Comic Booger's Profile

Joined: Aug 03, 2016

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Action Comics (2016) #957

Aug 3, 2016

My proper review is here with the exact score:

Action Comics (2016) #958

Aug 3, 2016

My proper review is displayed on my webiste.

Action Comics (2016) #959

Aug 3, 2016

My review is here on the website.

Action Comics (2016) #960

Aug 3, 2016

My full review is here:

Action Comics (2016) #961

Aug 10, 2016

My FULL review in in the link below; visit my site for full reviews: "In conclusion, Action Comics #961 is packed with stand out moments, especially the ones in the city, but it is still missing the perfect delivery it needs. Although the art is massively improving and answers are coming forth, the story seems to be dragging a bit." -Olaf Lesniak of

All-Star Batman #1

Aug 11, 2016

It starts very weird at first and incoherent. The beginning has so many flashbacks thrown at you out of nowhere and it is just so messy. It's really hard to keep track of when you go back 2 weeks ago, then 2 hours ago, then weeks, then now, then hours, then now. You get the point. The second half became way better with the twist at the end I'm sure will be answered. Snyder usually writes better put together stories and Romita Jr.'s art has gone down in quality a lot. Agree with some of the criticism, but still some redeemable elements. Annoying how Snyder said this will be $2.99 and ended up being $4.99.

America #1

Jul 25, 2017

Utter garbage. I almost fell asleep while reading this not to mention the poor implementation of politics makes this for a horrendous read.

America #2

Jul 25, 2017

Even cringier and worse than the previous issue. Who would have thought? Definitely not me. Oy the mighty have fallen.

America #3

Jul 25, 2017

It's time to stop. This piece of shit has to end. She came a concert not seeing the people she is looking for in the main row with a bunch of other terrible writing. What a disappointment.

America #4

Jul 25, 2017

The truth is Comicosity along with other 90% of comic sites and 90% percent of comic book artists working on Marvel books claim anything social justicey, progressive or starring a minority something that is daring and amazing. Well guess what, the real fans ain't buying this shit.

America #5

Jul 25, 2017

I see the SJWs have even gave up on reading this one haha! Who am I kidding? They probably never read this although it does have 100% of pandering. One is sure, this was pure bad.

Aquaman (2016) #1

Aug 3, 2016

Here is the exact review with the exact score:

Aquaman (2016) #2

Aug 3, 2016

My full review is here with exact score:

Aquaman (2016) #3

Aug 5, 2016

This is the most accurate review right here:

Aquaman (2016) #4

Aug 5, 2016

I can't believe is exactly the same as the critic consensus. Anyway here is my review is exact score.

Batman (2016) #1

Aug 3, 2016 My review! The closest to my actual score.

Batman (2016) #2

Aug 3, 2016

Here is my full amazing review!

Batman (2016) #3

Aug 3, 2016

My fabulous review. My score here is rounded up and my actual accuarate score is here.

Batman (2016) #4

Aug 5, 2016

Here is my very good written review approved by Comic Booger:

Calexit #1

Aug 14, 2017

Leftist propaganda is leftist propaganda. What else do you expect? At least it had great art.

Champions (2016) #11

Aug 2, 2017

Filled with blatant, shoved in politics. This comic is an example of everything wrong with comics. Get this SJW propaganda out of here.

Civil War II #1

Aug 8, 2016

My full and more accurate review is in the link below: "The great set-up Brian Michael Bendis is creating with clear and strong motivations will make this to be a real battle. The stunning art is already proving itself to have no obstacle when it comes to tackling any story structure. The weird use of dialogue between Captain Marvel and Tony Stark is here, but minimal enough to brush it off." -Olaf Lesniak of Comic Booger

Civil War II #2

Aug 8, 2016

My full and approved review is on my website and here is just a snipet: "This issue might have been a huge step down from the first because of the scenes that lacked with much bigger potential, but thankfully we get some hidden gems in there along with beautifully melded art and colors. Those two things are the truly redeeming factors of the comic and here are my hopes the next issue improves." - Olaf Lesniak of Comic Booger

Civil War II #3

Aug 9, 2016

My full written is on and approved on my website, here is just a part of my full review: "So the third issue brought the punch it needed to keep me invested for the rest of the event. It proved that Bendis was not going to allow this to be such a lazy event. Some will criticize the way things came to an end, but there was a lot of fun to be had here." -Olaf Lesniak of

Civil War II #4

Aug 16, 2016

Full,more accurate and approved review is on "About time, this issue necessarily progressed the story forward with great pacing. The art with no surprise was beautiful as always. There are no words needed to tell the story which is so great with Marquez’s art. You could get rid of all the letters and you still would understand what’s happening. He is the stand out of this event and combined with Bendis’ writing there is nowhere this story could go, but up." -Olaf Lesniak of ComicBooger

Dark Days: The Forge #1

Jul 26, 2017

DESERVES ANY PRAISE IT GETS!!!! I never have felt this way about comics for a long time. The brilliant inclusion of DC's entire history makes this a spectacular read for EVERY DC fan!!! Must read. Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV did it! Thank you so much.

Dark Days: The Casting #1

Jul 26, 2017

Not as good as previous issue Dark Days: Forge, but makes for an amazing read no one should skip on. It continues on the amazing story that the team started off so well on. We get many new clues and even more mysterious as to the future and past of the DCU may have. LOVE IT! Great prologue!

Deathstroke: Rebirth #1

Aug 11, 2016

There are many times when this Rebirth special goes over the place and isn't clear as to what it is. It isn't until the end that it begins to be interesting, but that sadly does not leave our favorite Mercenary in a good spot. Deathstroke works amazing as a antagonist and not a protagonist so DC should just stop with trying to give him his solo series because it clearly doesn't work no matter what writer you give him.

Detective Comics (2016) #934

Aug 5, 2016

The full review is here:

Detective Comics (2016) #935

Aug 5, 2016

The full more in depth review should be on my blog:

Detective Comics (2016) #936

Aug 6, 2016

My full on more accurate review is on my website: "Detective Comics #936 continues to elevate the series to higher grounds. What started off as a fun Fast & Furious of comic books turns into a legit story with very good twists, stakes, and unpredictability." -Olaf Lesniak of Comic

Detective Comics (2016) #937

Aug 6, 2016

My full review is on the website: "Very progressive story unraveling things at a suiting pace. Not too quick, not too slow. Art, writing, and coloring all prevail here. There is a conveniently placed concept that was never introduced in the Batman lore until now, but that is easily ignorable with all the pros mentioned." -Olaf Lesniak of Comic Booger

Detective Comics (2016) #938

Aug 11, 2016

My FULL and APPROVED review is on my webiste (link below): "Detective Comics #938 is the action movie of the summer every fan of the genre should read. The action, back and forths between characters, stakes, motivations all work for the pros and seeing how every character gets their due in one issue is something not every writer can achieve." -Olaf Lesniak

Divinity #0

Aug 18, 2017

Great start for the character! If you're new to Divinity and wanna catch up on what you've missed there is no better way than to simply read this. The art is stunning and to top it all off we get an amazing little cherry on top in the final panel.

Doom Patrol (2016) #1

Oct 2, 2016

Gotta be honest it was a bit difficult to follow, but I will stick around. The characters so far are all over the place and although Doom Patrol are weird I never perceived them to be this abstract. The scene with the Chief was odd alone and was in there for no reason and not even comedic affect. There were some fun moments, but I hope it gets better.

Flash (2016) #1

Aug 9, 2016

My full and approved review is on ComicBooger, this is only a part of it: "The new Flash series has a potential of being something new and exciting for DC. The groundwork done here is shown and although the art may not be my favorite it will do. Things seem to be only going up from here." -Olaf Lesniak of

Flash (2016) #2

Aug 11, 2016

My more accurate adn FULL review is on my website with the link below: "Overall, The Flash #2 is a strong story with more promise in the future and maybe the art isn’t what I would like it to be, it manages to work at times. The characters all have great potentials and we’ll continue seeing Barry in a bigger role which excites me as a Flash fan." -Olaf Lesniak of

Flash (2016) #3

Aug 10, 2016

My more accurate adn FULL review is on my website with the link below: "The advanced use of characters and all their stories never feel off within the context of what’s happening. Each storyline matters and feels like it’ll all tie in perfectly by the end of the next three issues. The plot is taking a very nice turn and Di Giandomenico’s art enhancement makes me feel more confident in the series as a whole." -Olaf Lesniak of

Flash (2016) #4

Aug 16, 2016

Full, approved and accurate review is on : "So in conclusion this 4th installment is killing it! Williamson is owning this run of The Flash bringing Barry into a familiar role but still a original one. The consistent art from issue to issue compliments the super power spectacles but the body image and face expressions are still shaky. If you’re a casual this is the place to jump onto the Flash." -Olaf Lesniak of

Genius: Cartel #1

Aug 17, 2017

This is one of the biggest garbage pile I have read this week which is saying something. Unlikable character who is trying to be portrayed as a badass liberal yet comes off pretentious. The story, plot and characters are so boring that you will end up flipping through this one with no emotion on your face.

Green Arrow (2016) #1

Aug 3, 2016

The best Green Arrow #1 review.

Green Arrow (2016) #2

Aug 3, 2016

This is the truest review made:

Green Arrow (2016) #3

Aug 3, 2016

A better story here and my review is on this blog:

Green Arrow (2016) #4

Aug 3, 2016

My review is on this website! The score isn't exactly accurate, but comes close to mine. The exact review is on the website.

Green Lanterns #1

Aug 11, 2016

A fair good beginning for the series establishing Jessica and Simon. Very fun back and forths between the duo, feels like a buddy cop comic. What's not to like? Art is neat and the threat is setting up itself to be something really interesting here.

Green Lanterns #2

Aug 11, 2016

The Jessica and Simon banter continues being one of the best parts of the series. I love the way Jessica has been set-up, her motivations and feelings. It's all pretty clear to see. The threat is very big and the issue does a great job making sure you know so.

Green Lanterns #3

Aug 11, 2016

Another very good issue from the Green Lanterns. This issue decides to focus more on Simon Baz and it pays off. He has tricks no one will see coming, but his character story driven side lacks compared to Jessica's. The chemistry between the two Lanterns is so good and a lot of fine progress happens. Surprised by this series.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #1

Aug 11, 2016

I was afraid of this happening. Venditti once again sets up the story with no emotional attachments, character motivations nor any inner demons. This is just same old Venditti here which is, "Huge threat. Threat stopped. Huge ramifications." and zero character development. Even the ramifications get undone couple years later. This only sets up the threat which is fine for some readers, but I expect a story that develops and manages to have high stakes. The art by Sandoval and Tarragona is the only redeeming factor as it is downright brilliant. Still have my faith.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #2

Aug 11, 2016

Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps #2 slightly moves away from the boring and empty threat that issue 1 was. We finally see some character moments which is why Gardner was the best part of this comic. There are actually some good moments I will not mention for a reader's sake. That said the comic still lacks in trying to develop any character. Sinestro for one example is misrepresented. He thinks of Hal as a failure when the two were friends and have been through so much together. Such a misinterpretation of one of the greatest villains.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth #1

Aug 11, 2016

So far a good beginning and teases you enough which is what a job of these Rebirths is. Liking what I am seeing with Hal although Venditti has yet to really impress me with his run. His comics are all just "threat is coming, we must defeat it" and no emotional attachments to any of the characters. This was the spark of light to keep me interested.

Iceman (2017) #1

Jul 26, 2017

Had to return to this series. The opening is a big red flag with Iceman looking for a boyfriend. Kill me everyone!!!

Iceman (2017) #2

Jul 26, 2017

Iceman in a nutshell: "Did I mention I'm gay?"

Iceman (2017) #3

Jul 26, 2017

Pure garbage. Focused more on reminding you on the gay thing than anything else. Also didn't know Christian terrorist group still exist in U.S. Redeemed with a action moment, but still was hard to read. Disgusting art. Everyone looks like a predator.

Immortal Iron Fists #1

Jul 26, 2017

No teenager acts like they do in this comic, no one asked for this new Iron Fist who is a diversity call that was there to please the racist critics of the Iron Fist Netflix series who had a problem with Danny being white. The art is horrendous, pigs are the villains of this comic, yes PIGS!!!!, not to mention they destroyed the bridge in the beginning with zero ramifications. Go read the current Iron Fist series by Ed Brisson and not this piece of junk. Seriously, the current Iron Fist is amazing!!! I also convinced whoever gave this issue a 10 is a clear crazy. A 10? Seriously? I bet they gave America a 10 as well.

Jimmy's Bastards #1

Aug 28, 2017

A bold comic, eh? A very terrible one! This is right-leaning bullshit. Don't call me offended because I dislike SJWs, but I can't stand for this because it would be hypocritical.

Jimmy's Bastards #2

Aug 28, 2017

This is as low as humanity can go. Garth Ennis was always a lacking writer this just confirms it. Kill this piece of shit of a comic.

Justice League (2016) #1

Aug 11, 2016

Why Bryan Hitch has such a need to give Wonder Woman a super on the nose power of lightning is beyond my knowledge, but Tony S. Daniel's art can make the dumbest idea look amazing. Wonder Woman is really badass here which was something missing in Geoff Johns' run and I like the idea of League being forced to work separately around the world, but that is where all positives end. This issue's "world ending" threat is not really interesting and just when you have questions where it comes from it becomes even more confusing and random. DC made a mistake putting Hitch on their greatest team and they'll be smelling the regret not to mention the anti-climactic ending.

Justice League (2016) #2

Aug 11, 2016

Bryan Hitch just doesn't learn from his mistakes. Rebirth special had a overdone, cliche alien invasion, while this one has another overdone, cliche alien invasion. Is he trolling us? It is slightly better than issue 1, but that's already a low standard. Interesting scenes with Simon, Jessica and Tony S. Daniel's art is not enough for an okay story. Nothing new to offer with another anti-climactic ending.

Justice League: Rebirth #1

Aug 11, 2016

Horrible art, stereotypical storytelling and rushed plot. An alien invasion has been a plot run down to the ground and you would think the writer would try to reinvent the cliche, he does the opposite. The comic was laughable at parts, and it was too on the nose. Wonder Woman holding a lightning bolt? Seriously? Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz have one cute page, but are just rushed into the League. Same can be said about Superman and when the League finally meets himthey treat him like he's not from a different Earth. Bryan Hitch fails with writing and art. Wonder Woman looks like a man in some panels and no one gets anything nice in due to the lackluster, rushed story.

Mage: The Hero Denied #1

Aug 17, 2017

It wasn't a perfect 10, but it was hella good! I have never read a Mage comic so this was my first and I felt right in. If you're hesitant to read this because you haven't read the previous installments then don't worry because Matt Wagner does an amazing job on introducing new readers to this story! Felt like a Superman comic.

Ms. Marvel (2015) #19

Jul 25, 2017

Blatant and obvious message. No longer about the story expressing itself, but the writer using a comic to express herself. Also stop giving us explanation to Muslim holidays just to be page filler. Why does a story need to take a pause to make sure there is a Muslim check made. I remembered Kamala for being a hero, today she is known as the Muslim hero.

Ms. Marvel (2015) #20

Jul 25, 2017

Propaganda at it's finest. You can see the political agenda flowing through the cracks of it. If more people read this it would get obliterated with negative reviews. This series isn't what it used to be when the character first debuted. Kamala Khan's title is now only used as to express writer's beliefs which are unsettle and hit you over the head.

New Superman #1

Aug 11, 2016

Very good until the end when what happens just sets you off. You ask yourself, "Really?! The story is going to be this cheap?". Kenan may be a dislikeable character, but I believe his journey as a character will change that. It's also a testament of how Yang manages to keep you invested with a character you don't like at first. Although, hopefully he can make up for the awkwardness that the ending is.

New Superman #2

Aug 11, 2016

Such a funny series to read. I thought the New Bat-Man and Wonder-Woman were a bit too much, but Gene Luen Yang pulled it off somehow. The chemistry between the the Chinese Trinity is great and makes me smile and laugh at loud. Kong is a douchebag, but that just adds to his character more than take away. You'll see what I mean by that if you read the comic for yourself which I recommend.

Nightwing: Rebirth #1

Aug 11, 2016

A good ending for the Grayson series and a great beginning for the return of Nigthwing. Not much to say other than it fulfills it's duties. There are also great moments with the Bat family so that's great to see especially with Damian. Hopefully Tim Seeley can continue this run alone without King's help. So far it's very enjoyable.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #1

Aug 11, 2016

I am excited for what is to come out of this, but this issue kinda moved in a rushed pace. The new trinity looks like something refreshing to the DC universe and the art continues to impress, but this yet has to wow me like the Rebirth special which had perfect pace, emotional writing and a great exposition. This maybe was a step down from that, but it was still enjoyable.

Red Hood and the Outlaws: Rebirth #1

Aug 11, 2016

What a great emotional issue. It could have been stereo typically introducing every character, but the focus was primarily on Jason and it payed off in the end. I was never to doubt Lobdell as I am one of those rare creatures that enjoys his work. Dexter Soy's art is beautiful and I can't wait for what is come in the future for this character.

Secret Empire #7

Jul 26, 2017

This was so bad. Widow got killed like an animal. Punisher working for HYDRA, unreadable fighting scenes (more particularly Frank vs. Nat) Captain America would not let Spidey beat him just like that, seeing Cap's shield break is not shocking anymore, Nadia says "The entire time she has been trying to prevent you from becoming a killer" even though she recreated the Red Room (and the Champions didn't know that Miles was trapped so how would Nadia know Nat has been keeping him inside), also Miles guesses the password because it was destiny, but he doesn't kill Cap? This is a mess. Making Sam Wilson return makes as much sense since he had zero impact as Cap. Oh! And turning Carol into Tony was always a mistake. What you need to make her is Carol.

Secret Weapons #1

Aug 17, 2017

A very well written comic that sometimes does suffer from being too formulaic. The new character psiots are okay, but it's the main character, Livewire who truly steals the show and makes this what we needed for the character.

Secret Weapons #2

Aug 17, 2017

Stays consistent to the previous issue. Not much to add other than it could have been more interesting, but still plays out very nicely as a comic.

Secret Weapons #3

Aug 17, 2017

A massive drop off from the last two issues. Opens with another white writer who is guilty and tries to make the Arab character as an oppressed darling. This goes on for 1/3 of the comic, the issue barely spends any time on Livewire who was the one who was truly making this a fun read since issue 1. So far the new characters have no personality other than a stereotypical millennial so I hope this picks up especially when they should have more important roles to fill in next issue. The story does play out nicely, the art is consistent and has a nice joke which saves this comic big time.

Spider-Men II #1

Aug 16, 2017

Overall an enjoyable story that lacks to interest the reader in some areas. The interaction saves this comic from even one of the more cliche parts of this issue. Nothing compared to the original, but still an enjoyable ride that has a lot to offer. Can't wait to see what Bendis cooks up for us in later issues.

Spider-Men II #2

Aug 16, 2017

This was a let down. Miles is only 3 years younger than Pete? What happened with continuity?! He was 12 or 13 in first Spider-Men that means Peter had to have been 15, but we all know he wasn't because he was an adult in mid-20s. Miles is 17 since 2014 and since this is comics and he still is 17 now (because he's in high school) then Peter is 20 which is a total cluster f$%k! Not only that, but Bendis goes on to shove his characters down our throats not only that but she went to high school with Peter?!??! WTF?! I won't even go into the fault of that. Also, does Peter really not know who this Miles is? Then why at the end of the original Spider-Men he said "Oh my God"? Did he accidentally open PornHub or something? This is a cop-out and a cheat-out. Also this Miles looks waaay different than the Spider-Man so how does he recognize him? And Peter stop with the childish jokes. I see Marvel keeps on delivering plot holes that ruin the enjoyment out of the people who care for a well written and story with care. Redeems in chemistry I guess.

Superman (2016) #1

Aug 3, 2016

Here is my well review.

Superman (2016) #2

Aug 3, 2016

Superman's exact score is here:

Superman (2016) #3

Aug 5, 2016

Here is my full and true review:

Superman (2016) #4

Aug 5, 2016

Full version of the review is on my website: "I was really thinking this could not be happening. I was wondering to myself, "How come a series so good decided to screw up so easily?" It's a jumbled mess if it comes down to tone, character motivations, art, and unnecessary, distracting characters. The thing that manages to keep this thing alive is the coloring, and lettering. Very disappointed in what Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason didn't accomplish here. Just when I started warming up to the writer." -Olaf Lesniak of

Superwoman (2016) #1

Aug 11, 2016

I was not expecting for this to come forward. This would have been a 9, but towards the end it got a little less eventful (the last 2 pages made it again very good again).I was not expecting for this to be such a great read, but I might be questioning if it can keep up the momentum. Overall a great chemistry between the two main leads and I will stick with it for sure.

The Clone Conspiracy #1

Oct 14, 2016

It started off very good and was surprised at Dan's writing, but if that ending is even true if Gwen indeed never died I will be very pissed. I am sick of all these "no one dies in mainstream" comics bull I have put up with too much.

The Normals #1

Aug 27, 2017

Mediocre even with an interesting twist.

Titans (2016) #1

Oct 2, 2016

Brings back nostalgia, fun and quipiness of Teen Titans many would argue was missing in the Titans name for a while now. Way better than that Allah-awful Rebirth special which rushed everything. This had actual beginning and ending while building towards something.

Unbelievable Gwenpool #19

Aug 16, 2017

One of the best Marvel has to offer, some would that's a sad thing to say. In a way it sure sucks Marvel has gone downhill, but this series truly brings something fresh and something we have never seen in a comic book. This is exactly what comic books were made for.

Wonder Woman (2016) #1

Aug 8, 2016

My full review is in the link below & this is just a snitpet: "Wonder Woman #1 (2016) is a fine story that takes the character in a new direction that also feels inherent to Diana’s progression . Wonder Woman seeks many questions to answer which is so interesting to see in a 75 year old character. It turns out after all this time maybe we don’t know Wonder Woman for who she really is. Does this story need to be as good as Brian Azerello’s New 52 take on the Amazon Princess? No, but if it can be a good story it’s all I will need." -Olaf Lesniak of Comic Booger

Wonder Woman (2016) #2

Aug 8, 2016

This review is a tid bit longer and more accurate on my website( "It’s very nice seeing a Wonder Woman origin story being told on the character’s 75th anniversary. I hope some new ideas would come through because all so far feels similar and the description to the next chapter doesn’t seem all that unpredictable either. Having this said it has many fresh takes that bring some originality into this Year One along by being a visual spectacle." -Olaf Lesniak of

Wonder Woman (2016) #3

Aug 9, 2016

My FULL and approved review is on the website with the link below: "The second chapter in the The Lies story arc impressed me a lot. The relationship between the two characters shows how complicated it is. It’s also the highlight and a surprise of this issue. Art continues to dominate especially with the face expressions although coloring still needs some work. The side-plot is not as entertaining, but it picked up from last time suggesting this is just the beginning. Overall, a vast improvement from something that was already good." -Olaf Lesniak

Wonder Woman (2016) #4

Aug 10, 2016

Visit my website for full review; link down below: "Wonder Woman #4 walks familiar steps, but it’s the execution that deserves the praise. Greg Rucka clearly knows what he’s doing with Diana and Nicola Scott is a one of a kind artists not to mention the top notch coloring. This comic book packs all the goodies into one basket." -Olaf Lesniak of

Wonder Woman (2016) #26

Jul 26, 2017

Wanna hear a joke? Evil white guy walks into a refugee tent for no reason, what happens next? Wonder Woman walks into it for some unknown reason in the known universe. SO RANDOM!!! Not to mention very slow and boring. This writer should go back to writing DC Super Hero Girls. Oh I almost forgot the punchline, here it is: Shea Fontana's "writing".

Wonder Woman (2016) #27

Jul 26, 2017

So if someone is on steroids they will change back when tied by the Lasso of Truth? Sad and pathetic. The villain's motivations are weak, the story is very bad, get this rack off of Wonder Woman before any more crap comes out. At least wasn't as bad as the last issue. Not to mention how did she make a serum to stun an Amazon without an Amazon to test it on. Laughable. For a WW comic this mediocre. Do not read.

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