Comic Booger's Profile

Joined: Aug 03, 2016

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Reviews: 146

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EdNothIng reviewed Dark Nights: Death Metal #1 Jun 16, 2020


Dark Nights: Death Metal #1

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Jun 17, 2020

Get ready for the earth-shattering encore! The legendary team behind Dark Nights: Metal and Batman: Last Knight on Earth take center stage and reunite for one last tour. When the Earth is enveloped by the Dark Multiverse, the Justice League is at the mercy of the Batman Who Laughs. Humanity struggles to survive in a hellish landscape twisted beyond...

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Darrow - Jun 16, 2020

1.0??? seriously?

Comic Booger commented on this:
Michaelbn reviewed Dark Nights: Death Metal #1 Jun 16, 2020

I used to like Batman.
But I hate him now. Everything is about him.

Dark Nights: Death Metal #1

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Jun 17, 2020

Get ready for the earth-shattering encore! The legendary team behind Dark Nights: Metal and Batman: Last Knight on Earth take center stage and reunite for one last tour. When the Earth is enveloped by the Dark Multiverse, the Justice League is at the mercy of the Batman Who Laughs. Humanity struggles to survive in a hellish landscape twisted beyond...

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Comic Booger - Jul 1, 2020

My exact problem with Snyder's writing. His Batman stories have no subtlety.

Darrow - Aug 20, 2020

No subtlety? Man Snyder's Batman run was the best run of this character.

Comic Booger liked this:

The apparent culmination of the Game of Thrones-style struggle for DC continuity supremacy is here, and I worry that the least potent of the mix won out.

Tom King fell by the wayside, his Heroes in Crisis devolving into a critical disaster. His Batman couldn't recover from the post-Catwoman non-wedding storylines. Now, his Strange Adventures and his forthcoming Bat/Cat miniseries have more

Dark Nights: Death Metal #1

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Jun 17, 2020

Get ready for the earth-shattering encore! The legendary team behind Dark Nights: Metal and Batman: Last Knight on Earth take center stage and reunite for one last tour. When the Earth is enveloped by the Dark Multiverse, the Justice League is at the mercy of the Batman Who Laughs. Humanity struggles to survive in a hellish landscape twisted beyond...

myconius posted on Comic Booger's profile Dec 24, 2018

Happy Holidays! 🎄

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Comic Booger reviewed Jimmy's Bastards #1 Aug 28, 2017

A bold comic, eh? A very terrible one! This is right-leaning bullshit. Don't call me offended because I dislike SJWs, but I can't stand for this because it would be hypocritical.

Jimmy's Bastards #1

By: Garth Ennis, Russell Braun
Released: Jun 14, 2017

NEW SERIES! Jimmy Regent, Britain's number one super-spy, has got it all: intrigue, adventure, a license to shoot whoever he likes and beautiful women falling at his feet. He also has a new partner who isn't quite as impressed by Jimmy as all other women appear to be. Now, there's a price to pay for Jimmy's multiple romantic conquests - the results...

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Comic Booger reviewed Jimmy's Bastards #2 Aug 28, 2017

This is as low as humanity can go. Garth Ennis was always a lacking writer this just confirms it. Kill this piece of shit of a comic.

Jimmy's Bastards #2

By: Garth Ennis, Russell Braun
Released: Jul 19, 2017

Helicopter gunships and golf don't mix, as Jimmy finds himself proving when a quick nine holes turns into Apocalypse Now. But Nancy, who is assigned to watch over Jimmy, is not convinced that his opponents are quite what they seem - and with the real enemy still lurking in the background, our heroes find themselves investigating a conspiracy of unt...

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Comic Booger reviewed The Normals #1 Aug 27, 2017

Mediocre even with an interesting twist.

The Normals #1

By: Adam Glass, Dennis Calero
Released: May 24, 2017

NEW SERIES! Think about your "life" for a moment...the people you've known, the one's you've loved, and all the stuff in between. Now imagine you learned that everything YOU believed, everything YOU lived, everything YOU felt actually never was ALL not real. But it is REAL to YOU and you now must fight to save it and everyone you love...

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Comic Booger reviewed Divinity #0 Aug 18, 2017

Great start for the character! If you're new to Divinity and wanna catch up on what you've missed there is no better way than to simply read this. The art is stunning and to top it all off we get an amazing little cherry on top in the final panel.

Divinity #0

By: Matt Kindt, Renato Guedes
Released: Aug 16, 2017

AN EPIC JUMPING-ON POINT LEADING DIVINITY THROUGH THE WHOLE OF THE VALIANT UNIVERSE! New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt (X-O MANOWAR, Mind MGMT) and explosive artist Renato Guedes (BLOODSHOT REBORN, Wolverine) present an awe-inspiring introduction to the largest independent superhero universe in comics - as told through the eyes of Valia...

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Comic Booger reviewed Mage: The Hero Denied #1 Aug 17, 2017

It wasn't a perfect 10, but it was hella good! I have never read a Mage comic so this was my first and I felt right in. If you're hesitant to read this because you haven't read the previous installments then don't worry because Matt Wagner does an amazing job on introducing new readers to this story! Felt like a Superman comic.

Mage: The Hero Denied #1

By: Matt Wagner
Released: Aug 16, 2017

    LEGENDARY WRITER / ARTIST MATT WAGNER RETURNS FOR THE THIRD AND FINAL VOLUME OF HIS EPIC FANTASY TRILOGY-MAGE: THE HERO DENIED!    This first full-sized issue begins 10 years after the climax of THE HERO DEFINED and finds the everyman hero Kevin Matchstick at an unexpected point in his life. It's been some time since he's utilized his p...

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Comic Booger reviewed Genius: Cartel #1 Aug 17, 2017

This is one of the biggest garbage pile I have read this week which is saying something. Unlikable character who is trying to be portrayed as a badass liberal yet comes off pretentious. The story, plot and characters are so boring that you will end up flipping through this one with no emotion on your face.

Genius: Cartel #1

By: Marc Bernardin, Rosi Kampe
Released: Aug 16, 2017

Seventeen-year-old Destiny Ajaye took on the LAPD in her South Central Siege and paid for it-not with her life, but with her freedom. Now, Destiny is sequestered in the Madrasa Institute, a government school for prodigies. But will she use her gifts to wage war at the military's behest-or is she already planning another revolution?
From writer...

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Comic Booger reviewed Secret Weapons #3 Aug 17, 2017

A massive drop off from the last two issues. Opens with another white writer who is guilty and tries to make the Arab character as an oppressed darling. This goes on for 1/3 of the comic, the issue barely spends any time on Livewire who was the one who was truly making this a fun read since issue 1. So far the new characters have no personality other than a stereotypical millennial so I hope this more

Secret Weapons #3

By: Eric Heisserer, Raul Allen
Released: Aug 16, 2017

Team Spirits! Class is in session, and Amanda Mckee-the superpowered technopath known as Livewire-is here to show her unconventional class of recruits what it really takes to be a hero! And Lesson #1 is... teamwork! But as these once-abandoned psiots put their pain behind them and become a fully functioning unit, an even deadlier set of challenges ...

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Comic Booger reviewed Secret Weapons #2 Aug 17, 2017

Stays consistent to the previous issue. Not much to add other than it could have been more interesting, but still plays out very nicely as a comic.

Secret Weapons #2

By: Eric Heisserer, Raul Allen
Released: Jul 19, 2017

Fully charged!

Oscar-nominated screenwriter Eric Heisserer, writer of the international sensation Arrival, joins forces with Harvey Award-nominated artist Raúl Allén (Wrath of the Eternal Warrior) for the next electrifying chapter in Valiant's latest prestige format epic!

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Comic Booger reviewed Secret Weapons #1 Aug 17, 2017

A very well written comic that sometimes does suffer from being too formulaic. The new character psiots are okay, but it's the main character, Livewire who truly steals the show and makes this what we needed for the character.

Secret Weapons #1

By: Eric Heisserer, Raul Allen
Released: Jun 28, 2017

Academy Award-nominated screenwriter Eric Heisserer (Arrival) joins Harvey Award-nominated artist Raúl Allén (Wrath of the Eternal Warrior) for Valiant's next prestige format limited series, starring Livewire and an extraordinary new team of heroes! The government has dispatched Amanda McKee - the technopath codenamed Livewire - to investigat...

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Comic Booger reviewed Unbelievable Gwenpool #19 Aug 16, 2017

One of the best Marvel has to offer, some would that's a sad thing to say. In a way it sure sucks Marvel has gone downhill, but this series truly brings something fresh and something we have never seen in a comic book. This is exactly what comic books were made for.

Unbelievable Gwenpool #19

By: Christopher Hastings, Gurihiru
Released: Aug 16, 2017

• Marvel hero Gwen Poole is friend to all!
•  That is...until supposedly she ruins Miles Morales' life by revealing his secret identity.
•  Oops?
•  Find out how Gwen plans on fixing THIS continuity drama!
Rated T+

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Comic Booger reviewed Spider-Men II #1 Aug 16, 2017

Overall an enjoyable story that lacks to interest the reader in some areas. The interaction saves this comic from even one of the more cliche parts of this issue. Nothing compared to the original, but still an enjoyable ride that has a lot to offer. Can't wait to see what Bendis cooks up for us in later issues.

Spider-Men II #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Sara Pichelli
Released: Jul 12, 2017

The moment five years in the making is finally here! The first time Peter Parker and Miles Morales met ended with a question - WHO IS THE MILES MORALES OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE?! Now that the Miles you know and love is with Peter in the Marvel Universe, you're finally going to get that answer to who the OTHER Miles Mo...

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Comic Booger reviewed Spider-Men II #2 Aug 16, 2017

This was a let down. Miles is only 3 years younger than Pete? What happened with continuity?! He was 12 or 13 in first Spider-Men that means Peter had to have been 15, but we all know he wasn't because he was an adult in mid-20s. Miles is 17 since 2014 and since this is comics and he still is 17 now (because he's in high school) then Peter is 20 which is a total cluster f$%k!

Not only t more

Spider-Men II #2

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Sara Pichelli
Released: Aug 16, 2017

• The mystery of the OTHER Miles Morales thickens, but our Spider-Men may need to hit pause on the sleuthing because...
•  Don't miss this Spider-Event!
Rated T+

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Comic Booger reviewed Calexit #1 Aug 14, 2017

Leftist propaganda is leftist propaganda. What else do you expect? At least it had great art.

Calexit #1

By: Matt Pizzolo, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Jul 12, 2017

What if a fascist, autocratic President took over the United States? And what if that President lost California, the sixth largest economy on Earth, by nearly 2-to-1...a margin of almost 3 1/2 million votes? What if the day after that President took power, the largest mass demonstration in history occurred, and the state with the largest turnout wa...

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Comic Booger reviewed Champions #11 Aug 2, 2017

Filled with blatant, shoved in politics. This comic is an example of everything wrong with comics. Get this SJW propaganda out of here.

Champions #11

By: Mark Waid, Humberto Ramos
Released: Aug 2, 2017

•  Broken up and dispersed all across the U.S., the Champions still fight the good fight - but if they can't pull together soon, everything they stand for will turn to ash!
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (2)
RustonLF - Aug 11, 2017

When Captain America punched Hitler in the face on the cover of his first issue that was before America had entered the war. It was a piece of propaganda where two Jewish men where showing their frustration over what was happening over seas. If you are not a fan of people using comics to make social commentary you may not actually like comics. It has always been that way and will continue to be that way.

The-MJP - Jul 30, 2018

i think the issue is that he feels it's being poorly written

Comic Booger liked this:
Simon DelMonte reviewed Wonder Woman #27 Jul 26, 2017

Nice art but replacement-level storytelling that doesn't really hold together. After three years of Brian Azz and a year of Rucka, they can do a lot better.

Wonder Woman #27

By: Shea Fontana, Mirka Andolfo
Released: Jul 26, 2017

"HEART OF THE AMAZON" part two! Someone close to Diana is behind the most recent attack on her and her friends... but what has this person learned about her powers that she never even knew herself?

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Comic Booger reviewed Iceman #1 Jul 26, 2017

Had to return to this series. The opening is a big red flag with Iceman looking for a boyfriend. Kill me everyone!!!

Iceman #1

By: Sina Grace, Alessandro Vitti
Released: Jun 7, 2017

Bobby Drake has been in the super hero game longer than most. But while reflecting on what he's accomplished over the years, he realizes that the legacy he's built is a few good one-liners and a string of failed relationships. Not only that, but now a younger version of himself has emerged from the timestream and he's more put together than Bobby e...

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Vanguard reviewed Iceman #1 Jun 7, 2017

I read the comic 2 more times and I just realized that it was actually worst than my previous score that I put so yeah it's bad in fact I don't know why Iceman even has his own series. The dialogue and the art was horrible. Not only that if Bobby really is Omega level why was he struggling with a guy with a hockey mask? Also Iceman's only trait is that he's gay. That's it! Which is boring and one more

Iceman #1

By: Sina Grace, Alessandro Vitti
Released: Jun 7, 2017

Bobby Drake has been in the super hero game longer than most. But while reflecting on what he's accomplished over the years, he realizes that the legacy he's built is a few good one-liners and a string of failed relationships. Not only that, but now a younger version of himself has emerged from the timestream and he's more put together than Bobby e...

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MKW69 - Jun 8, 2017

Yeah you're so proud to proclaim that you STEAL this comic!!!

Vanguard - Jun 9, 2017

Yup super proud!

Comic Booger reviewed Iceman #2 Jul 26, 2017

Iceman in a nutshell: "Did I mention I'm gay?"

Iceman #2

By: Sina Grace, Alessandro Vitti
Released: Jun 21, 2017

• When a newly manifested mutant signals the X-Men for help, Iceman teams up with Kitty Pryde to stage a rescue mission!
•  And surely nothing can go wrong when you ask your former girlfriend for advice on meeting guys while you're in the middle of a firefight, right?
Rated T+

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Comic Booger reviewed Iceman #3 Jul 26, 2017

Pure garbage. Focused more on reminding you on the gay thing than anything else. Also didn't know Christian terrorist group still exist in U.S. Redeemed with a action moment, but still was hard to read. Disgusting art. Everyone looks like a predator.

Iceman #3

By: Sina Grace, Alessandro Vitti
Released: Jul 26, 2017

• Iceman heads home to visit his folks! But they aren't too pleased with their son's latest news...
•  And to make matters worse, a gang of revenge-seeking Purifiers comes calling!
•  Will Iceman survive this family dinner?
•  Or the throwdown with militant mutant-haters that follow...

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Gizmo reviewed Dark Days: The Casting #1 Jul 20, 2017

So I've read Snyder and Capullo's complete run and I've read the first part to Dark Days: The Forge... And I still don't know what the hell is going on half of the time and why I should care. I'm so sick of DC's over reliance on multiverse events and I haven't even read that many of them, how do they still excite long time DC readers? Moreover, why is this a one-shot? It continues from The Forge, more

Dark Days: The Casting #1

By: Scott Snyder, Andy Kubert
Released: Jul 12, 2017

The Joker's surprise attack threatens to lay waste to all of Batman's carefully laid plans. Will the Dark Knight be able to regain the trust of his closest allies, Green Lantern and Duke, and prevent the forces of darkness from consuming the DC Universe?! Will Hawkman's warning stop our heroes from peering into the abyss? The great comics event of ...

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Comic Booger - Jul 26, 2017

Basically pulls bits and pieces from the entire history which makes it so amazing.

Gizmo - Jul 27, 2017

Yeah, I'm not familiar with most of that besides the Joker stuff. I think this is for longtime DC readers and not so much new readers.

Comic Booger reviewed Secret Empire #7 Jul 26, 2017

This was so bad. Widow got killed like an animal. Punisher working for HYDRA, unreadable fighting scenes (more particularly Frank vs. Nat) Captain America would not let Spidey beat him just like that, seeing Cap's shield break is not shocking anymore, Nadia says "The entire time she has been trying to prevent you from becoming a killer" even though she recreated the Red Room (and the Champions did more

Secret Empire #7

By: Nick Spencer, Leinil Francis Yu
Released: Jul 26, 2017

It was foretold by Ulysses, it's haunted Spider-Man's nightmares for months, and now the moment has arrived: It's time for Miles Morales to kill Captain America! Unless Natasha...
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (3)
DDJamesB - Jul 26, 2017

Right? Luckily I read the first sentence and stopped.

nec - Jul 26, 2017

The fight scene between widow and punisher was great I found it easy to follow just go left to right. It did take me a minute to realize the order. But miles not killing him was stupid. That ruined the book for me. I mean if you have the chance to kill butler you kill him.

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DDJamesB reviewed Dark Days: The Casting #1 Jul 17, 2017

Not a huge DC fan, but wow... I want to keep reading this mystery. The Forge and now the Casting have made Metal must reads. I do not know much about the backgrounds of DC characters so this is cool to see. I can't wait for Metal.

Dark Days: The Casting #1

By: Scott Snyder, Andy Kubert
Released: Jul 12, 2017

The Joker's surprise attack threatens to lay waste to all of Batman's carefully laid plans. Will the Dark Knight be able to regain the trust of his closest allies, Green Lantern and Duke, and prevent the forces of darkness from consuming the DC Universe?! Will Hawkman's warning stop our heroes from peering into the abyss? The great comics event of ...

Comic Booger reviewed Dark Days: The Casting #1 Jul 26, 2017

Not as good as previous issue Dark Days: Forge, but makes for an amazing read no one should skip on. It continues on the amazing story that the team started off so well on. We get many new clues and even more mysterious as to the future and past of the DCU may have. LOVE IT! Great prologue!

Dark Days: The Casting #1

By: Scott Snyder, Andy Kubert
Released: Jul 12, 2017

The Joker's surprise attack threatens to lay waste to all of Batman's carefully laid plans. Will the Dark Knight be able to regain the trust of his closest allies, Green Lantern and Duke, and prevent the forces of darkness from consuming the DC Universe?! Will Hawkman's warning stop our heroes from peering into the abyss? The great comics event of ...

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Comic Booger reviewed Dark Days: The Forge #1 Jul 26, 2017

DESERVES ANY PRAISE IT GETS!!!! I never have felt this way about comics for a long time. The brilliant inclusion of DC's entire history makes this a spectacular read for EVERY DC fan!!! Must read. Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV did it! Thank you so much.

Dark Days: The Forge #1

By: Scott Snyder, Andy Kubert
Released: Jun 14, 2017

DARKNESS COMES TO THE DC UNIVERSE WITH THE MYSTERY OF THE FORGE! Aquaman, The Flash and more of DC's pantheon of heroes suspect Batman of hiding a dark secret that could threaten the very existence of the multiverse! It's an epic that will span generations-but how does it connect to the origins of one of DC's most legendary heroes?
The great c...

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Comic Booger reviewed Wonder Woman #26 Jul 26, 2017

Wanna hear a joke? Evil white guy walks into a refugee tent for no reason, what happens next? Wonder Woman walks into it for some unknown reason in the known universe. SO RANDOM!!! Not to mention very slow and boring. This writer should go back to writing DC Super Hero Girls. Oh I almost forgot the punchline, here it is: Shea Fontana's "writing".

Wonder Woman #26

By: Shea Fontana, Mirka Andolfo
Released: Jul 12, 2017

"HEART OF THE AMAZON" part one! Writer Shea Fontana (DC SUPER HERO GIRLS) steps in for a new story! Wonder Woman finally takes a moment to catch her breath and attend a friend's wedding... but unfortunately, horror's followed her even there!

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