Action Comics #960

Writer: Dan Jurgens Artist: Tyler Kirkham Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 27, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 18 User Reviews: 60
6.8Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

+ Pull List

"PATH TO DOOM" Chapter Four: Wonder Woman joins the fight, but even her added might can't slow down Doomsday's rampage! As Superman comes face-to-face with the woman who once loved him, the Man of Tomorrow must also wrestle with the reappearance of Clark Kent.

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Jul 27, 2016

    This is quickly becoming one of my favorite comics. It lives up to the title: Action. Not only action, but characters as well. I really enjoyed this. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Jul 29, 2016

    So overall, I liked this issue very much. Much like last issue, it had it all - action, plot progression, and character moments. I love this last scene with Diana, Lois, and Superman. That was near perfect. Nothing but love for this series since Rebirth. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Ian B Jul 27, 2016

    Ultimately, I enjoyed this issue a lot. It had good pacing, giving us a bit of a break between the constant fighting with Doomsday, as well as giving us some good character interaction between Wonder Woman, the New 52 Superman's love interest, and Lois, the original and current Superman's wife. It really hammers home the whole idea of Rebirth. Two characters who could have gone two ways, Wonder Woman angry about the loss of her Superman and having Lois shoved in her face, or Wonder Woman accepting Lois as someone that this new Superman cares for, sparking up a friendship reminiscent to the one before the New 52 Reboot. It would have been easy to go the first way for drama, but instead they go the second, once again returning some happiness and joy to the DC Universe. As long as they can keep this up, I have high hopes not only for this series, but for Rebirth in general. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    Graphic Policy - Brett Jul 27, 2016

    The series is solid so far. The story. The art. It all comes together for a great comic that feels like it's worthy of the big screen in how much action and excitement there is. But Jurgens also realizes with all of that, it's the characters relationships that really matters. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Flickering Myth - Tony Black Jul 28, 2016

    A very well crafted issue of Action Comics, knee deep in the midst of a storyline while managing to blast us further into the next phase of the plot, which balances strong writing with some really gorgeous artwork – especially when Wonder Woman & Superman are working together, both being terrifically rendered as they battle one of DC's biggest foes. The narrative needs to soon start evolving into a new area, but for now it remains a thrilling arc using some major players really well. Next up, ‘The Doomsday Protocol', which doesn't sound at all ominous! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComiConverse - Kyle King Jul 29, 2016

    Hard-hitting action, character-driven storytelling, and energetically compelling graphics combine to make this latest issue another winner. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Jul 27, 2016

    While the mysteries of this book don't seem to be close to be being resolved....... or even any clues given, we do get more out of this issue than simple fighting, what with the inclusion of Wonder Woman and Doomsday now on the hunt for something to punch other than Superman's face.  The art in this book is amazing as always and while I can't wait to get some answers out of this book, it's still a fun ride along the way. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Aug 1, 2016

    With the battle headed toward Clark's home and hearth and a welcome co-starring role for the breakout star of San Deigo Comic Con, Action Comics #960 keeps the spark alive for the floundering Superman title. Dan Jurgens doesn't hit a bullseye with this newest issue, but he comes close, which is much better than his previous, very dry and overcrowded efforts. This new focus and heart coupled with the dynamism of Tyler Kirkham and Ulises Arreola get Action Comics #960 closer to the solid superhero adventure we all know it can and should be. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph Jul 27, 2016

    Yes, we get a few refreshers and learn a few new things, but Action Comics #960 ultimately doesn't further the overall story along too much. Although not the strongest entry to date, this title remains one of my favorites from DC. Is it still worth a buy? Absolutely. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Jul 27, 2016

    This is another solid issue. The pacing is to a point where we need a break for a bit and a little more information to hold on to. Theres no doubt that Supermans world has changed and his son is his greatest liability and greatest joy, but every issue cant have the same menace. If the next issue is the same, I fear reader exhaustion. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Corps - Tim Montoya Jul 27, 2016

    Path of Doom Part Four, with the story coming to a bit of a hang, we find Wonder Woman joining Superman in the battle of Doomsday. One has to wonder, will all of the threads going on in this arc payoff in the end? Was rehashing the Doomsday fight in the new line really a good idea? Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Wednesday Comics - Marvin Salguero Jul 31, 2016

    Action Comics needs to find it's footing and start progressing this story. Introducing Wonder Woman is a nice touch, but all she adds is another fighter to the already dragged on fight. After four issues of Superman and Lex Luthor fighting Doomsday, we are ready to get on with the mysteries these issues have brought up. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    IGN - Levi Hunt Jul 28, 2016

    . Hopefully this arc can finish as well as it started, but this middle issue feels like it was thrown together just to stretch out the arc. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comicosity - Doug Zawisza Jul 27, 2016

    Overall, the art works for the story, but not for the series. Kirkham's style is divergent from series initiator Patrick Zircher's more realistic presentation, and, once collected, the flow from one to the next is going to be visually alarming. I'm not sure which artist is on deck for Action Comics #961, but that will be the fifth (and final? Penultimate?) chapter of “Path of Doom”. Whoever it is has a big-time battle ahead of them, as all of the players appear to be on the board, so it'll be time to see what Jurgens can really do with this tale. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    We The Nerdy - Josh McCullough Jul 27, 2016

    I've gotten pretty worn down byAction Comicsby this point, despite my snarkiness, this issue is in fact an improvement over the last given that it does actually move the story ahead, but it's so bland I can hardly care anymore. The series started with so much potential, but has found itself lapped several times over by the much, much betterSupermanbook. This arc just feels far too long and totally unnecessary, the next few arcs seems shorter and look to be answering some of the book's mysteries, so I may jump back on then, but right now there's just no real need to be reading this book when so many better ones exist. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    AIPT - Matthew J. Theriault Jul 27, 2016

    Action Comics since Rebirth, on the other hand, says "Remember the early '90s and the Death of Superman storyline. That sure was cool, wasn't it?" It's a vacuous story with nothing of importance to say and a dull, longwinded way of saying it. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Allen Wiggs Jul 27, 2016

    Anyways there is lots of talking with some really inconsistent faces. The characters don't look the same from one panel to the next, and sometimes the facial expressions really don't seem to match the dialogue. I don't know if the artist was in a hurry to hit the two week deadline or what. It is a sloppy few pages. The coloring is beautiful for the backgrounds, if not a little non consistent in its own right. At least the story is consistent. Sadly it is consistently meh. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Jul 27, 2016

    Maybe when Jurgens gets to the point of this storyline it will all make sense. For now though Action Comics remains underwhelming with another dull installment of a story arc that can't end soon enough. Read Full Review

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