Titans #1
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Titans #1

Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 27, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 32 User Reviews: 54
7.4Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

After an old ally returns to the team, the Titans set their sights on a dangerous enemy with the power to change reality itself! But the Titans have never faced a threat this massive before, and with so much on the line, will they be able to stand united as a team? Or will their past mistakes be their undoing?

  • 10
    Fortress of Solitude - Rick Austin Aug 4, 2016

    Are there any flaws with it? Other than yacht being spelled as yatch, none which I could see! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson-Adams Jul 27, 2016

    While the bulk of DCs Rebirth books have provided bold, fresh and exciting new status quos for their title characters, few have done it with such unabashed heart as Titans. As I mentioned in my review of the Rebirth issue, this isnt a super-team Ive ever really had any interest in until now. As things stand, Im officially on board with this title as long as DC keeps publishing it, and I can guarantee Im not the only one. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    FanboyNation - R.C. Samo Jul 27, 2016

    No matter how much things change, some things remain constant and the humor, brevity and enjoyment that comes from the Titans is that constant that comics need. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Heroes Direct - Eammon Jacobs Aug 30, 2016

    It's great to see a light-hearted and fun comic book that isn't afraid to get rid of the gritty and serious tone. If you're a Wally West fan, don't miss Titans#1. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Allen Thomas Jul 27, 2016

    This issue shows that brightness and joy can stand next to gravity, capturing serious elements and still offering compassion between characters. If youre a fan of these legacy characters and want to see their new place in the DCU, I recommend this issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    The Lost Lighthouse - thelostlighthouse Jul 28, 2016

    The message at play here is how good it is to have Wally back and how natural the team now feels. There's a little less meta I feel going on than the acknowledgement that the Spyral role didn't fully suit Dick in Graysonor the apparent admission that DC have overly scrambled Wonder Woman's back story a few too many times. But this works well in itself. DC need the fun stories, in my opinion they've been a little lacking, and Wally who's classically known for his fun loving attitude and his friends in the Titans are perfect to help provide that. He's still working things out since he's back as he's been through a hell of a lot, but he still comes across as a great guy. It's a solid first issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Derek McNeil Jul 27, 2016

    Despite these quibbles, it is overall a very good story. It furthers the Rebirth storylinea bit and further cements Wally's restored place in the DC Universe. Once again, DC is successfully restoring classic elements of the characters while carrying their story forward instead of backward. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jul 28, 2016

    But for a first issue, this comic never really went anywhere - it's all setup and no delivery. There's a huge mystery behind the book, by it looks like the solution is going to have to come from a different source. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Jul 27, 2016

    Titans is an absolute breath of fresh air in the DC Universe. Dan Abnett has brought back the essence of these characters. Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund, and Andrew Dalhouse are keeping pace with energy being generated by delivering on the visuals that capture the vibe of the book. This is a book anyone can jump into, even if you haven't been reading DC books the past few years. If you're invested in Rebirth and the mystery of how and why everything happened, this is a series to keep an eye on. With the return of a missing villain and the declaration made, there appears to be some crazy and exciting things headed our way. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Brett I Jul 27, 2016

    As DC continues to readjust the tone of their line, they're bringing back some much needed quality. Id love to hear what a long time Teen Titan fan thinks of this issue, but for me, its definitely worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Aug 8, 2016

    The issue also gives us the rest of the team searching for answers in more traditional means, and the beginning of a subplot involving Linda Park looking into the strange man who appeared to her in a flash of lightning. Even if she doesn't remember her former husband, Wally made enough of an impression to trigger Linda's reporting instincts and begin to look for her own answers. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Jul 27, 2016

    This issue really gets the ball rolling with not only getting to the bottom of what really happened in the Titans Hunt series, but the warning that Wally West delivered to his friends in the Rebirth issue.  If that wasn't enough, this issue also delivers on more of the legacy that DC has promised for their Rebirth initiative, surrounded by some of the best art that you've seen in any book that DC is putting out right now.   Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Jul 28, 2016

    Titans looks to be trying to find its balance here as we get past the initial Rebirth special and it's the kind of tale that I'm willing to give some time for it to settle on what it wants to be. There's a lot of little info dumps of character material here that just strikes me as odd but at the same time reminds me of books of old. It's not my favorite way of doing things but it harkens back to a different time that there's some appeal towards. The positives still outweigh the negatives so I'll be sticking around for a while yet to be sure, especially as I'm enjoyed Brett booth's work a lot with the dynamic designs and sense of energy about it, particularly with the color work that gives it some great pop. It's a kind of disjointed start in some ways but it has me hopeful that this might be a book where some of the bigger reveals of what's gone on will be made. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph Jul 28, 2016

    Although we've yet to see the debut of Benjamin Percy's new Teen Titans series (due this September), Titans remains the frontrunner when it comes to claiming the title of DC's best team-up book. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Comicsverse - Brian Delpozo Jul 29, 2016

    TITANS #1 has some good moments, but in the end it falls short of its preceding one-shot. The plot is a bit redundant, the art is hit-or-miss, and the final reveal seems to lower the series' stakes considerably. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    SnapPow.com - John McCubbin Jul 29, 2016

    Titans #1 may not be quite as impressive as the Rebirth one-shot, but that doesn't stop it from being an enjoyable read. Allowing the Titans to get better reacquainted with Wally, whilst also introducing their current threat, the creative team certainly leave us with more than enough to get excited about the next issue, with the series as a whole showing tons of potential. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Jul 27, 2016

    A decent start to the series that does a fantastic job introducing Wally West, his girlfriend, and the impending threat to the team. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Jul 27, 2016

    The issue ends with a nice cliffhanger suggesting the forces behind DC Rebirth might not be the only threat to Wally and the Titans. This wasn't a groundbreaking issue, but it was a nice calm before the storm installment. And hanging with the Titans family is always welcome. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Bin - Deejay Dayton Jul 28, 2016

    I was particularly pleased with the villain who shows up at the conclusion of the tale, revealing his role in removing everyones memories of Wally West. Way back, in the months leading up to Flashpoint, there had been hints that this man was involved in the reality altering events going on, but those all seemed to get dropped when Flashpoint struck. Abnett pays off those long abandoned clues by bringing back Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Batman Universe - Jim Remolde Jul 29, 2016

    Overall, the issue was better than average. I still have hopes, but some reservations. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Bounding Into Comics - Daniel Mills Jul 31, 2016

    Dan Abnett's Titans #1 marks a return for many elements of the DC Universe. From the returning hero, to returning villain, to a returning comedy style this issue sets itself solely in the past for better or worse. Wally West is rightfully at the forefront here, once again charming and wisecracking his way into the superhero community. Though it's a warm welcome many other classic comic tropes featured in the comic make it feel antiquated. The humor especially falls into the hit or miss category. The art by Brett Booth also struggles to captivate at times, but succeeds at both action and character. The Titans may not be in top form but it's a pleasure to see them together again. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicList - Eric Bradach Jul 30, 2016

    Titans Rebirth had a strong start with the promise of discovery and big reveals, Titans #1 sets more of that up but its closing catch falls short. Fortunately Abnett saves that with some delightful character interactions, creating a powerful team-dynamic that one can't help to become invested in. There are some poor choices made from an art perspective but it could be worse. While the conclusion is disappointing, this issue is still engaging enough for readers to come back for next months issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Levi Hunt Jul 28, 2016

    Titans #1 isn't a debut issue that's going to blow the doors off, but it's certainly a pleasant one. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Ian B Jul 27, 2016

    All and all, I thought that this was a good issue, but was a little disappointed because the issue that it followed was even better. Not a lot happened, the front was loaded with some good scenes from the Rebirth special as well as Flash Rebirth to get new readers up to speed, and it didn't really have the same touching, heartfelt moments like the Rebirth issue did. While I'm interested in seeing where the story goes from here, I hope that future issues can bring back some of the magic that the Rebirth issue had, dealing with the Titans relationships and showing them to be more than a simple super hero team, and more of a family. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    Graphic Policy - Brett Jul 27, 2016

    If you're a fan of the Titans, you'll probably enjoy this first issue. For those who enjoy the greater mystery of who changed the world, this series may be key. For me, it's just ok and was missing that special something that gets me excited to come back for more. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Jul 27, 2016

    The embers of a good run are glowing in Titans #1, they only need the fuel to grow into a roaring fire. Dan Abnett, though shot in the foot by his opening recap of events that are widely known at this point, displays a clear understanding of the team's voice along with displaying the intention to provide them all emotional arc and the promise of a worthy first-time foe. Brett Booth, Norm Rapmund and Andrew Dalhouse also render Abnett's script with the kind of energy that is needed for a teen centered book like this, teasing large scale action when things truly kick off. Titans #1 may not be the best opening issue, but it portends great things to come, albeit a bit stuffily. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Jeremy Matcho Aug 1, 2016

    Titans #1 is a step in the right direction for a series that has had a very rough stretch lately. Dan Abnett is very capable of writing a good team book and this is a series that needs an architect. The art is very good and is handled by professionals in every aspect. If youre craving a Titans book that will satisfy your thirst for the classic story telling style, this should be able to at least get you excited. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Kabooooom - Matt Morrison Jul 28, 2016

    Titans #1is a good enough comic but something of a disappointment given how outstanding the lead-in issues were. Still, there is enough good here to encourage continued reading. With any luck this weak start will build to something bigger and better. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Jordan Claes Jul 29, 2016

    I've begun to notice a pattern with Rebirth titles lately, and not a good one at that. What began with so much promise, hope, and excitement is starting to trickle down into the mundane and quite honestly, the boring. I know I am holding these first issues to an extremely high standard. By no means am I condemning them to obscurity or wiping them from my pull-list altogether but to say that I am just as excited week after week for each bi-monthly issue would be a falsity. This isn't a problem unique to Titans either; it spans nearly every DC Rebirth title.SOMETHING NEEDS TO HAPPEN. Turn up the heat; kick it into gear – anything to keep me coming back for more! Because soon, reading Titans for no reason other than the fact that it's Titans, will fail to be enough. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Batman-News - Jay Yaws Jul 30, 2016

    Flawed, but with enough strengths to make it worth reading, this series has a lot of potential. There are likeable characters, the draw of the team name, and some intriguing mysteries that are worth exploring, and it's hard to fault a first issue for not giving everything you want to see. Still, with some sloppy writing and even sloppier artwork, what could have been a great start to the return of the Titans instead feels like a mess. It's fine, but it should have been more. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Doom Rocket - Molly Jane Kremer Jul 29, 2016

    The villain introduced near the end of the issue"and apparently the author of all Wally's pain"was an inspired choice. It's another signal that DC is taking a fresh glance at its back catalog and taking full advantage of having so much rich history and continuity to pull from. This is a book that could be an amazing bridge between New 52 continuity and this weird new "everything counts" Rebirth DCU, provided it continues emphasizing character development without taking its audience for granted. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    The Pop Break - Marisa Carpico Jul 28, 2016

    While there's some comfort in the fact that the villain isn't yet another Watchmen character, that he turns out to be some two-bit magician called Abra Kadabra isn't much better. And yes, I know that's a big ol' spoiler, but maybe if you know that the issue ends so poorly, it'll be easier to appreciate what works about it. Because while this issue may not be the best showcase, Titans has potential and it's worth sticking around for a few more issues to see if it lives up to it. Read Full Review

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