Barnparty's Profile

Joined: Aug 04, 2016

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Barnparty rated Titans #1 Aug 4, 2016

Titans #1

By: Dan Abnett, Brett Booth
Released: Jul 27, 2016

After an old ally returns to the team, the Titans set their sights on a dangerous enemy with the power to change reality itself! But the Titans have never faced a threat this massive before, and with so much on the line, will they be able to stand united as a team? Or will their past mistakes be their undoing?

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Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #1

By: Robert Venditti, Rafael Sandoval
Released: Jul 27, 2016

"SINESTRO'S LAW" Chapter One
With no backup and only his ring and battery to keep him alive, Hal Jordan streaks toward battle with the Sinestro Corps, while his greatest foe prepares to wipe the last Green Lantern of them all out of existence!

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Barnparty rated Green Arrow #4 Aug 4, 2016

Green Arrow #4

By: Ben Percy, Juan Ferreyra
Released: Aug 3, 2016

The Death and Life of Oliver Queen part four! Black Canary steps through the deadly gates of Inferno, the global super-villain answer to Fort Knox, to discover the truth behind the destruction of Oliver Queens life, fortune and reputation. Meanwhile, Seattles manhunt for the outlaw Green Arrow takes an exhilarating twist when an old frenemy makes a...

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Barnparty rated Flash #3 Aug 4, 2016

Flash #3

By: Joshua Williamson, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Released: Jul 27, 2016

"LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE" Chapter Three: In issue #3, dozens of innocent people mysteriously gain super-speed! But not all are heroic, and it'll take everything The Flash and August have to harness the lightning before Black Hole does.

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Barnparty rated Detective Comics #937 Aug 4, 2016

Detective Comics #937

By: James Tynion IV, Alvaro Martinez
Released: Jul 27, 2016

"RISE OF THE BATMEN" Chapter Four: Batman's found his way into the heart of the Colony, the mysterious new organization cutting its way through Gotham City! Unfortunately, now that he's in he may find there's no way out!

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Barnparty rated Batman #4 Aug 4, 2016

Batman #4

By: Tom King, David Finch
Released: Aug 3, 2016

"I Am Gotham" part four. When Gotham City falls prey to true evil, will Batman be abandoned by the new heroes Gotham and Gotham Girl? The Dark Knight must decide who to entrust with the safety of his beloved city if he hopes for any of its citizens to survive.

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Suicide Squad: Rebirth #1

By: Rob Williams, Philip Tan
Released: Aug 3, 2016

Soldier. War hero. Traitor. Captain Rick Flag was one of America's greatest military commanders before he was banished to a secret military prison. But after years of isolation, Flag's life changes forever when a woman called Amanda Waller offers him redemption in exchange for taking on the single most dangerous job in the entire DC Universe: keepi...

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Barnparty added Green Arrow (2016) to their pull list Aug 4, 2016

Green Arrow (2016)

As Oliver struggles with how he can fight "the man" when his huge fortune makes him the man, he and Black Canary uncover a deadly new threat to Seattle that cuts the Archer to the bone.
THEY SAID IT: "My touchstones are [former GA writers] Dennis O'Neil and Mike Grell, while trying to make th...

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Barnparty added Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps to their pull list Aug 4, 2016

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps

"SINESTRO'S LAW" Chapter One
With no backup and only his ring and battery to keep him alive, Hal Jordan streaks toward battle with the Sinestro Corps, while his greatest foe prepares to wipe the last Green Lantern of them all out of existence!

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Barnparty added Titans (2016) to their pull list Aug 4, 2016

Titans (2016)

After an old ally returns to the team, the Titans set their sights on a dangerous enemy with the power to change reality itself! But the Titans have never faced a threat this massive before, and with so much on the line, will they be able to stand united as a team? Or will their past mistakes be their undoing?

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Barnparty added Batman (2016) to their pull list Aug 4, 2016

Batman (2016)

"I AM GOTHAM" chapter one
No one has ever stopped the Caped Crusader. Not The Joker. Not Two-Face. Not even the entire Justice League. But how does Batman confront a new hero who wants to save the city from the Dark Knight?
CAN'T MISS: Superstar artist David Finch returns to Batman alongside writer Tom King for this five-part storyline.

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Barnparty added Detective Comics (2016) to their pull list Aug 4, 2016

Detective Comics (2016)

An unknown predator begins outdoing Batman, taking down dangerous threats with military precision. Its up to the Dark Knight and series costar Batwoman to rally and train the young heroes of Gotham City to end this mysterious threat!WHAT NOW: Batman and Batwoman begin training Spoiler, Red Robin and Cassandra Cain...

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Barnparty added Flash (2016) to their pull list Aug 4, 2016

Flash (2016)

A new storm brews over Central City and disproves the old adage about lightning never, know. Just as Barry begins to feel overwhelmed fighting crime, a new speedster debuts-but just where did this amazing new friend come from?
FLASH FACT: "2016 is the 60th anniversary of Barry Allen becoming ...

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