Bitch Planet #3

Writer: Kelly Sue DeConnick Artist: Robert Wilson IV Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: February 18, 2015 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 25 User Reviews: 16
8.5Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

“Too Big to Fail” reveals the specific events leading to zaftig Penny Rolle’s incarceration. ROBERT WILSON IV (Knuckleheads) joins KELLY SUE DeCONNICK (PRETTY DEADLY, Captain Marvel) on art duties for this flashback issue.

  • 10
    Capeless Crusader - Katy Rex Feb 18, 2015

    Bitch Planet might not be your cup of tea, but it is radical and it is important. You should be picking it up. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - Kelly Richards Feb 17, 2015

    For many women, the subjects raised with in this issue are neither something of the past nor are they the nightmarish visions of a future that keep them up at night. They are their reality. They are my reality. DeConnick has blurred the lines between what is fact and what is fiction via the way of exploitation movies and packaged it between 32 beautifully illustrated pages. Closing with an essay from Megan Carpentier, U.S. opinion editor of the Guardian, and a back page there is as gut wrenching as it in tongue-in-cheek - half stomach-churning stats on domestic violence, half ways to spend your hard-earned money. Aggressively, unapologetically feminist in both tone and content, and unsettling in a way that will leave you on edge, Kelly Sue DeConnick is undoubtedly doing some of her best work to date with Bitch Planet. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Feb 24, 2015

    As I stated earlier, this might not sound like the most fulfilling comic book experience, but the synergy of the creative team makes it so with an important message cleverly intertwined into a plot that makes it impossible not to jeer the bad guys and cheer the good women with resilient conviction. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Booked - Magen Cubed Feb 22, 2015

    As the cover suggests, Penny Rolle is indeed a bold, beautiful and bad woman, but shes also a layered and complex one. Her tragic story is shared by many, but her determination and resolve is what takes precedence here. Certainly the strongest of the series so far, Bitch Planet #3 is a well-executed issue marked by excellent scripting and visual storytelling. If youre not reading this series by now you need to start, and this issue is the reason why. Read Full Review

  • 10
    AIPT - Alyssa Jackson Feb 18, 2015

    Next week, we get back to the main story but I loved this detour. Penny Rolle managed to become a major fan favorite from issue one, so getting her story right away was immensely satisfying. Read Full Review

  • 10
    We The Nerdy - Kierra Prince Feb 19, 2015

    Robert Wilson IV joins this issue as a guest artist and I barely noticed. Wilson's art is pretty close to the regular art of the series which means that it won't be too jarring between issues, which I personally find to be a good thing. Wilson does draw his stuff with a little more of a pop art influence and smoother lines and I actually found myself preferring it this way. The pop art influences seem to enhance some of the messages of the story, especially when its beauty ideals being discussed by a smiling figurehead acting like it's all for some sort of greater good. I hope Wilson comes back in some form (perhaps for other character issues) because his art was a perfect fit forBitch Planet. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicosity - Michael Hale Feb 18, 2015

    Bitch Planet #3 could serve as a powerful comic just on its own, with Pennys imprisonment and evaluation serving as a perfectly powerful piece to highlight female social issues, but the fact this only adds to the Bitch Planet mythos? That is truly Bitchn! Read Full Review

  • 10
    BGCP - Jonny Stone Feb 18, 2015

    Funny, tragic and beautifully illustrated, Bitch Planet continues to be the best comic published today Read Full Review

  • 10
    Geekality - Julius Freeman Feb 20, 2015

    Underneath the comic tropes (action, comedy, and fun reading), Bitch Planet #3 is about self empowerment, self awareness and love of self no matter how one may look, feel, or think. If that isn't enough to quench your intellect, or shake the foundations of your complacency, take a gander at the essays in the back of the issues, they will definitely challenge any comic book reader, male or female, black or white. The team behind the book should be given a round of applause for being such courageous artists in a politically correct world. Read Full Review

  • 10
    All-Comic - Matthew Tupper Feb 19, 2015

    This was a great, one-shot type break forBitch Planet. Issue #3 provides some substance to the women-in-prison exploitation theme presented in the first two issues while also teaching a positive body image lesson through Penny's experiences. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    Word Of The Nerd - Travis Anderson Feb 23, 2015

    Penny Rolle is a badass and she will not stop being a badass. I'm glad Kelly is showing us the origins of these ladies and I can't wait to see what brought the other women to Bitch Planet. That being said, I have no doubt each one is going to break my heart a little bit more. Until then, I eagerly await the next issue to see what Megaton is all about. Hopefully, it has a lot more of Penny kicking some much deserved, sexist ass. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Peter Schmeiser Feb 18, 2015

    Additional to a strong female voice that actual passes a Bechtel test, Bitch Planet is interesting, stylized, and is a damn good read. Put this in your pull. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Coming Up Comics - David Melton Feb 17, 2015

    Bitch Planet continues to be a superb comic with a strong message. Feel different? Feel like taking a stand? Feel like standing up and saying, “Hey, world. This is me. If you don't like it, screw you!” ? Then you've come to the right place because all of us are like that, and we're all here. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    ComicBuzz - Aj Davidson Mar 12, 2015

    We also see that Pennys childhood is marked by the persecution of her mother and grandmother and how she is put into the states care based on her lack of paternal oversight. We see authority consistently trying to wear her down and break her, and how she reacts to this you should really see for yourself. Seeing Penny judged by several screens of leering men in order to break her self esteem is one of the most harrowing images so far in the series and that is saying something. Whats more, her captors are idiots, to a cartoonish degree I must say. DeConnick is really pulling no punches to how she feels about this society and what its leaders stand for. I hope that she gets a chance to further flesh out the other residents of BP in a similar fashion because this is a great follow-up to the introductory issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    IGN - Jeff Lake Feb 19, 2015

    Seeing as we'd only just begun to tap into the main narrative, it feels a bit early for Bitch Planet to be focusing on character specific offshoots, especially on one so often seen but rarely heard. That said, issue #3 serves to further flesh out DeConnick's increasingly dreary world, in turn adding depth to the previously one note Rolle. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - alexkrefetz Feb 20, 2015

    At three issues in, it may have been too risky for many series to have a side story. Bitch Planet #3 manages to pull it off well enough, though not to the caliber of the first two issues. That aside, the story of Penny Rolle is one that everyone should take the time to read. This issue is a great jumping on point for those who want to know the general thesis of this book " things are bad for women, and strong women will be the ones to make change. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Infinite Comix - louis whiteford Feb 21, 2015

    Bitch Planet is a comic that entirely succeeds at telling a story in 22 page chunks one month at a time. For the third issue, writer Kelly Sue DeConnick temporarily ditches the ongoing narrative and gives us a flashback to the early days of Bitch Planet's most resilient inmate, Penny Rolle. Robert Wilson IV fills in for regular artist Valentine DeLandro and colorist Cris Peter uses dot patterns to designate the flashbacks as flashbacks. This is going to be a regular thing as the series progresses, two issues of story followed by one issue of backstory. So far, it's working great, even if those dot patterns are the comics equivalent of playing harps to indicate that a character is remembering something. These storytelling tactics are also great marketing tactics, and they're helping to ensure Bitch Planet's place as one of the most heavily branded comics out there. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Martin Doyle Feb 17, 2015

    Much like its protagonist, Bitch Planet #3 is bold, brash, and unashamed, and definitely worthy of your attention. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    Multiversity Comics - Jess Camacho Feb 19, 2015

    "Bitch Planet" #3 is not a perfect comic book, but it is powerful and does boast strong artwork. It's also a pretty decent place to jump in. This series has become polarizing but is worth your attention. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Feb 21, 2015

    DeConnick does a great job guiding Penny through her childhood and into her eventual anger. You really get into her head, you really come to understand what's pushing her and driving her. I guess I just expected more ass-kicking than head games. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Forrest Hollingsworth Feb 18, 2015

    This is a good standalone story that, after seeing Penny in the context of Kogo’s “main” story, I would’ve liked much more. It’s really too early to be doing things like this no matter how inspired and good it is because, again, it still is very good. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Pablo Arriaga Feb 18, 2015

    Overall, this is a very solid First "Special Third," but may have been too detached from the main story to be a great issue #3. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Feb 21, 2015

    Bitch Planet is an ambitious book. I know this because of the back matter and not necessarily from what I read and see in the comic. I'm expecting some more character development and world building to help put this book's puzzle together. This issue is an okay read for those that have read the first two issues. New readers probably won't see anything in here that they haven't seen before. Give it a look regardless. Read Full Review

  • 5.9
    Entertainment Fuse - Jim Bush Feb 28, 2015

    Although Bitch Planet has started off strong with its first two issues, the third slows things down. With all of the story momentum from the previous issue, it was disappointing to have none of those plot threads advanced and instead get an entire issue dealing with past Penny, who is frankly not as interesting as present Penny. Something about this issue feels like a fill-in and while that might be the case, it comes at somewhat awkward timing for the series. Id rather wait longer and have a third issue that follows the story after the second. In any case, it appears that #4 will bring us back to the story, which should be a welcome return. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Steven E. Paugh Feb 18, 2015

    This issue does a similar thing, eschewing craft and relying on a cheap, feel-good ending to make the kids "pop," but without providing anything of substance. It feels easy, undercooked and unfulfilling, especially when measured against its supposed purpose. If you legitimately enjoy Bitch Planet and honestly get something from it as a reader, right on and more power to you! But I, for one, think we deserve better from something many would call a comic book feminist anthem. Read Full Review

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