gwen. I just have to say, if this was already in trade form, I would've inhaed it like the others. Prayers for George Stacy.

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Spider-Gwen (2015) #23

Sep 10, 2017

Like I touched on, Jason LaTour understands girl talk and socialization so well that I often forget Im reading a story written by a guy. Robbi Rodriguezs art is always lovely in this conext. They come together perfectly accenting femininity and the colors show how, while bright, the world can be a dark place for a girl on her own. I mentioned last time that I was ready for The Mary Janes to know Gwens identity, and Im happy even if only MJ believes. It just makes me wonder, will they still know their friend once the symbiote takes hold?

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