Mage: The Hero Denied #1

Writer: Matt Wagner Artist: Matt Wagner Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: August 16, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 2
8.1Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

    LEGENDARY WRITER / ARTIST MATT WAGNER RETURNS FOR THE THIRD AND FINAL VOLUME OF HIS EPIC FANTASY TRILOGY-MAGE: THE HERO DENIED!    This first full-sized issue begins 10 years after the climax of THE HERO DEFINED and finds the everyman hero Kevin Matchstick at an unexpected point in his life. It's been some time since he's utilized his powers as the reincarnated Pendragon, wielder of the mystical weapon Excalibur. Despite his reluctance to fulfill what two different Mages have declared as his destiny, dark forces have gathered to once again force Kevin into action.  Throughout these events, Kevin keeps hoping for the same mystica more

  • 10
    PopCultHQ - Joshua Winchester Aug 15, 2017

    This has been a long time coming. Mage: The Hero Defined was published from 1997-1999. It has been over 18 years since the second installment in Kevin Matchsticks adventures was published. Now, readers will finally get to see it. The third act, and with it, the final curtain and bow for Kevin Matchstick, the reborn Arthur Pendragon. Its something no one will want to miss out on. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - J.P. Harvey Aug 16, 2017

    I've been collecting comics for a lot of years, and I've been following this adventure since the beginning. Matt Wagner's work on MAGE and GRENDEL were my ‘gateway drugs' to independent creator owned comics. I honestly didn't think this story was ever going to be finished, but this comic was worth the wait. And you can guarantee I'll be picking up every issue that follows. So until next time, remember, magic is color and color is life. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Aug 22, 2017

    This is one of those books that I'm not placing huge expectations on because that's just problematic but it is a book that I've been wanting to see for years in order to bring it all to conclusion and get a sense of closure. This is a great start to that. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Aug 17, 2017

    While a fairly slow start to this 15-issue, series, this issue manages to immediately pull the reader back into the story of Kevin Matchstick. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Aug 16, 2017

    There's no outrageous cliffhanger to demand readers return for the next issue. Wagner is too confident a storyteller to worry about readers not sticking around. That confidence is welcome as Wagner is clearly setting this 15 issue series up with the long game in mind. It should be a fun ride. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Ben Snyder Aug 16, 2017

    Mage: Hero Denied #1 isn't a bad comic at all. For the most part it is an enjoyable read. However it suffers from an intense case of "Seen it before". From it's cookie cutter character designs to it's contrived dialogue its just painfully average. That's why I'm giving it a 2 out of 5, not because it's bad, but because I feel like it could do so much more creatively. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comic Booger Aug 17, 2017

    It wasn't a perfect 10, but it was hella good! I have never read a Mage comic so this was my first and I felt right in. If you're hesitant to read this because you haven't read the previous installments then don't worry because Matt Wagner does an amazing job on introducing new readers to this story! Felt like a Superman comic.

  • 8.0
    markkawika Sep 18, 2017

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