Elvisprieti's Profile

Joined: Feb 22, 2018

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Batman: Creature of the Night #2

By: Kurt Busiek, John Paul Leon
Released: Dec 27, 2017

In a world where Batman is only a comic book character, young Bruce Wainwright is starting to feel a surprising strength and power grow inside him...and after years of mourning the loss of his parents, that power feels good--intoxicating, even! The question is, to what use will he put it?

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Batman: Creature of the Night #1

By: Kurt Busiek, John Paul Leon
Released: Nov 29, 2017

Young Bruce Wainwright lost his parents in a violent crime...and in the real world, no superheroes exist to save the day. But as grief and rage builds inside Bruce until he feels he can't keep it inside anymore, something strange starts taking wing in the Gotham night! Perhaps Bruce's grief isn't inside him after all? Modern masters Kurt Busiek and...

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Elvisprieti is now following SleepyPeach Feb 22, 2018


Reviews: 13

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Elvisprieti rated Eternity #4 Feb 22, 2018

Eternity #4

By: Matt Kindt, Trevor Hairsine
Released: Jan 31, 2018

A cosmos in chaos! At the farthest edge of human understanding, Abram Adams - the lost cosmonaut called Divinity - and his comrade, Myshka, have discovered the purpose of their existence in this universe... and in the next one beyond our own. Now, as a seemingly infinite pantheon of mythic gods and cosmic beings rises to meet them head on, they'll ...

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Elvisprieti rated Eternity #3 Feb 22, 2018

Eternity #3

By: Matt Kindt, Trevor Hairsine
Released: Dec 27, 2017

To the ends of eternity!
In a realm beyond the limits of human perception, a group of impossibly powerful beings have laid claim to a human child... Now, to save their son, Abram Adams - the god-like being known as Divinity - and his comrade turned lover, Myshka, must finally reconcile their humanity with the unreal abilities conferred upon the...

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Elvisprieti rated Eternity #2 Feb 22, 2018

Eternity #2

By: Matt Kindt, Trevor Hairsine
Released: Nov 29, 2017

Divine intervention!
Beyond the barriers of our reality... Outside the boundaries of human understanding... A universe of immensely powerful beings and advanced civilizations has evolved parallel to our own... But what links this strange plane of existence to ours, and what do its majestic inhabitants want with the child of Abram Adams - the de...

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Elvisprieti rated Eternity #1 Feb 22, 2018

Eternity #1

By: Matt Kindt, Trevor Hairsine
Released: Oct 25, 2017

A VISIONARY NEW SERIES! From the minds of New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt (X-O MANOWAR, Mind MGMT) and blockbuster artist Trevor Hairsine (DIVINITY, X-Men: Deadly Genesis) comes an expedition into the Unknown. Beyond time... Beyond space... Beyond reality itself... ETERNITY awaits!

This October, Valiant unveils a new plane of...

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Elvisprieti rated Batman Annual #2 Feb 22, 2018

Batman Annual #2

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Nov 29, 2017

Travel back in time with us to see the early days of the Bat and the Cat. What was Bruce and Selina's first date? How did this rivalry blossom into romance, and then go right back to being a rivalry again? Tom King reteams with his BATMAN/ELMER FUDD collaborator Lee Weeks to show us a little young love with capes and cowls. And a little crimefighti...

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Elvisprieti rated All-Star Batman #3 Feb 22, 2018

All-Star Batman #3

By: Scott Snyder, John Romita Jr.
Released: Oct 12, 2016

"MY OWN WORST ENEMY" part three! Now on the run from both bounty hunters and cops, Batman and Duke must find a safe place to hide out with Two-Face before they can continue their journey to the cure. Batman might soon realize his worst nightmare: that Two-Face is right...and nowhere is safe.

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Elvisprieti rated All-Star Batman #2 Feb 22, 2018

All-Star Batman #2

By: Scott Snyder, John Romita Jr.
Released: Sep 14, 2016

"My Own Worst Enemy" part 2! All aboard the train ride from hell! Batman and Two-Face continue their journey to Harvey Dent's cure through an assassin-infested landscape. But can the Dark Knight continue his crusade across the countryside when Two Face turns one of his greatest allies against him?

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Elvisprieti rated All-Star Batman #1 Feb 22, 2018

All-Star Batman #1

By: Scott Snyder, John Romita Jr.
Released: Aug 10, 2016

"My Own Worst Enemy" part one! Superstar writer Scott Snyder explodes into an all-new Batman series alongside legendary artist John Romita Jr., reimagining some of the Dark Knight's greatest villains. First up: Two-Face! Batman must take Two-Face to a destination out of Gotham City, but the duplicitous villain has a two of spades up his sleeve. Eve...

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