"My Own Worst Enemy" part one! Superstar writer Scott Snyder explodes into an all-new Batman series alongside legendary artist John Romita Jr., reimagining some of the Dark Knight's greatest villains. First up: Two-Face! Batman must take Two-Face to a destination out of Gotham City, but the duplicitous villain has a two of spades up his sleeve. Every assassin, bounty hunter and ordinary citizen with something to hide is on their tails with one goal: kill Batman! Handcuffed together on the road to hell, this is Batman and Two-Face as you've never seen them before!
If DC wants to bring the heart of their comics to the bigscreen, then they really need to consider swapping out Snyders. Zack Snyder is taking some heat from fans, but Scott Snyder seems to know how to make fans happy with his interpretations of not only Batman, but the entire DC Universe. He balances character and action, seasons it all with intrigue and adventure, but never loses sight of the characters while doing it. “My Own Worst Enemy” is a buddy action-flick on par with “Lethal Weapon,” but set in a world wide open for special effects and dynamic visuals. This seems like Scott Snyder's buddy film, and I'm glad we have another Batman comic that plays fast and loose with the continuity, all in the name of a good, fun story. This is as approachable as Batman gets, both in terms of personality and in terms of continuity. Climb aboard. Let's take this ride together and see where Batman and Two-Face take us. Read Full Review
Overall, All Star Batman #1 reminds us why Scott Snyder is one of the best working writers in the business, pairing him with another genius like John Romita Jr. proves to us that more things are to come from this dynamic duo. Read Full Review
Cover to cover this is an excellent comic that set up two really interesting stories that look promising and will hopefully continue to shock and surprise. Snyder is back and by the looks of things hes cutting loose and letting everyoneon the book with him do the same. All that can only mean is that we are in for a wide ride down the long road ahead because if the meter is to be believed, we still have 497 miles to go. Let's ride. Read Full Review
After a long wait, Snyder returns to Gotham with a bang. All-Star Batman is an exciting, thought-provoking and gorgeous looking book. I'm looking forward 2 issue #2 (that's not a COIN-cidence). Read Full Review
With that caveat, I can happily say that this is a book that every Bat-fan should be reading. On every professional level and possible aesthetic metric, this is a great comic. Read Full Review
To misquote a famous song, Scott Snyder's got a brand-new Bat, and better still, his artistic team is going above and beyond alongside him. All-Star Batman #1 is an exciting and well-constructed debut that juggles non-stop action with some truly sharp twists and turns. Pitting Batman against one of his greatest foes - as well as a cavalcade of potential threats from both the supervillain and civilian communities - this comic ramps up the tension and the stakes. If Snyder, Romita, and company can keep this momentum going, there's going to be a new flagship title in Gotham soon enough. Read Full Review
All-Star Batman is a definite pickup. Stepping away from the superhero soap opera that is the larger DC universe, Snyder brings the character back to its roots. He weaves a morally ambiguous and sincerely tragic Dent/Two-Face. With all the attention given to the Joker lately, it is a welcomed, refreshing reminder that Gotham City is brimming with villains not just one, some infamously known and others that may surprise you. Read Full Review
Though Tom King may have inherited the main title, Scott Snyder triumphantly returns to Batman this week with All-Star Batman #1. Twists and turns set us on a harrowing adventure starring Bruce and one of his most famous villains, Two Face. Utilizing the dual-personalities of Dent and his Ego, Snyder is crafting a fast-paced and memorable story that makes the most of every page and character. Along for the ride are artists John Romita Jr. and Declan Shalvey, who make Gotham and its outskirts into beautiful and captivating landscapes in both night and day. When so many of his stories are brooding and dark, Snyder is excelling at changing the status quo with an entertaining action-romp. Great characters, clever writing, and beautiful art, these elements make for comic perfection. Thanks to the careful attention of the creative team, All-Star Batman #1 is just that, perfect. Read Full Review
All Star Batman is off to a great start, and you'll be on the edge of your seat waiting for the next chapter. Read Full Review
This book has been heavily advertised, as none other than Scott Snyder is writing Batman again with an All-Star cast of artists helping along the way. Snyder talked about it being a trip through Batman's Rogue gallery centering around Harvey Dent and being a Mad Max like adventure. So how does it all shape up? Read Full Review
All-Star Batman is a home run for DC. They have been on the uptick lately but this is the book that gets them back to form. It's everything that is good about Batman wrapped into a tight little package. What the future holds for this title is only going to be pure gold. Entertaining, engrossing and beautiful, All-Star Batman is the total package. Read Full Review
In summary, the fact that it contains one of the best Bat-stories Ive read for quite some time is more than enough to justify the $4.99 cover price, and the opportunity to see Scott Snyder pouring out his creativity in such an unrestricted arena makes for absolutely essential reading. You can count me in for all thirteen issues of this one, thats for darn sure. Read Full Review
Overall, ALL-STAR BATMAN #1 is off to a rock-solid start. So far, Snyder has stayed true to Batman, which is more than we might be able to say for Frank Miller in ALL-STAR BATMAN AND ROBIN. With an original concept and a novel execution from Scott Snyder, and stellar art from both teams, this is a book that you won't want to miss. Keep an eye out for issue #2 of ALL-STAR BATMAN! Read Full Review
So to summarise, All-Star Batman #1 is easily our favourite new Batman story this year. It's funny, it's violent and completely captivating. Two-Face and Harvey Dent are easily distinguishable to begin with, but we can't help but think those lines will begin to blur soon enough. We'll be anticipating #2 greatly. Read Full Review
With Batman out of the shadows of Gotham, colorist Dean White has to utilize more colors than typical for a Batman title. It's brighter and sunnier making for a nice contrast to the regular black and greys we normally get. Read Full Review
Plenty can be said about the thematic hooks and character pieces set up in All-Star Batman #1, but it is a comic that is at its best and most interested in its genre. Even the exploration of secret histories, redemption, and mentoring all are core themes to the genre itself. This is a comic filled with great costumes, thunderous fights and chases, and plenty of bigger-than-life concepts. It is a comic that even at its darkest revelation is still fun (at least in the lead story). It is a comic that looks every bit as cool as you want a Batman book to look. In that regard, it has the potential to be the best Batman comic any of these creators have ever worked on as it possesses a clear understanding of both the character and the world he operates in. It is far too early to make that sort of declaration, but it is exactly the right time to check out All-Star Batman. Read Full Review
This comic is witty and biting and on point. This comic is like Twitter without the Trolls and the Trump. It is what I needed this week, and may be what you need next week. If you're a Ms. Marvel fan, or a fan fiction fan of any sort, this needs to be in your collection. I'm hanging with this series. Read Full Review
But yeah, I really need to wrap up this review. The long and short of the first issue of All Star Batman is this: it's excellent. Considering pretty much everyone enjoyed Snyder's past Batman work, I can't imagine the audience for this series will feel any differently. Because, as it turns out, Snyder still writes great characters and attracts some of the best artists in the business. Read Full Review
It's a devious plot, and though I've been waiting for years to see what he could do with the former Gotham City District Attorney, his Two-Face story has the makings to be one of his best. One I always knew Snyder had in him. Romita's pencils, Danny Miki's inks, and Steve Wands' painterly colors give the high noon sun a scorch that hangs a pall over our beleaguered Caped Crusader. Batman's fighting in broad daylight, and I'm absolutely loving it. Read Full Review
Loaded with heart-wrenching twists and stunning visuals, this all-star creative team demonstrate that standalone books can be just as compelling as their continuity heavy cousins. All-Star Batman is the comic you need and the one you deserve. Read Full Review
There's also a back up story starring the new "Robin" Duke Thomas who was introduced in We Are Robin. Although I loved the art by Declan Shalvey, the story didn't grab me as of yet, but you can tell that this is just a set up for what's to come. All Star Batman looks as though it will be DC's flagship title and you can see that not only by the creators involved, but also by the quality of the package. This is an oversized issue with a cardstock cover and carries a $4.99 price point so be aware, but I feel it's worth the price after reading this first issue. If you like Snyder & Romita as much as I do, I believe you will too! Read Full Review
All-Star Batman looks like its going to be a high octane ride around the Batverse and a perfect complement to the other Bat titles. Read Full Review
All-Star Batman #1 is an amazing start to this new ongoing series, with the gritty narrative and brutal artwork making it worth every penny of it's $4.99 cover price. The narrative itself also gives us something to think about as we await the next issue, with the concept being intriguing to say the least. Read Full Review
All-Star Batman knocks your socks off. There's plenty of action, but also quite a lot of thematic storytelling to chew through with the promise of big character work along the way. Throw your expectations out the window–you haven't seen Batman quite like this. Read Full Review
This issue is more lighthearted than a lot of Batman stories we’ve seen. Snyder has showed us even more of his talents, and takes us on another crazy series with the one and only Batman. For fans of Snyder’s work and Batman as a whole, this is a must-read issue. You’re going to get a taste of Batman like never before, and I promise you’ll like it! Read Full Review
Overall, this is a great book with a great start. It's great to see Snyder back writing Batman again and Two-Face's new take is awesome. The visual itself is out standing, and this is really a series worth waiting. Too bad it's not twice monthly though. Read Full Review
All-Star Batman#1 is a beautiful marriage of yet another unique take on a classic villain from Scott Snyder with a suspenseful premise (Batman on the run with no technology) and powerful art from John Romita Jr. Right now, it is DC's flagship Bat-book. Read Full Review
There's plenty of room for multiple Batman story-lines in the lives of devotees, so if you find yourself already invested in Tom King's mainline or the continuing Detective Comics, don't set Snyder's new run aside. It might prove to be the best of them all. Read Full Review
Heavy on action, moderate on exposition".Snyder comes right out of the gate with a promising opening to what looks to be a solid series. Read Full Review
I like how different this feels to the main Batman run. I am a huge fan of Snyder's past work on Batman so I have high hopes for this. It looses a point for some of the art and the uncertainty over Batman and Duke, but those are issues I'm sure many will disagree on. If you like them this would be a 9.5, though in my opinion it drops to: Read Full Review
It just doesn't feel right not having Scott Snyder writing Batman. This series fills the void that's existed since the end of Batman Vol. 2, but more importantly, it shows that Snyder still has plenty of tricks up his sleeve when it comes to the character. Plus, this issue is worth reading solely for the gorgeous visuals provided by John Romita, Jr., Declan Shalvey and the rest of the art team. It's just a shame this is the one Batman comic that isn't twice-monthly. Read Full Review
There are some writers who seem to have been born to sing the epics of alternate worlds. Frank Miller was one such, hisDark Knight Returns establishing him as the Homer of the Elseworlds saga in the DC cosmos. Alan Moore probably should have been another, and indeed intended to be, except thatThe Killing Joke turned into an exercise in canonical controversy. Scott Snyder should have been a third, for all his success at writing two different in-continuity Batmen in two different books. His instincts have always tended toward separate creation, toward worlds that exist within their own sealed boundaries. Read Full Review
A well good book. If you dont get it in singles, then I highly recommend checking it in trade. Read Full Review
To its credit All-Star Batman has nothing in common with its predecessor other than the name. Snyder and Romita Jr are off to a fast start with a great combination of story and art. I can strongly recommend this issue. Read Full Review
ALL-STAR BATMAN is a less obnoxious Batman as was the character in the the similary titled ALL-STAR BATMAN AND ROBIN, so if you're expecting more of the G.D. Batman, that's not what this series is about. Read Full Review
While the start of All-Star Batman may confuse some with the way the flashbacks are handled, its overall a great book with a lot of excitement and good characterization of Two-Face. The philosophical battle between Batman and Two-Face is one of the issue's best aspects and should be a standout piece of the story once its concluded. Snyder injects some new energy into Batman and the fact that this is something different is exciting, but his writing combined with the art from Romita Jr., Miki and White makes All-Star Batman a series to watch out for in the next few months. Read Full Review
I've always been a casual Batman fan, never reading his comics on the monthly basis. Gaining most of my knowledge of the iconic character through trades of classic stories and from talking to fans that read his comics regularly. All-Star Batman, aside of the stigma of being closely named to the Frank Miller failure, is off to a strong start that allows readers with a basic knowledge of the Dark Knight to jump on board. There are some missteps in Snyder's script but the premise is intriguing, there are some engaging character moments, and displays some solid themes to analyze. Not counting the misstep of Two-Face's design, Romita Jr.'s and White's visuals are nearly flawless. All that accumulates to a new series that I'd recommend checking out. Read Full Review
Recommendation:Buy… all of you. If you are looking for a new comic series to jump into, but don't know where to start, start here. It's a great option for new readers. If you didn't like Snyder's past work, this is so much different, that you'll most likely love it. If you did enjoy Snyder's past work, I think you'll still love this… It's a Batman/Two-Face Mad Max style road-trip with lower tier villains… HOW COULD YOU NOT LIKE THIS?! Read Full Review
Definitely a strong start to a new series. There's a lot packed in this issue, but it all fits together to tell a compelling story. I can't wait to see where Batman and Two-Face's journey takes us. Read Full Review
Complemented by the slick, action-centric artwork of the legendary John Romita Jr. and Danny Miki, there's a distinct feeling this Batman run might become another iconic one. It has the look, the action and the story to match, so it can only get bigger and better with each passing issue. Welcome back, Scott. Please don't ever go away. Read Full Review
All-Star Batman #1 is a fun and exciting opening chapter that also pushes some structural envelopes, feeling like classic Batman even as it tries to take the Dark Knight out of his comfort zone and pits him against one of his greatest foes with unexpected enemies on all sides. Read Full Review
Even with a few minor hiccups, All-Star Batman #1 is one of the few comics that feels like it's worth the $4.99 cover price. It's not perfect, but it is entertaining. Read Full Review
If you're like me, you've really been missing Two-Face in the many titles featuring Batman, but because this is a re-imagined version of the character, you won't find continuity continuing where we left off with Harvey Dent shooting himself in the head...... which may be a good thing because it's hard to come back from that, but I'm a fan of continuity. Anyway, with that we have our Two-Face story and a backup featuring Duke, which while it looks great, left me confused as hell. This is a weird book that I hope rounds itself out as the series progresses. Read Full Review
If you're like me, you've really been missing Two-Face in the many titles featuring Batman, but because this is a re-imagined version of the character, you won't find continuity continuing where we left off with Harvey Dent shooting himself in the head...... which may be a good thing because it's hard to come back from that, but I'm a fan of continuity. Anyway, with that we have our Two-Face story and a backup featuring Duke, which while it looks great, left me confused as hell. This is a weird book that I hope rounds itself out as the series progresses. Read Full Review
It's an interesting story idea, but I think Snyder poked himself in the foot a little by jumping around too much with the flashbacks. I got a little lost and wasn't sure what was going on at first. Read Full Review
Being among the best is one thing; being the one that stands out from the best of the best, makes you legendary. Batman is a legendary character. No one on this Earth could ever dispute that. Period and the end. Now, the only unanswered questions that are left in regards to this latest DC Rebirth title is this: Will the collaborative efforts of the creative team be enough to make the All Star Batman title, a legendary one? Will it be a book that comic fans will gravitate to and talk about until their last breath is drawn? The answer is simply this " that depends on the creative team, but most importantly, that's totally up to you on whether or not you decide to support this book after reading the story! Read Full Review
A missed opportunity that's still enjoyable in spite of its glaring flaws. The main story has some genuinely good moments and potential to be a bombastic, incredibly fun ride, and any opportunity to explore Bruce and Harvey's relationship is welcome. For all its promise, it's still plagued with some weak pencils and more-of-the-same writing, so hopefully it can recover. Conversely, the backup looks great but just doesn't carry any weight, falling back on tired ideas and over-explanation. I'm still intrigued, but apprehensively. Read Full Review
Nor am I left, at the end, hoping this will pick up with later issues. As I said at the start, I didnt really care for Snyders run on Batman, and this feels like it will be more of the same. Read Full Review
One issue in it's unclear whether, like Frank Miller's All-Star Batman volume, the series is supposed to exist in its own continuity or not. One thing is clear, seams are the new pouches in terms of overused comic cliches. Seriously DC, I don't need to see every damn seam highlighted in every super-hero's costume. Pass. Read Full Review
I'm still reading pre-RebirthBatman trades, even Snyder/Capullo stuff, in my free time these days. “Court of Owls”, “RIP”, “Dark Victory”, that sort of thing. I'm not so jaded I can't enjoy a superhero book, I could use some Batman in my life right now, but as a critic for this website I can read all of the Bat-titles for free and I don't even feel the quiver of curiosity after Issue 2 for all of them. I'll go back to playing the Telltale Batmanor maybe do a second play-through of Arkham Originsif I need a fix. I can stop looking for meaning in this clunky saw-toothed Batarang of a book and just admit to myself that despite the stylization and attempt to reinvent the wheel, the result is clumsy, ugly, and doesn't stand up to what came before. Read Full Review
Scott Snyder's My own Worst Enemy is in my opinion his best work with the story and main characters that are just plain civilians trying to get a huge payday from Two-face. I really think that it is my favorite Scott Snyder series. I have read the first issue and I love it I can't wait to read the next editions. Bringing in villains like FireFly and Moth who are not the most popular characters in the DC Universe unlike Two face gives Snyder a lot of opportunities to bring in any villain that he sees fit, Batman has a number of enemies that have a chance to have an appearance in the series I personally want to see Deadshot because I am interested about how Batman would take him out, early in the comic Two-Face makes a reference about "the Clmore
Another slam dunk by Snyder. Plus JRJRs best art in years reminds me of his prime years in Marvel
Amazing start to a Batman story that leaves many questions to be explored and answered. The combination of Synder's unique take on Batman and Romita's visually pleasing versions of beloved rogues creates a fantastic atmosphere and feeling to the comic. I would very much recommend this to any batman fan.
Gave a Batman comic a shot and enjoyed it.
Very new take on Batman, makes me think of something Tarantino-ish and i totally dug it!
Now, i am not the biggest fan of J.R jr's art a lot of the time but i did think it was good enough this time, there were one or two awkward sketches but over all did not feel rushed or "please
stab me in the eyes" worthy like a lot of his stuff can look. Also i thought the color was
perfect with his art and really gave it that dirty west grind house tone to it. Story has me
and i can't wait for the next one. (which is already out but i just made this acc) Go Buy!
Snyder is the preeminent Batman writer, in my opinion (although King is proving to be taking that mantle.) This book, which I believe Snyder sees as his own "Long Halloween" from his interviews, is shaping up to be just that. What I really think sets this series apart, though, is the location. The lively art of Romita Jr. and the coloring is phenomenal. Batman is usually set in an ominous Gotham, mostly at night, with daytime scenes overcast by metaphorical shadows. Seeing batman in the light, in the country, is new and exciting. Really looking forward to where this series goes.
EXCELLENT DEBUT ISSUE!!!!! Finally a Batman book that I like!!!
'My Own Worst Enemy' marks Snyder's return to Batman post-rebirth with a strong starting point to a very different ongoing series. The artwork and colours are beautifully done and the plot is a fairly interesting one, although a bit simplistic as it currently stands. It's fun also to see Batman outside of central Gotham; it really is a new birth for him, as we get to see his relationship with Two-face as we've never seen it before. I can't say I'm as gripped for this one as I am for some stories - the 'road-trip' idea is not entirely to my tastes after all - but I'll certainly get the ongoing arc. Actually for me, the shorter second story (only eight pages) was the better of the two; an interesting mystery, lots of questions and intrigue; nmore
There are two things that have to been said about this new series:
Number One:
Its unsurprisingly a good comic book. Snyder, romita Jr., Batman, Batmans Foes...
Number Two:
Its surprisingly not one of the best starts of the great, great, great rebirth restart.
You see...no picking up of the maincontinuity, some weird reimaginings, setting and cameos that
do their part for the intersting stuff, but dont quite match with the batman i am used to.
But Ill read it anyway. Its still a great book.
Didn't know if I'd get this or not, but the Jock cover looked great so I dived in. Really like the art, pretty good on the story. Like that Batman seems to have a sense of fun about him and his verbal sparring with Two Face was the high point. I'm in for another few issues at least.
I absolutely loved Snyder's run on Batman from the Black Mirror arc but this issue was a bit unsettling for me. The plot is quite weak and the past/present storytelling is more confusing than enjoyable. Moreover, I never liked Romita Jr.'s style but, here, White's colors save the day. Shalvey's and Bellaire's work in the back-up is the best part of the issue. I'd love them to be the main artistic team of a bat-book. I'll read this series in trades and I hope the next story arcs will be more inspired.
All Star Batman is a large issue with 2 stories. Both of them are solid but not excellent. The dialogue between Batman and Harvey Dent was probably the stand out of the book as a whole. Scott Snyder knows Batman and I was expecting a little more from his first issue considering he maybe has a little more control over the character this time.
Batman with a chainsaw is cool, I like the fact that we really can't trust anyone, but this isn't hitting the same tone that I loved in Snyder's previous run. I'm going to stick around in anticipation of some twists and turns either way.
Disappointed in this one. It was okay, but sure wasn't worthy of the All-Star designation.
It starts very weird at first and incoherent. The beginning has so many flashbacks thrown at you out of nowhere and it is just so messy. It's really hard to keep track of when you go back 2 weeks ago, then 2 hours ago, then weeks, then now, then hours, then now. You get the point. The second half became way better with the twist at the end I'm sure will be answered. Snyder usually writes better put together stories and Romita Jr.'s art has gone down in quality a lot. Agree with some of the criticism, but still some redeemable elements. Annoying how Snyder said this will be $2.99 and ended up being $4.99.
Heavily fragmented story that moves at a clunky pace, and doesn't really hook the reader in until the end. JRJR's art is a poor fit here.
I was loving this issue until the Alfred reveal... was Snyder touched improperly by a butler when he was a kid?
Main story: 6/10. Backup Story: 5/10
Why did people like this? It was just so all over the place ffs, couldn't enjoy a single page.
aye yai yai!!! . . . . . typical Snyder Cider drivel!!! he must really HATE Alfred Pennyworth??? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . thankfully once this run is over Snyder will leave Batman for good so he can move over and ruin another character! . . . . . . . . . . . . many people don't like John Romita Jr's art, but i for one really enjoy it. i will say thou that his art that he did for this issue does look like a step backward from the art he had done for the Kick-Ass and Hit Girl series. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anyway, once Romita is done then i'll thankfully not have to drink down another bitter cup of nasty (and overpriced) Snyder Cider ! ! ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Snyder, please stopmore
I really didn't enjoy this book. I've long since had my fill of Snyder's writing style in which every story has someone monologuing about what they symbolise or what Gotham symbolises. This trope continues here with Two Face waxing lyrical about being a dark mirror or some such.
Try something different once in a while is all I'm saying.
A note on Romita Jr's art: the time he doesn't spend making people look like people actually look does seem to be spent wisely elsewhere, I.e backgrounds and props. It's this book's only saving grace.
All over the place. A chore to read.